The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 436 Who raised the butcher knife

"Forgive me for being trapped here for too long. What are adventurers? Can they be eaten?" Chromie raised his head, blinked his big innocent eyes, and asked curiously.

"No, dear time traveler, I came here to ask you for help." Lu Li really had nothing to say to this cute bronze dragon. He had long heard that Chromie would never let go. Don't miss any opportunity to act cute.

He had already called the other person the Guardian of Time, Crodom, etc. He obviously knew her identity well, but she was still pretending to be stupid.

"Okay, how's Tyrande?" Chromie hated old-fashioned people.

"I'm so sorry, I haven't met Lord Tyrande," Lu Li told the truth. That's how tasks are done. Not everything can be said casually.

"Oh, I miss Tyrande's long legs so much," the little dwarf jumped on the ground: "You boring little guy, tell me, the great Chromie can do something for you, I hope you rescue me. For the sake of it.”

Lu Li automatically ignored the last sentence and explained his purpose.

"She doesn't know she's dead?" After hearing Lu Li's story, Chromie's expression became lowered, at least he stopped being cute.

The bronze dragon controls time and sees all the vicissitudes of life, but what happened to little Pamela is truly shocking.

"Yes, Lord Crodom, Pamela was probably not even five years old when she died. She had been waiting for her sister and father to come back to accompany her," Lu Li handed Joseph's ring to him. , looking at this powerful bronze dragon hopefully: "Is there any way you can help her?"

"What is this, a wedding ring? Let me see... This ring was once worn by a brave warrior. Is this Pamela's father? But he has fallen and even his soul has been contaminated," the little The dwarf said with a frown.

"That's why I need your help," Lu Liyi pointed out.

"Are you planning to go back in time and save him?" Chromie asked.

"If necessary," Lu Li said, "I will try my best to change everything during time travel."

"Change everything," the little dwarf stretched out helplessly: "You don't even know what happened in the past, yet you dare to say that you want to change history."

"Now that we've encountered it, we have to do something to feel at ease," Lu Li didn't make an impassioned speech, but anyone could hear the determination in his words.

At this moment, Lu Li always had this picture lingering in his mind:

Under the weeping sky, in the dark ruins, a small figure stood alone. She hugged the doll and looked into the distance. Dad will come back, and happiness will come back. Maybe they are just late...

As a reborn person, Lu Li experienced the heart-rending despair of his previous life, and also experienced the hope of starting over. However, the wounds in his heart would not heal just because he gained hope. There was always a devil deep in his heart. Something like this reminds him all the time that all your missions are for change.

In this process of change, Lu Li gained a lot, but also lost some of the most simple things.

In the dungeon, everything is about the first kill. When leveling, if you mess with me, you will die. On the field, the championship is the only pursuit... In the battle of blood and fire, Lu Li found that he began to become numb and cold. In order to make money.

Pamela touched the softest thing deep in his heart, which had nothing to do with rebirth or his sister, it was his self.

"You must be a person with a lot of stories," Chromie murmured: "I promise you, but it will not be easy to save Joseph Redpath. We must first understand his past in detail, and the town of Andorhal There is a book in the center of the ruins called "History of Darrowshire" which can tell us something important. Bring me the book and we can learn about Joseph's fate and with any luck... we can Change it!”

Lu Li nodded and returned to the ruins of Andorhal filled with monsters.

It was very dangerous here, and Lu Li could only rely on his relatively good equipment and escape skills to escape in panic.

His level is still too low.

There are some bards in Dawn. When they stay, they will collect some local history and legends and record them in writing.

This relatively intact hut was probably where these bards rested.

There were some works scattered on the table, most of which were moldy and rotten. Lu Li looked through them patiently and spent a lot of time finding what he was looking for.

The first volume of this book recorded the history of Dalong County, and Lu Li flipped through it in a hurry.

The content of the second volume is the battle in Daron County. It is written in great detail, as if you have witnessed it with your own eyes.

The battle in Darrowshire occurred in the middle of the Second Demonic War. At that time, the power of the undead Scourge was raging in the land of Lordaeron. The local militia led by Joseph Redpath fought with the Scourge troops led by the Ghoul King Horgus.

As the war continued, Darrow County was cut off from the main Alliance forces.

Intense is no longer enough to describe that battle, it can only be described as tragic.

At this time, a Knights of the Silver Hand came to support. The leader of the Knights, David Croford, was a local in County Darrow. When he learned that the town was about to be attacked, he led his followers to In the town, join forces with the guards to resist Horgus' troops.

When Horgus himself joined the battle, David Crawford faced off against him. Their battle lasted for a long time, and eventually Dawe emerged victorious, but he was seriously injured and died shortly after defeating the Ghoul King.

The battle continued, with Captain Redpath leading the militia to fight bravely.

During the battle, the death knight Masek attacked Redpath. He used dark magic to tear Redpath's will apart and twist his soul into an evil shadow.

The corrupt Captain Redpath spread his evil power to the defenders of Darrowshire, and the infected soldiers immediately betrayed their brethren and began to slaughter them. Finally, they turned to Daron County and massacred the people hiding in their homes.

The remaining undead troops and the fallen Captain Redpath left the ruins of Darrowshire and entered the battlefield of Lordaeron.

That's all there is to know about Joseph Redpath, his battle experience, and the final result.

Lu Li brought this pamphlet to Chromie.

Chromie studied it and nodded: "Well done, this should be it. This is really a depressing story. If possible, we must change it, right? Let's find out the history Details, this requires the use of some magic..."

Lu Li's thoughts drifted away as he watched the little dwarf concentrating on casting spells in front of him.

He remembered a sentence in the pamphlet that said--In the end, they turned to Darrow County and massacred the people who were hiding in their homes--so, who killed Pamela, the child who was not even five years old.

She had no idea what the man approaching her was going to do.

Perhaps he shouted in a childish voice: "Uncle, do you want to play hide-and-seek with Pamela?"

PS: Thanks to Mu Qiu, Children's Shoes for the 10,000 rewards, and thanks to Sage of the Fallen Light, Steep Wall Is You, Don't Forget Hao Feng, weilan83, Little A Maojun, Jiajia Dudu, Shooting Nonstop, Yue Xiaoduo for the rewards and Like, thank you for Spring Breeze Chaosing My Heart, Mephala, Azelf, Flying Dragon God, asdbb, Pacifier Assassin, Yan Xiaoyaozuizai, Mu Qiu, Zuoqiu Hanru, good books need to be paid for the monthly pass.

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