The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 433 Darrow County

The cooperation of melee and long-range can prevent being controlled by skills, and if teammates are controlled, it will not affect the overall situation. Perhaps for cunning people like Fat Monkey, teammates are actually good bait cannon fodder.

Lu Li followed him for a while and then decided to leave.

The remaining four can be played with Moonlight. While everyone is enthusiastically clearing the bloody dungeon, Warsong Canyon is rarely deserted, and it is difficult to meet any decent masters.

Lu Li decided to complete the mission of Ravenholdt Manor.

There is a player in the guild who needs a bottle of plague bat serum. This kind of thing can only be sold at the grocer outside the Eastern Plaguelands instance.

There is no teleportation array, and there are monsters around level 40 everywhere on the road, making it an almost impossible task for this player.

Root Number Three specially asked Lu Li to take a trip.

It is said that the player is a girl, but this is not the reason why Root No. 3, the long-term leader, went out to greet Lu Li.

The female anti-rider whose ID is White Bread is the first player on the Sword of Judgment Guild’s task list, but her level and equipment are average, and her operational awareness does not meet the requirements of the elite group. She spends most of her time doing Guild missions and leading a trumpet.

It’s hard to imagine that among the tens of thousands of people in the Sword of Judgment, there are thousands of people who have spoken or dealt with her.

She is the hardest-working player in the guild, but she is also the poorest player, because all the hard-earned money is spent on repairing equipment for the alt.

Her reputation in the Sword of Judgment can be said to be second only to Lu Li and Root Number Three, and everyone in the guild affectionately calls her Bread.

Even if it wasn't on his way, Lu Li would still make this trip. He was not a good person, and he didn't like good people, but that didn't stop him from paying his most sincere respect to such people.

Stratholme is not the next dungeon that players will conquer. Any mob in it can kill Lu Li.

He chose to detour to the Scarlet Monastery and then fly at high altitude along the coastline. This way, he would not have to travel through most of the Eastern Plaguelands, which was full of monsters five levels higher than him. Fighting monsters of this level would not only bring no benefits, but also There is a high risk of failure.

When you reach Lu Li's level, you need more and more experience to upgrade, and you are less willing to take risks easily.

The only thing you need to worry about is a seabird, which looks a bit like a hawk. It is huge and has a level of about 40. If it gets into its hands, it will basically commit suicide.

However, the flying speed of this giant bird was too slow, so Lu Li avoided it from a distance, but he was not in danger.

After Lu Li flew to the Eastern Plague Land, he didn't dare to stay in the air. The plague bats here were very ferocious, and they could detect sneaking targets. Everything flying in the sky and running on the ground was within their restraint range.

Root Number Three also sent a few thieves to try, but basically they all died at the hands of plague bats.

Lu Li fought off a plague bat and his health was half-drained. He had to find a secluded place to restore his health to full before moving forward.

Fortunately, after going around in this way, we are much closer to Stratholme.

There was a small camp of Silver Dawn not far from the entrance of the dungeon. Lu Li's appearance alerted Lieutenant Ward Knight of the camp. He stopped the guard who was facing an enemy and said, "Don't be nervous, this is a healthy elf."

The implication is that he has not been infected by the plague.

The knights fighting here are not worried about the undead soldiers. Their enemy is the ubiquitous plague.

"Hello, distinguished knight, I am an adventurer from Astrana," Lu Li said hello. He would never offend an NPC because of politeness, especially a very talented NPC like Ward.

"This is the first time I've seen an adventurer come here." Ward looked at Lu Li and quickly concluded that he was not strong enough to venture into Stratholme, so he didn't care so much.

"I want to purchase a batch of plague bat serum, and I hope to get your permission," Lu Li ignored the grocer and asked Lieutenant Ward directly.

"Plague bat serum?" Ward looked troubled.

The source of plague bat serum is of course extracted from plague bats. It has several functions. For NPCs, it can be made into a medicine to resist the plague and can treat infected wounds.

For players, it mainly has many functions in alchemy.

The most important thing is the powerful detoxification potion. When the advanced antidote potion fails to work, you can only rely on this kind of thing that only a high-level alchemist can make.

There are other applications where even the most tasteless recipes can be used as a way to practice life skills.

"I have four plague bat carcasses here. They were killed not long ago. They may be of some use to your camp." Lu Li took out the four bat carcasses he killed on the road and handed them to the NPC.

"Okay," Ward took a deep look at Lu Li, and then he believed that Lu Li's arrival at this camp was not just luck.

Lu Li bought 200 copies of bat serum, which was all Lieutenant Ward was willing to sell. He paid four hundred gold coins for it and promised Lieutenant Ward to bring him some bread and water within three days.

It is said that they have not seen supplies transported from the rear for several months.

Lu Li could fly from the coastline. This mission was purely to earn experience. It was more of a reward than a price.

After bidding farewell to Ward and others, Lu Li returned the same way. His current level was not high enough to cross the Eastern Plague Land like this. The last time he passed through the Plague Land, he just took the main road and took a ride.

If you are in Darrow County, you can take a detour from the Hillsbrad Hills.

Darrowshire is a village located in the mountains of southern Lordaeron. The name comes from Lake Darrowmere to the west. The residents of the town are simple and hard-working, and Darrowshire was unknown in the history of Lordaeron until the beginning of the Second Demonic War.

During the battle, countless heroes were born here, and countless heroes fell here.

Lu Li set foot on this scorched land. Above his head was a dim and blood-colored sky. Occasionally, plague bats flew by with huge and dilapidated red wings. Smoke, dust and putrid stench filled people's perception, making breathing extremely difficult. difficult.

The remains of the house pierced the earth like blackened fangs, and the biting wind howled through the gaps.

Skeletons, ghosts, plague dogs, corrosive bugs, undead spiders, abominations and ghouls form the terrifying and ferocious Scourge.

It was difficult for Lu Li to convince himself not to question the absurdity of the mission.

Are you looking for a little girl here?

Even if it had existed, if she hadn't escaped with her sister, the grave would probably be half full of people now.

PS: Thanks to Fallen Light Sage, Snow Patrol Book, weilan83, Don’t Forget Hao Feng, Little A Cat Jun, Shooting Non-stop,, Very Lazy Fish, Shooting Non-stop for the rewards and likes, thank Wang Meng ? Monthly tickets for Xiaochun, wang7137, Alexwang, Qianyin Burying Yin, holy_true, iceyang, 7F Shang Tianlong, vbn056, and Big Slow Bear.

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