The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 437 Battle Relics

"Now there is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" The little dwarf took a long time to stop. It seems that changing the control time is not a simple matter.

"Please tell me straight," Lu Li was really not in the mood to play this kind of game.

"Well, the good news is that with the help of my magic, "History of Darrow County" has been partially repaired, which means that everything that has happened has been changed." The little dwarf scratched his head and said, "Bad news There are people who participated in that battle and survivors, and you must get his approval before I can continue."

"Who is this person?" Lu Li asked.

"I don't know. I don't have a second wedding ring. I think you can ask Pamela or her aunt." Chromie was helpless. He needed to see something related to it before he could deduce that he of the past.

Lu Li first looked for Marlene, but she was no longer there.

He could only meet that poor little loli again.

Pamela looked very happy when she saw Lu Li: "Brother, you are back. I thought you had left Pamela behind like my father."

Damn mission, this plot is so sad.

Lu Li quickly revealed his purpose and asked Pamela to recall who else was here.

Pamela tilted her head and thought for a while before she suddenly said: "By the way, sometimes at night, I can hear my uncle Karin crying. But the crying sounds like it is coming from the very far east. Come here. I hope he is not crying for me. Big brother, can you find my uncle and tell him that I am doing well? If you find him, tell him that I am waiting for him, and, I want Hearing that story he used to tell, that story about Rabbit and Jam, that story was so funny!”

East, Carlin…

Lu Li suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a human being in the Holy Light's Hope Chapel named Karin. Yes, that was him, Karin Redpath.

"Brother, will you be back soon?" Pamela tried to grab the corner of Lu Li's clothes, but she failed. Her little hand passed through Lu Li's clothes as if there was nothing.

"Yes," Lu Li nodded, and he secretly made a decision in his heart. If he couldn't complete this task, he would come over often to see the little girl.

No matter how difficult the journey was, Lu Li still arrived at the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.

"Guest from afar, how can I help you?" The sentry came up to greet Lu Li.

"I went to find Carlin and brought news about his hometown," Lu Li replied.

"Karin, oh, that poor man, let me take you to find him." The sentry took Lu Li to meet Karlin, who was already a squad leader of the Silver Dawn.

Lu Li began to explain his intentions, and as soon as he mentioned Pamela, Karin exclaimed.

"Have you seen Pamela? How is it possible? Is she still alive?" Carlin fell during the battle in Darrow County. He was seriously injured, but luckily he was not infected.

A few days after the war, the Silver Dawn organization discovered the dying Karin Redpath. He was thirsty, tired, and had a fever. He collapsed near the intersection of Kaolin. The knights treated his injuries and brought him to the Light's Hope Chapel.

Due to his gratitude to the Argent Dawn, Karin Redpath joined the Argent Dawn and fought against the Undead Scourge for revenge...

As for Pamela, no one would think that the poor little thing was still alive.

Due to an unbearable pain, Karin has never returned to his hometown. When he is weak, he will run out to kill natural disaster monsters to vent his anger, or cry when no one is around.

"She is dead, but her soul is still in her hometown. She..." Lu Li explained Pamela's situation with difficulty.

Every time he told Pamela's story, he felt like it was a kind of torture, like a rope was tied around his heart, tightening little by little as he told it.

"Oh my God, Pamela, why is your soul still left in this world to suffer... You are so young, I would rather die than me, why not me!" Karin was very emotional and beat her as hard as she could. When he hit the ground, two paladins heard the sound and rushed over, holding him down one on the left and one on the right.

Looking at the red and determined eyes of this iron-blooded man, Lu Li sighed: "I am trying to change her destiny. I hope she can reunite with her father."

"It's impossible. Joseph is dead. He turned into a monster. He asked me to kill him, but I couldn't. I'm sorry for him..." Carlin knelt on the ground and said weakly.

"Please take a look at this book," Lu Li handed over the history of Darrow County.

Carlin flipped through the booklet and looked at the boss for a while. Finally, he wiped his red and swollen eyes and faced Lu Li: "Tell me, brother, what do you need me to do?"

"I want to conduct a time travel that may interfere with the fate of many people. Mr. Carlin, I need your permission and some relics from the battle. Can you provide me with some clues?" Lu Li asked.

"Of course, none of this is a problem. I can go with you." As soon as Karin Redpath heard about time travel, he immediately asked to participate.

"It's too dangerous, Karin," one of his fellow knights objected.

"He is just a level 32 thief, how could he possibly travel in time?" Another knight certainly did not want his captain to be in danger.

"I believe him," Carlin said firmly: "He has a compassionate heart just like us. May the Holy Light be with us!"

Rejecting the two knights' request to follow them, Carlin and Lu Li went on the road alone. The paladin stood in front of Lu Li, killing the natural disaster monsters they encountered on the way one after another.

"Where should we go to find the relics first?" Lu Li helped stabbing at the side.

"The book mentions the Paladin David Lefal. After his death, the Scarlet Crusaders placed his holy deed in the town hall of Hearthglen. They were a group of fanatical warriors. I'm afraid we don't have any chance," Ka Lin rejected the relic, saying: "The book also mentions my brother, Captain Redpath. After his rebellion, his shield was shattered and discarded, and it was thrown away near Geroen. The barn on the farm, let’s go get it.”

Geron Farm…

If I remember correctly, Geron Farm should be the gathering area of ​​"Abomination", which is a monster composed of many fragmented corpses. Lu Li could only turn around and leave if he encountered such a monster. At level 30, he was no match for him.

But now with Karin Redpath, the situation is completely different.

After experiencing the baptism of hatred and blood, Karin has now become a very powerful paladin in the Argent Dawn.

When Lu Li expressed his admiration to him, the survivor of the Redpath family was silent for a moment before saying, "If my brother Joseph is still alive, he must be one of the most powerful paladins in the continent."

The broken shield that had witnessed Joseph's battle process was collected, and they would serve as a medium to complete the journey for a period of time.

Then there was the head of the King of Ghouls, Hogus the Reaver, and the downed sword of Death Knight Marduk. Thanks to Karin's presence, otherwise Lu Li would have had no hope of successfully obtaining these items.

These relics were surrounded by the souls of those who died in those years, and Karin's Holy Light came in handy.

All unwillingness and humiliation were soothed by the holy light. The dead rested in peace, and the unfinished killings were inherited by the survivors. Kalin, who bore these powers, had a firm gaze, and his whole person seemed to be enveloped in the holy light.

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