The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 430 The wit of root number three

After the division of the spoils was completed, the couple, who had been working together for two days, parted ways.

Despite the distressed expression on Lu Li's face, in fact, the Executive Order No. 257 gave him a huge advantage. This thing was worth half a treasure, not to mention that Lu Li also received other things.

Captain Sandel's Belt (Gold): Armor 32, Agility +16, Strength +8, Special Effect 1: Critical Hit +10%, Special Effect 2: Dodge +15%, Special Effect 3: When hitting, there is a certain probability of silencing the target. , unable to cast any skills within 3 seconds, equipment requirement level 30, durability 64/64.

Better thieves' belts usually have dodge attributes. Although this attribute is not often displayed, it is indeed a good thing.

For example, the opponent's attack range is 100-200. If your dodge is high, the damage received will be biased towards 100, which means that the probability of being damaged by the maximum attack is reduced.

As for completely evading the opponent's attack, this depends on the operation rather than the data in the virtual game.

When hit, there is a certain probability that the target will be silenced and unable to use any skills for 3 seconds. This special effect is even more powerful. The Predator glove that the water elf once lent to Lu Li had the same special effect. No wonder she didn't choose this one. equipment.

Lu Li's Legionnaire Ring also has similar special effects, but the probability is too low. The equipment has been triggered only a handful of times so far. After all, it is only level 25 silver.

Captain Sandel’s return ring is the berserker ring. There must be only a few girls in Weiyu Pavilion who play berserkers, and Moonlight of the Sword of Judgment is one of the top berserkers in the game, so this piece of equipment is also retained. Gave it to Lu Li.

Alas, I’ve spent the whole day getting equipment for Moonlight. Last time it was the Legion Battle Axe, and this time it’s Captain Sandel’s Ring of Return.

Back in Astrana, Lu Li even felt that this city was a little strange.

The only thing that remained unchanged was the crowd. The place where Lu Li saw Root No. 3 was in a tavern. When he entered the private room, the manager of the Sword of Judgment was sipping a drink with his legs crossed.

"I'm surprised I didn't get hit by anyone," Genhao joked, clasping his fists.

"Third brother is so free," Lu Li said unbalancedly. He grabbed the wine glass, drank all the wine in it, and sat on the chair opposite.

"Oh, it's time to take some time off from the busy schedule," Root No. 3 said, feeling a little tipsy.

What he said was true. The guild was still in its infancy stage, and he had to personally take care of everything big and small.

That is to say, in the past few days, several good friends from the past came to join him, including many of the former management of the Star and Moon Guild. Root No. 3 breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have something here that can save you a lot of effort," Lu Li threw Executive Order No. 257 over.

"Is there anything that can save me time? Is my job just a prop... Let me go, this is the guild upgrade order?" Root Number Three was once the actual manager of the Star and Moon Guild, so naturally he is no stranger to this. .

"As long as you hand this in, you can immediately become a level 26 guild, and the scale of a large guild will suddenly be achieved," Lu Li was quite proud.

He is indeed not good at managing guild affairs, but he is not without any means.

Root number three rubbed the thing called the guild upgrade order in his hand with a rather complicated expression. It was just a small sign, but it could actually make the efforts of thousands of people in the past two months complete in one go.

"This is what I found on the treasure map. It's really..." Root Number Three really couldn't find words to describe it.

"There are some other things that were taken away by the water elves," Lu Li still felt resentful thinking about it now, especially when the gold coins were divided at the end, the wealthy woman's crooked smile was depressing.

"You two... forget it, don't ask," Root No. 3 lost interest and threw the guild upgrade order back on the table.

"What does this mean?" Lu Li wondered, why did this guy Root No. 3, who was as excited as Erha just now, suddenly seem lifeless.

"We don't need this thing," Root Hao San looked at the small sign on the table with eyes full of reluctance, but was quickly replaced firmly.

"Why, save yourself the effort. From level 15 to level 26, you will be among the big guilds. There won't be many who are better than us by then." Lu Li couldn't understand. Such obvious benefits are not worth mentioning at all. No. 3 actually doesn't want to use it. He must be crazy.

"It does more harm than good," Root No. 3 still shook his head.

"It does more harm than good. I really want to hear it," Lu Li refused.

Root No. 3 took a sip of the fragrant fruit wine and asked thoughtfully: "Do you know how we reached level 15?"

The Sword of Judgment started too late, and it is only a dozen levels up to now. This speed is actually fast enough, but compared with the top 100 major guilds, it is not even a little bit behind.

"Do tasks, donate materials, etc." Lu Li had never participated in guild upgrades, so he really couldn't tell.

"It's the people in the guild who came out to do the tasks one by one, mining, collecting herbs, skinning, fishing... They made every material by themselves. I didn't spend a penny to buy the materials. Why do you think this is? " Root Number Three patiently explained.

"Let's be poor, money should be spent wisely," Lu Li said.

"No, it's true that we are poor, but we are not so poor that we can't afford those materials," Root No. 3 stretched out a finger and shook it, saying, "A sense of belonging."

Lu Li thought for a moment and seemed to understand something.

"This guild was built up little by little by everyone, and most of the people contributed. Many people sacrificed their time for leveling, chasing girls, and spending time with their girlfriends, just to dig out more materials for the guild. They are much more enthusiastic about upgrading than you and I," Root Hao San showed an unabashed smile on his face.

"So, you choose not to use this upgrade," Lu Li took back the guild upgrade order. After listening to Root No. 3's words, he didn't feel how precious this thing was anymore.

"The average level of the members of our guild is slightly lower than that of those big guilds," Root Hao San continued to explain: "Once the guild reaches level 26, upgrading requires more advanced materials, but many people in our guild do not have enough life skill levels, and Those players who work hard to complete tasks in order to upgrade their guild will not be able to complete the tasks. Their level is too low, and the development of the guild will completely stop..."

"It's really not good to have worked so hard for so long and be completely rejected by a prop," Lu Li was convinced.

"So it's better to sell it," Root No. 3 calmed down.

"Listening to what you said, I always feel that this thing is not that valuable anymore." It was originally estimated that this thing could be sold for several thousand or even tens of thousands of gold coins, which is more than one million real coins, but now Lu Li is not sure .

"No, this thing is valuable, more valuable than you think," Root No. 3 twitched his lips sarcastically: "There are too many people who like to take shortcuts regardless of the consequences. Weren't you very excited just now?"

"Hey, can you always remind me how superficial I am?" Lu Li rolled his eyes.

"Then I'll ask Fatty Shen to handle it," Lu Li said and immediately contacted Shen Wansan. After making contact, he asked: "Is the guild short of money recently? I'll use this money..."

"You should save some money to buy a house," Root Number Three shook his head: "As a club boss, renting a house is too hard."

PS: Because this is my first time writing a book, there are many areas that need improvement. I will work hard on writing lyrics. I have been studying recently. Thank you all for your support. Thank you to Flying 0 Snail, Little A Cat Jun, and Xiaotiaoyou Rikka-chan. Where, cum non-stop, don’t forget Hao Feng, kiss everywhere¥, pagoda, weilan83, Yue Xiaoduo, Bloody DE Fairy for their rewards and likes, thank you for remembering¢ Feifei, Cassi Duoduo, Dreamland-Tianxiazhi Wolf's monthly pass

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