The small village next to the town is the destination.

Walking on the deserted road in the small village, the traces of the battle have disappeared.

Perhaps it was an inadvertent glance, but Lu Li's eyes were fixed in front of an old ruined house. For a moment, he felt as if someone had pinched his neck and lost his breath.

Before meeting Pamela, Lu Li thought she must be a beloved and cute little girl.

Pink cheeks, slight dimples, and blond hair that is as cheerful as the naughty sunshine.

Her life may not be rich, but it must be filled with laughter, the dresses carefully sewn by her mother, and the strong arms of her father.

By the way, she also has a sister who is worried about her safety.

Seeing Dalong County's appearance, Lu Li began to pray that she had been taken away by someone else, maybe a passing knight, or a powerful mage like Medivh.

Now Lu Li saw the person he was looking for.

Yes, she has golden braids, shallow dimples, fair and transparent cheeks, and a trace of fear of meeting strangers in her eyes.

Lu Li strode over, holding on to the last bit of luck, he reached out and touched the girl's face.

The little girl took a step back in fear, probably because she didn't feel Lu Li's malice. She timidly faced the pity look of the elder brother in front of her, and rubbed her little head against his hand.

Nothing at all!

She is dead!

Lu Li, who had always shed no tears but only felt sad for his sister, now had a sore nose.

He never imagined that Pamela would be like this during the mission.

This is a mission exclusive to Ravenholdt Manor and cannot be accessed by ordinary players. People who have done this mission in their previous lives are keeping it secret for some unknown reason.

I originally thought it was a job to find someone, but I didn't expect it to be so complicated.

"Brother, are you a bad person?" The little girl didn't think there was anything wrong with not touching Lu Li's hand. She was so small, like a little cub, and looked to be only four or five years old.

When she didn't know what death was, the God of Death kissed her forehead.

"No, I'm a good person." Lu Li knelt down and looked directly into the little girl's eyes without warning: "What's your name, and why are you here alone?"

"My name is Pamela. I'm waiting for my sister. Do you know where my sister Jessica is? She left when I was a very, very little girl..." The little ghost said for a long time She didn't talk to anyone and sat next to Lu Li, as cheerful as a lark.

Her voice was clear, charming and childish, making Lu Li couldn't help but think of his sister.

"She cried very sadly when she left. I don't know why she was crying. Maybe she broke her toe. When Jessica was still here, we often played games together, danced together, and picked flowers together around the house. . Sometimes when we see our father coming back, we hide, and then suddenly jump out to scare him." The beautiful memories are so short-lived, and the little girl soon started crying: "Come back, Jessica, if it were you When he comes back, dad will come back, and we can play together like before."

"Your you know where he went?" Lu Li tried his best not to lose his composure.

He felt a kind of alienated anger towards the man who had abandoned his daughter and allowed her to fall into this state.

"Aunt Ryan asked me to stay home because my dad was away fighting. Dad was the bravest man in the world, but I waited here for a long time and he never came back. Sometimes bad guys come and fight me Speak, I want dad to drive them away, but he is not here..." The little girl's voice became lower and lower.

Lu Li could imagine the countless days and nights she spent sitting in front of the door, holding her tiny shoulders, waiting.

The pain that had been buried in his heart for many years slowly spread. He remembered that his sister's parents died when she was still very young, and they couldn't even find a chance to live with others.

Government relief funds were often robbed by gangsters in the slums. In order to prevent his sister from starving, Lu Li had no choice but to run out and beg.

When he left home, Lu Xin sat on the threshold like Pamela. When he came back, she still sat on the threshold like that. Later, Lu Li deliberately did not go far after leaving home. He just looked at the young girl like that. My younger sister is as motionless as a sculpture, sitting there for hours.

She kept staring at the direction her brother was walking, waiting for him to appear again.

"Sometimes, after dark, I play with my doll," Pamela frowned and raised her head and said, "But I lost it in the town. Can you help me find the doll?" Woolen cloth?"

"Wait here, I will be back soon," Lu Li vaguely remembered that when he was searching in Dalong County just now, he had seen a few doll-like parts.

The little girl nodded and suddenly felt that Lu Li was the best person she had ever seen.

With a heavy heart, Lu Li returned to the town. He searched among the ruins for a long time and finally found several parts that could be assembled into a doll.

"Ah, you found it, you found my doll..." The little girl saw the thing in Lu Li's hand and jumped up happily: "Oh, thank you, long live! My doll, you will drive away the bad guys. ,Yeah?"

Lu Li was not infected by her joy, and only felt that his heart was clogged.

" could this happen?" She suddenly became sad when she found that the doll had scattered several steps.

"Don't be sad, brother will help you sew it," Lu Li quickly comforted her, and quickly found a tool that could be used to sew the doll - an unused fishing rod in his backpack.

The hook can be transformed into a needle, and the thread can be directly used as fishing line.

As for craftsmanship, there's no need to worry about it. Lu Li raised his sister by himself and did a lot of sewing and mending.

"Brother, you are so awesome," Pamela held her little face in her hands and looked at Lu Li with admiration.

"Pamela, are you going to wait here forever?" Lu Li forced a smile back. This was the first time since his rebirth that he was so troubled by a task.

"Of course I have to wait, otherwise my sister and father will be anxious if they can't find me when they come back," the little girl said with a bitter face: "But I feel so lonely. Aunt Marlene asked me to wait here, but she just kept going like this. Gone forever, and my father and sister, big brother, do you think Aunt Marlene will know where they are?"

The little girl had complete and unreserved trust in Lu Li, but what could Lu Li say?

"My sister once told me that my aunt lives near Andorhal, in a house to the south. Big brother, you are my new friend, can you help me find my aunt?" Pamela asked.

"Of course. Look, your doll has been sewn by me," Lu Li handed the patched doll to the little girl.

Pamela exclaimed in surprise: "It's so beautiful. This is my doll. It will protect me. I'm waiting here. Brother, you must come back."

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