Following the clues provided by Pamela, Lu Li found Marlaine Redpath in a broken house at the foot of the hill behind Andorhal. There were many Scourge soldiers and ghouls wandering here, and Marlaine herself became a ghost.

It seemed that she could not escape the fate of being devoured by the Scourge.

Although he was mentally prepared, Lu Li still sighed secretly when he saw this ghostly woman in white.

The fate of this family also reflects the tragedy of the entire Lordaeron from a certain perspective. All kinds of families were lost to the butcher's knife of natural disasters and plagues.

"Do you know Pamela?" Lu Li asked.

Marlene's originally dull expression suddenly became vivid, and she asked slightly anxiously: "Have you seen Pamela? How is she? Is she still alive?"

Three questions in a row showed her concern. Anyone would love and care for such a little girl.

" already dead," Lu Li sighed.

"She is such a happy child. She is so young. Does she know what happened to her father?" Can the ghost cry? Lu Li couldn't see her tears, and the air was filled with deep sadness.

"I don't think she knows. She doesn't even know that she is dead," Lu Li said in a low voice.

Pamela's aunt has cried sadly. She is also dead. Perhaps because she can't let go of her little niece, she turns into a ghost and stays here.

"Pamela's father died in the war, right?" Lu Li asked softly.

He originally thought it was hateful for Pamela's father to abandon his daughter, but after knowing the truth, all his dissatisfaction turned into respect.

For his daughter, for his family, for this land, he shed the last drop of his blood.

"Death in battle? It's more tragic than death in battle. How I wish Joseph could return to her daughter, but this is no longer possible. His soul already belongs to the undead, and he has turned into a monster," Marlene said sadly explain.

"Monster..." Lu Li could imagine it.

The soldiers fought against the Scourge, and people kept falling, and among the fallen, people kept standing up, and they raised their swords against their comrades who had fought side by side.

This is also the terrifying aspect of the undead disaster.

"Excuse me, is there any way I can help?" Lu Li asked.

Since it was a task, there must be a solution. He was willing to do his best, just for Pamela.

"If you can find someone, maybe you can give them a chance to reunite father and daughter." Marlene thought for a long time before coming up with a possibility. She was not confident about it.

"Who is it?" Lu Li asked quickly.

"Lord Chromie, I... I heard her legend when I was still alive," Marlene said hesitantly.

"Chromie, bronze dragon, guardian of time," Lu Li thought.

I know Chromie because of his past life.

When the Scourge under the Lich King invaded the Dragonblight, the mad Malygos became enemies of other dragons, and the Eternal Dragon began to invade the holy land of the bronze dragons, Chromie was sent to Wyrmrest Temple as a bronze The dragonflight's ambassador to the outside world, responsible for negotiations with other dragonflights and mortal races.

In the eyes of many players, she is a little loli with most cute features.

However, you cannot deny her power. Look at the people in the Wyrmrest Temple: the Queen and Krasus of the Red Dragon Clan, Kalecgos of the Blue Dragon Clan, Lord Isarios of the Green Dragon Clan...

There is no dragon that is not at the epic level. It can be seen that Chromie is at least as good as them in terms of identity and ability.

It is generally believed that Chromie is a direct descendant of Nozdormu.

As the guardians of time, the Bronze Dragon Legion has been committed to guarding the timeline of Azeroth since it was empowered by Amanthel, the King of Gods. Since they are hidden in time, there are few bronze dragons. Appear among mortals and other races.

However, there are always a few members of the Bronze Dragonflight who are willing to communicate with mortals, and Chromie is one of them.

"If you are willing, you may be able to find that person in the ruins of Andorhal. I am not sure if it is her. She is too powerful and I can't get close." Marlene prayed: "Please, kind elf, it is said that Using personal belongings of the deceased can change his time trajectory. Please go to the cemetery at the head of the village to look for Joseph's tombstone. His body is not there because he died a few years ago, but his wedding ring is buried under the tombstone. ."

"I understand," Lu Li wrote down carefully and headed to the cemetery at the head of the village.

I don't know who built the cemetery after the war. The image of the undead coachman flashed in Lu Li's mind. He was nicknamed the Plague Land Scavenger.

Lu Li found the cemetery he was looking for in the outer area.

He dug through the shallow soil and soon found a ring hidden in a wooden box.

Joseph's wedding ring.

After getting the ring, a puff of smoke came out of the tomb.

It floated around and formed the image of a middle-aged man. It was hard to tell what kind of existence it was. Lu Li seemed to hear him calling Pamela's name.

help me……

The paladin lowered his noble head and knelt on one knee in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't say anything, just responded with standard elven etiquette and watched him disappear in the wind.

In an attic in the ruins of Andorhal, Lu Li found Chromie among the grocery boxes, who was less than his knees. She looked like a little girl, even more childish than Pamela.

"Dear Guardian of Time, Lord Crodom, the adventurers of the night elves send you my greetings. May your glory last forever in the long river of time." Lu Li did not dare to treat her as a little girl. This was something he had never seen before. The most powerful being besides Medivh.

"Hey, who is talking to me?" Little Loli woke up from her sweet dream and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Then she saw Lu Li: "Oh my God, you are so tall!"

"Lord Crodom..." Lu Li didn't know what expression to use in response.

"Just call me Chromie, I like this name," the little Loli stretched out and stretched out her hand to Lu Li, "Now, save me from this pile of damn boxes."

The boxes were not small, almost as high as her, but how could these things trap a dragon?

However, Lu Li was smart enough not to say anything. He reached out and took Chromie out of the box, and then gently placed him on the ground.

"Thank you, Elf, where are you from?" Chromie blinked and looked at Lu Li carefully: "I can't see your past, nor can I see your future. For our race, This is something incredible.”

"I am an adventurer," Lu Li almost didn't know how to answer.

He is a player, and of course he has no past in this game, and naturally there is no future.

PS: I've had a cold for the past two days and I'm a bit feverish today. I'm not sure if there will be a second update. Please bear with me. The weather alternates between hot and cold. Please pay attention to your health. Thank you Dabei without Tears, Don't Forget Xia Feng, weilan83, lee207, and cum all over. Stop, Little A Maojun, Yue Xiaoduo, Xiuqiao, Jiajiadudu for their rewards and likes. Thanks to 12365496, xuanyuanhao, Jianxia Feitian, Wuyunpiaoyu, 001leon, Memories¢Feifei, Riling, Han Monthly passes for Jiang Ye丶, lee207, Jiajia Dudu, 8000031767, A Ming, and Ta Xue Xun Shu.

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