The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 431 Fire Technique

Lu Li handed over Administrative Order No. 257 to Shen Wansan for operation. Shen Wansan's small auction house will be online soon. Compared to the system auction house, he will focus on high-quality products.

And something that could upgrade a guild to level 26 in one fell swoop was exactly what he wanted.

There are not many people who are as sensible as Root 3 and can withstand the temptation. There are a lot of rich second-generation people in Shuguang who want to make contributions and make a career. They will pay expensive tuition fees for their youth.

Lu Li didn't have time to reminisce with Shen Wansan, leaving the two idlers drinking and making friends in the tavern.

And he himself made an appointment with Fat Monkey to go to Warsong Canyon.

Before the advent of formal battlefields and arenas, Warsong Gulch was the only place where gamers could experience passionate battles.

Of course, if you are not afraid of having to bear the PK value during PK in the wild, you can wield your sword anytime and anywhere.

"Logically speaking, I should find an ice spell," Lu Li's opening remarks were very rude. He was not a person who was used to talking nonsense, especially when communicating with people he didn't know very well.

"I also learned some ice skills. Some fire skills are more powerful if you use the freezing effect to start with," said Fat Monkey, dissatisfied.

"The ice spell has two frost novas. Do you have it? The ice spell can slow down the speed. Do you have it?" Lu Li asked.

"Well, in terms of field control, fire magic is indeed inferior to ice magic. This is an unchangeable fact, but why are you looking for me?" Fat Monkey was discouraged because he did a task in the early stage of the game. He was on fire magic. Having advantages that others cannot match, the price paid is the reduced power of ice and arcane magic.

"Because you have good consciousness," Lu Li comforted him after hitting the opponent.

This was indeed the reason why he chose Fat Monkey, and what played a decisive role was Fat Monkey's reputation in Lu Li's previous life. He was one of the few masters who dominated the arena as a fire magician.

As for letting Fat Monkey reach the peak in Lu Li's memory, there was nothing Lu Li could do to help.

Some things must be understood by oneself, and his guidance to March Rain was limited to some common sense.

"It seems that today is an exam?" Fatty Monkey suppressed the excitement in his heart. He clenched the staff in his hand. In front of him was a broad road leading to the professional arena.

Never before has a club had such an immediate opportunity with the Sword of Judgment.

Which other club does not have a group of people making reserves? If you really want to stand on the field, you need to compete with countless people, and it will take a year and a half of assessment and training at the fastest.

But when we arrived at Lu Li's place, it was no surprise that anything happened.

When Fat Monkey was informed by Lu Li that he had a chance to participate in the upcoming "Magic Cup" competition, he even thought Lu Li was joking.

"It's not an exam. Let's play in Zhange for a while. It's limited to one hour and see how many we can kill." Lu Li has actually decided to let Fat Monkey enter the arena. Today is a formal assessment. By the way Find out his strength.

"Okay, let's compare," Fat Monkey nodded and rushed forward first.

He faced a paladin, and his fireball spell caused more than 200 damage, which made the knight turn blue with fear.

"It's a pity that there was no critical hit," Fat Monkey was very dissatisfied with his damage. It would be better if his equipment had Huadi Liqing.

The knight ran faster after hearing these words. He was just here to bully the rookie. Who would have thought that he would meet this mage who was above level 30, and his equipment must be very good. He hit him more than 200 times without a critical hit. Blood.

Fire spells are not as good as ice spells in terms of control, but their output is much higher.

Lu Li sneaked beside him. He didn't take any action to grab the "monster" and focused on Fat Monkey's operation.

The fat monkey flashed and caught up with the knight, and was frozen by an ice ring (frost nova), and then began to read a great skill. The knight watched this scene happen, but was unable to do anything.

A big skill is a big skill. It has a long recharge and high damage. After being hit, one-third of the knight's health is gone.

He knew that running away wouldn't be an option, so he turned around and threw a hammer at the fat monkey. The fat monkey took a few steps back, just in time to increase the knight's casting distance, and raised his hand to burn the opponent.

The Paladin kept losing blood, and although it also caused some damage to the fat monkey, that damage obviously could not affect the situation of the battle.

When Fat Monkey gave himself a fire shield, he turned around and ran away again.

The fire shield has a relatively high defense against physical attacks, and it also has a slight spell critical strike bonus. The paladin with less than half health left is worried that he will be killed instantly.

As soon as the opponent turned around, Fat Monkey used the Ice Pick Technique to slow down the opponent's movement speed.

There is no suspense later. When a paladin who is less than level 30 encounters a violent fire spell at level 30, any move he makes will be a desperate struggle.

The battle actually didn't last long, only more than ten seconds in total. Including the harmless Frost Nova, Fat Monkey used a total of eight skills to take away the last drop of the Paladin's blood.

"How about it, it's not bad," Fat Monkey said with a look of enjoyment of killing.

"The skill connection is still a bit slow. You wasted a big move at the end. In fact, a fire blast can solve the problem," Lu Li said leisurely while hiding next to him.

"My fault," Fatty Monkey thought for a moment and found that Lu Li's words hit the mark.

"You don't know enough about the skills of other professions. If you have nothing to do, go to the competition room to play." Lu Li's voice switched to the communicator, and others had already appeared in the distance.

A mage who was harvesting the heads of tribe players sensed danger. Before he had time to react, the opponent's dagger had already been inserted into his back. This ambush hit him, who was already scarred, and was reduced to residual health. state.

His teammate's treatment response was not unpleasant, but it was still not faster than the attacker's. The treatment skills lost their target at the most critical moment and dissipated in the air.

"There are experts, everyone, be careful and save your lives," the captain reminded his teammates loudly.

Most people would not dare to provoke a ten-man elite team like them. There were very few hundred-man groups in Warsong Canyon, and the terrain was simply unpaved.

Only masters would not rush in and fight head-on. Instead, they would wait for the right moment to rise up and hurt people like wild beasts. For example, right now, they were still in a melee with alliance players and became targets.

After Lu Li killed the mage, he took advantage of the warrior's lack of blood to kill him, and then he lurked beside him without moving.

There were three surviving alliance players at the scene, and they immediately became energetic when they saw someone supporting them. They did not seek to kill the enemy, but only wanted to disrupt and create opportunities for the masters on their side.

When Fat Monkey caught up and used a critical fireball to instantly kill a dissatisfied player, the remaining tribe players had already begun to plan a way out.

After chasing them all the way, only three of the dozens of people escaped.

PS: Thanks to Very Lazy Fish, LM Bingyue, Hear Your Memories, Dragon God Flying, Infinite ☆ Justice, Mao Zhen, yangfan28, Zunqianxiao, nellmu, Book Friends 150614230530903, Song Shi Akai, Dawn. Dawn for their monthly votes.

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