After participating in their battle, Lu Li discovered that Hogus was a level 45 BOSS, while Dawei was a level 40 BOSS. Kalin Knight was a little weaker, and could barely be considered a level 38 BOSS template, but his health was higher than Ha Less than half the dimension.

Three against one barely gained the upper hand.

One can imagine how difficult it was for David to defeat the Ghoul King in the original history.

Lu Li was not good enough in a battle of this level. With just a wipe, more than half of his health was lost. Fortunately, he was a player and could take various potions, otherwise he would probably have become a corpse at this time.

In the ensuing battle, Lu Li played little role.

Karin fought for his life, and his long sword caused huge damage to the ghoul.

It should be said that it was the two paladins, David and Carlin, who worked together to drain the ghoul's blood. When the ghoul fell, Lu Li grabbed the last drop of blood, although he did not do so deliberately.

The level 45 BOSS exploded, and things were scattered all over the place.

But all Lu Li could see was the staggering steps of David Farrell, captain of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and his bright red state of remaining health.

As the main output and injury bearer, the Paladin was inevitably injured.

Also injured was the Carlin Knight, who blocked Dawei from the ghoul's fatal grasp. Otherwise, Dawei would definitely embark on the original path of death.

"What a pity. My injuries are too serious. Guards, you have to continue fighting!" He passed out and passed out. Although he was lucky enough to survive, he was still unable to participate in the next battle.

Lu Li picked up the items exploded by the Ghoul King. He didn't have time to check them and went into the battle again.

System: Congratulations to Lu Li from the Sword of Judgment Guild for completing the first kill of the level 45 BOSS Ghoul King and Predator Horgus.

As Shuguang players actively develop various new maps, the first kills of various wild BOSSs can be seen every day, but this is the first time that the first kills of level 45 BOSS are on the World Channel.

The dazzling font of the first kill report constantly refreshed people's understanding of Lu Li.

Strangely, no one on the World Channel spoke for a long time, and those who always liked to talk the most kept their mouths shut.

What on earth was Lu Li doing?

Today, when killing a level 35 BOSS requires several hundred people, Lu Li seemed to have killed the level 45 BOSS by himself.

Lu Li didn't have time to pay attention to this. The battle in Dalong County was still very fierce.

He couldn't tell how many potions he drank. As soon as the cooldown time expired, he would try his best to bring his health above the safety line, and then the next unequal battle would begin.

With Horgus dead, the Scourge was clearly in chaos. On the Daron County side, Dawei's injury also concerned the soldiers' hearts.

Fortunately, the militia captain on the human side was quite strong. He commanded the remaining forces to withstand the invasion of the natural disaster monsters. Lu Li and the Carlin Knights were around him, vaguely protecting him.

He didn't know how long he had been killing, but Lu Li's level was about to reach level 33.

The system defaults to him teaming up with Carlin Knight, and he can gain part of the experience from monsters killed by the opponent, which can also be regarded as an invisible reward for the mission.

Looking at the endless killing of undead in front of him, Lu Li mechanically waved the weapon in his hand, and Carlin gave him a blood-sucking aura, giving him the power to protect himself when fighting ordinary monsters.

Unknowingly, the undead in front of him had changed types.

The ordinary monsters had been replaced by elites. Lu Li had to retreat to Knight Carlin and rely on his strength to survive on the battlefield. The pressure felt by the other militiamen was also heavy, and people kept falling.

Captain Joseph Redpath shouted: Guardians of Darrow County! Assemble! We must defeat them!

Joseph Redpath's shout mobilized the spirit of all the survivors. Everyone struggled to maintain the battle circle, while Joseph himself continued to support various weakly defended areas.

Under the leadership of the hero, the seemingly endless army of undead finally thinned out. All the survivors seemed to be able to see the emergence of light.

Persistence, as long as you persist for a little longer, Dalong County can be defended!

Only Lu Li and Carlin Knight did not dare to relax. They were waiting for the arrival of the Death Knight, which was the only chance to save Joseph.

Lu Li didn't know what the outcome of this mission would be. He was actually quite confused. Rebirth would not help at all. Could it be that Dalong County could survive the siege of the undead natural disaster?

In that case, could they be allowed to evacuate to Theramore in Dustwallow Swamp with Jaina?

The survivors of Lordaeron followed Jaina, led by the prophet Medivh and the Archmage, and crossed the ocean to another continent and established Theramore in Dustwallow Swamp.

If their fate can be changed this time, it would be good for Joseph, Carlin and Pamela to live in Theramore.

While Lu Li was meditating, he didn't notice at all that a skeleton war horse sneaked close by quietly. The first people to find it were Joseph and Carlin. Lu Li's level was still low after all.

Marduk the Black, the most famous assassin among the death knights.

His black sword has a great background, and anyone - as long as the level is lower than him - will not be able to escape death after being hit. At this time, the sword is swinging towards Joseph. His purpose is very simple, it is to kill these remnants. leader.

Knight Carlin rose up, and the moment he had been waiting for finally arrived.

He had long had the will to die in his heart, and would trade his life for his brother Joseph. Pamela could not live without her father.

However, things are always unpredictable. Knight Carlin only felt a strong pull pulling him backwards. From Lu Li's perspective, Joseph Redpath grabbed his brother and faced him with his sword.

With the special effect of the cloak, Lu Li instantly appeared behind Marduk and launched a sneak attack!


The huge level gap and the opponent's unreasonable BOSS template made Lu Li's weak attacks look like a joke.

He could only attack desperately.

This kind of powerless pain in the face of fate is so familiar!

Knight Carlin rushed over desperately. He would rather die here than go back and face his little niece who had turned into a ghost.

Unfortunately, it was as if everything was destined: Joseph shot down Marduk's black sword and frightened away the cowardly attacker, and he himself was fatally struck by the sword.

"Karin, kill me!" Joseph Redpath felt that the Holy Light had gone away from him, and he also understood what was going to happen.

"How cruel fate is, why didn't I die!" After many years, Karin Redpath felt the pain again, and he roared.

"Pamela," Lying on the blood-stained ground, Joseph's final consciousness was fixed in a picture.

Under the weeping sky, in the dark ruins, a small figure stood alone. She hugged the doll and looked into the distance. Why hasn't her father come back yet...

Someone was shouting: Captain Redpath has been killed!

History repeated itself. Under the erosion of the black sword of Death Knight Marduk, Joseph Redpath still fell. The one who stood up next was the fallen militia captain who was controlled by magic.

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