The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 438 Dalong County, don’t give up hope

After collecting the relics, Lu Li took Karin back to the ruins of Andorhal.

When passing through Dalong County on the way, Lu Li asked him if he wanted to meet Pamela.

Kalin, a tough guy who didn't even blink in the face of natural disaster monsters, showed a rare timid look. He shook his head and said: "Either I bring his father back, or I will die on the battlefield in Darrow County." …”

Lu Li saw Chromie from a distance in the ruined house in Andorhal.

This giant bronze dragon who transformed into a dwarf was squatting on the roof. She looked blankly at the sky, and the rain from the Eastern Plague fell pattering down, intertwining into a bleak picture.

Lu Li took Carlin to salute her.

Then, the little dwarf returned to his funny state, and the depth and depression just now seemed to be just an illusion.

"That's right, putting these things together can release a powerful spell, enough to send you to the past of Darrow County." Chromie checked the war relics brought by Lu Li: "Guys, what follows is a Are you ready for this time travel that you will never forget?"

"Of course," Lu Li and Carlin were impatient.

"Calm down, guys," Chromie said seriously: "You must know what you are going to face. It will be an extremely brutal battle. While saving your lives, you must ensure that you complete two things. : After the death of Horgus, the King of Ghouls, Dawei must survive, and Redpath must also survive until he is corrupted and corrupted, at which time he is defeated. After defeating the corrupted Redpath, His soul will be saved."

"I want to prevent him from being corrupted. I would rather be corrupted on his behalf," Carlin raised his voice: "Pamela is still waiting for him, the great time traveler, and I am willing to pay the price for it."

"Bring these relics to the center of the square in Darrow County, the souls of the residents of Darrow County will be awakened, and time and space will be reversed. As for the result, I'm sorry, that is not something you and I can decide at all," the little dwarf He took Lu Li and Kalin out of Andorhal and came to Daron County, the former main battlefield.

It was already evening when we returned to Daron County again. Lu Li once again checked his equipment, the potions in his bag and the poison on his weapons, but Carlin only saw his knight's sword.

Lu Li suddenly regretted taking this person with him. He had a hunch that this knight might not be able to come back.

Chromie solemnly placed the relic next to the well in the center of Daron County. As if feeling the environment here, the package emits a faint purple light, and the souls are restless, starting to experience the night they can never forget again...

One after another, the illusory souls condensed into different human shapes.

Carlin's lips trembled, probably because he saw many comrades who had fought side by side, including his brother Joseph.

There is no time to reminisce about the past, the haze of war has spread over the sky of Darrow County.

Suddenly, a Darrow County defender shouted: "Warriors of Darrow County, take up arms! The undead natural disaster is coming!"

Then Lu Li saw armed soldiers rushing to the edge of the town. The monsters from the Undead Scourge began to attack, and the battle in Daron County began again!

Facing monsters above level 35, Lu Li did not flinch.

He had long been holding a fire in his heart. In this illusory world, he had never hated such a force so much - a force that did not even spare children.

Dirty natural disaster undead, they desecrated life!

The battle was relatively easy at the beginning, but more and more high-level natural disaster soldiers joined the battle. Although the Darrow County militia fought hard, the situation was still very dangerous.

At this moment, a loud voice sounded over Dalong County: "Dalong County, don't give up hope! We will not fail!"

It's the Knights of the Silver Hand, and they're finally here!

With the addition of the Paladin team led by David, the pace of the Scourge suddenly came to a halt. Clusters of holy light lit up on the town's defense line. The holy light was like a stimulant, injecting hope and vitality into everyone's heart.

In this situation, Carlin cried and shouted: "Dalong County, don't give up hope!"

Lu Li opened his mouth and shouted.

Darrow County, don't give up hope!

It was not as difficult as he imagined. He shouted over and over again, praying for fate and not giving up hope.

At this moment, it is no longer a mission. He is a member of Dalong County, a warrior fighting to defend his hometown. Behind him are women and children who have no power to restrain themselves, and Pami who does not know what death is. pull.

Hogus the Despoiler shouted: Dawe! The Holy Light illuminates your heart! I need to dig it out!

Has the King of Ghouls finally appeared?

Lu Li and Carlin looked at each other, knowing that the critical moment was coming.

As Horgus joined the battle, the Scourge Legion's offensive also intensified. Countless Scourge soldiers surrounded them from all directions. The defense circle of the Paladins and militiamen showed signs of collapse.

Perhaps with the idea of ​​capturing the thief first, Dawei immediately led several of his followers to kill Horgus.

This is the real Paladin, brave and fearless!

Lu Li saw Dawei and Hogus fighting together from a distance, but was blocked by the overlapping sea of ​​skeletons around them. No matter how you swing your weapon, more undead will always crowd in.

He is just a level 32 thief!

Carlin's experience was similar to his. Although he had exhausted his vitality in fighting and was swaying the Holy Light for free, the huge number of Scourge Legions could not be solved with all his strength.

"Fight it," Lu Li gritted his teeth and threw black objects around him.

These black iron eggs burst into brilliant sparks after a few seconds.

Ivey’s idiot bomb!

The creation of ancient engineering can not only cause two thousand points of fire damage, but also cause a certain bonus damage to the dark undead. It can basically kill one in two rounds.

Countless skeletons and limbs were blown up and flying all over the sky in the explosion!

Lu Li and Carlin finally rushed out.

In just ten seconds, Lu Li paid an extremely expensive price for this.

It is extremely difficult to collect star trees at present, and the cooperation with Shen Wansan has been discontinued long ago. The only guarantee is that Lu Li and others have a few spare ones in their backpacks.

These spare bombs were all thrown here.

Hopefully it was all worth it. Lu Li rushed to the Ghoul King Hogus and waved the Defiler Fragment unceremoniously at the level 45 BOSS.

And Knight Carlin, the divine knight of the Silver Dawn, also rushed in front of Horgus.

PS: Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. Students who have votes can support me. Thanks to Jiajia Dudu, Fallen Light Sage, weilan83, Don’t Forget Hao Feng, Shooting Nonstop, Great Sadness Without Tears, and Doubi are your rewards and likes. Thanks for the monthly votes of Legend of Tomorrow, Heart of Joy, Hear Your Memories, Monsters and Monsters, Little Rookie Zhu Bajie, Leisurely and Casual, The Wind Is Misty, Moon Mu, Death Note Intersection, Xunhuang, Yuanyue159, Theory, and shanshankb.

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