The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 428 Get rich overnight

"You mean there is a box under the pool?" Lu Li looked at the tumbling water with a surprised look on his face.

"I just went down once. This pool seems to be living water. The current below is very fast. There is a locked box at the bottom of the pool. I think it should be a treasure." The water elf told the story of his investigation.

"Where is the key?" Treasures and treasure chests are different. They both have keys. Otherwise, non-thief players would have a lot of fun.

"I didn't find it, I looked everywhere," the water elf shook his head.

Maybe I didn't find the right place, or something else happened, but the key is now a problem.

"That's really troublesome. We don't have much time. They will be chasing us soon." Lu Li raised his head and looked at the cliff. It was too dark to see clearly.

However, the players are not stupid. Feitian and the others can't do it, but it is still no problem to get off the cliff. They can learn to use ropes from the water elves.

"I just used the lockpicking skill, and the system prompted me that my skill level was insufficient. It did not prompt me that the lockpicking skill was unavailable, so I thought... By the way, what level is your lockpicking skill?" Water Elf asked.

"Level 3," Lu Li didn't even need to ask. All the rich woman's skill points would definitely be used for output skills.

"Wow, that's great. Come on down and have a look." The water elf was overjoyed. He was just about to plunge into the water, but he quickly realized what he was doing and pointed at the pool and said, "You go down first?"

"Why do you have to get me down first?" Lu Li was puzzled, but he still went into the water obediently.

The two of them went into the water one after another, and each took a bottle of underwater breathing potion. Lu Li looked at the underwater world full of whirlpools, and finally understood why the water elf was unwilling to walk in front.

In fact, it's the same at the back, the clothes are pulled by the water, more or less...

Fortunately, Lu Li was not that kind of dirty person, and he would not look at any wrongdoing. After transforming into a seal, he sped up his swimming speed and shot towards the bottom of the water like an arrow that had escaped from its string.

This time, the water elf's clothes were not only messy, but his already battered self-confidence was even worse. It turned out that he had underestimated Lu Li. He could not only fly, but also transform into a leopard and a seal.

Sea, land and air are complete.

Lu Li had no time to pay attention to the water elves behind him. Someone inside the guild told him that someone was already trying to find a way to get off the cliff.

There is indeed a big box at the bottom of the water, much larger than an ordinary treasure box.

Unfolding the parchment, the contents on it have changed.

Captain Sandel's Treasure Map No. 3: If there is a box in front of you and you find the key under the big stone by the pool, then congratulations, your treasure hunting journey will have a surprising ending. But don’t have too much hope. People always have to struggle on their own to make sense. I have traveled to many places and seen many things, but unfortunately I have no savings. However, as a captain, how can I not have treasures?

The parchment scroll slowly turned into ashes in Lu Li's hand and drifted away with the current.

The big stone by the pool?

Lu Li thought about it for a moment, wondering if he was talking about the moss-covered thing. It turned out to be a movable stone.

It's a pity that there is no chance to go back and get it now.

He could only rely on the water elf's guess, hoping that this big box could be dealt with using lock-picking skills.

He tried to use the lock-picking skill on the rusty lock. The system slowly displayed a skill bar, and Lu Li was completely relieved.

It's a good thing to be able to read the message, no matter how slow it is.

"Lu Li, someone went into the water, what should I do?" A text message was sent from the water elf.

"Are there many people?" Lu Li's voice remained calm.

"There's just one seal like you, probably here to explore the way," the water elf reported anxiously as he dived.

In fact, for a wealthy person, no matter how valuable the treasure is, she cannot afford to lose it. But now that she has gone this far, the significance of the treasure is not just the value of the gold coins.

To use a very fashionable saying at the moment, this is the feeling of playing games.

"Kill him when he is almost under the water, and then you go back to the city." Lu Li pondered for a moment and quickly gave out a strategy. The reason why he waited until he was almost under the water before taking action was to delay the people above from entering the water. Time, studying back to the city also takes time.

"What about the treasure?" At this time, he was actually worried about the treasure.

"Get it right away. I'll divide the things after I get out." Lu Li watched the note end and pulled off the chain on the big box with force.

After opening it, there was another golden coin. Fortunately, these gold coins can be picked up. If he were to pick them up one by one, he would definitely die of depression on the spot.

System: You picked up 1256 gold coins.

Damn it, more than 100,000 real coins. Lu Li no longer felt that he would be disappointed when he saw gold coins. He deeply reflected on his superficiality.

System: You picked up Executive Order No. 257.

Lu Li was stunned for a moment after the administrative order, and it took him a while to realize. Isn't this the guild upgrade order? The items with seven as the tail are props used to upgrade the guild.

Executive Order No. 257 can turn a level 1 guild into a level 26 guild immediately.

At this time, the highest guild levels are Glory City and Jiangnan Nobles. They are all level 28. Blood Flag and Wushuang City follow behind, both are level 27. There are several other level 26 guilds, including Weiyu Pavilion. one of them.

How much is this token worth?

There is really no way to estimate. To raise an ordinary guild to level 26, it would cost millions of dollars to do it step by step. It would be even more exaggerated if we speed up the process.

System: You picked up "Blinding", "War Revival", and "Hell Horse".

There were three skill books at once. Lu Li felt his head was a little dizzy. Is the treasure really so powerful? Could he be dreaming?

He had never obtained even the lowest treasure in his previous life, and the few times he followed the treasure map were just for fun. He had always heard that he could become rich overnight, but only when he saw it with his own eyes did he know it was true.

System: You picked up Captain Sandel's belt, Captain Sandel's shirt, and Captain Sandel's return ring.

Lu Li threw the three pieces of golden equipment into his backpack without having time to check the specific attributes.

System: You picked up the advanced healing potion formula.

This time it was one, but Lu Li was still shocked. He checked to confirm that the box was empty, and immediately read out the skill to return to the city.

Madan, although he said that this trip was worth it even if he died, he had so many good things on him, and if any of them were exposed, it would cause him physical pain.

Several players who swam to the bottom of the tan watched Lu Li disappear in the white light of returning to the city. The water elf not only bought time for himself to return to the city, but also bought a glimmer of life for Lu Li.

The system refreshes the coordinates too fast, leaving people in a constant state of running for their lives.

Fortunately, the system no longer refreshed his location after the treasure disappeared, otherwise he would have been annoyed to death by a steady stream of people coming to grab the treasure.

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