The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 440 The ending of Pamela

"Knight Carlin, give him some relief," Lu Li rushed over and grabbed Knight Carlin, speaking loudly in his ear.

"Relief? Who will give me relief?" The paladin's face was a little ferocious. What he saw in front of him was his eternal pain and had become a demon in his mind.

"Joseph is a hero, he should die as a hero, not a monster," Lu Li said firmly, "Pamela should be proud of her father."

"Should, should, everything is fate," Carlin's loss was unimaginable. He had already lost his brother twice.

"Then, let me, an outsider, end this, and you will live in regret forever," Lu Li rushed towards the fallen Joseph Redpath without hesitation.

Reason told him that this was wrong, and there was no need to throw away his valuable experience for a task.

However, people must have something to pursue.

Fortunately, Joseph was not strong enough at this time and had not completely fallen. Although Lu Li couldn't defeat him, he could barely hold on for a few times.

He used the Wind Step, disappeared, and used the protective shield attached to his clothes, but Joseph's health only dropped a little, probably not even one-tenth.

Do you want to hang here?

To be honest, Lu Li was not willing to die like this, and what was even more unwilling was that the mission failed completely.


The long sword was held up, and Carlin finally rushed over to help. Lu Li, who was almost at the end of his health, got precious breathing time.

"This is a battle for Pamela, for her not to die in the hands of her father," Knight Carlin's expression was stern, returning to the way it was when Lu Li first met him.

The battle between the two paladins was full of tragedy. One moment they were brothers fighting side by side.

The battle did not last long. After all, Joseph's depravity was not complete, and his strength was several points weaker than usual. After about five or six minutes, the Carlin Knight shattered his shield and killed him on the spot.

At that moment, Lu Li clearly saw that Redpath's chaotic and irritable eyes became clear.

This is probably a relief.

It was a pity that Carlin was kneeling in front of his brother crying and didn't see it.

The surrounding area slowly became quiet, and all the souls stopped fighting and looked quietly at the fallen Redpath who fell to the ground. I don’t know who it was, but I shouted ecstatically:

The Scourge of the Undead has been defeated! Darrowshire is saved!

Those voices were filled with all kinds of unfamiliar emotions, and Lu Li heard the voice of relief from them.

A gust of wind blew by, and the fighting people scattered like fine sand. All obsessions, unwillingness, and nostalgia were all released at this moment.

At least for the moment, Dalong County, which they had never forgotten to protect, was finally safe, and their souls returned to heaven with peace of mind.

Even the surviving Knight David disappeared. However, when he left, his eyes were clear and he bowed to Lu Li, making Lu Li feel that we might see each other again in the future.

The fallen Joseph slowly stood up from the ground, already a transparent shadow.

"I failed to save you, I killed you, Joseph, how should I face Pamela," Knight Carlin knelt on the ground on one knee and cried softly.

"Don't cry, Karin, do you remember what your father often said, a man shouldn't shed tears?" Joseph in his soul state had peace in his eyes: "My eyes were blinded by darkness, but you saved me from evil fantasies. You saved me, Karin, and now I beg you... to forgive me."

"That's not your fault, Joseph, you tried your best," Carlin is a determined paladin after all. After experiencing the pain of losing his brother, he finally regained some of his demeanor as the captain of the Silver Dawn Knights.

"Thank you, it's time for me to go home now, friends," Joseph in his soul state turned around and walked towards home.

Carlin and Lu Li followed behind with heavy steps. Chromie's magical power was weakening and time was passing by. In a moment, the land was transformed, and the former village was in ruins in the blink of an eye.

"Is the battle over? I seem to hear dad talking..." A little person rushed out of the house, and she threw herself into Joseph's arms. Her voice was cheerful and a little aggrieved: "Dad!"

Joseph Redpath hugged Pamela and sighed: "Pamela? My dear, are you okay?"

Pamela Redpath said: "Dad! Dad! You are back! Let's go play! No, tell me a story, Dad! No... let's pick flowers! Then drink tea! I found my It’s a doll, did I tell you?”

It was like an ordinary little girl finally waiting for her father who had not come home for a long time. She was still as innocent as a child.

"Uncle, you're here too. Did you find daddy?" The little girl raised her head from her daddy's shoulders and smiled shyly.

"Pamela, I'm sorry..." Karin opened his mouth, but did not dare to come close. He was afraid that the holy light on his armor would burn this young soul.

For so many years, he has never dared to step foot into Daron County.

"And you, big brother, thank you for helping me sew the doll, and also for helping me find Uncle Carlin and my father," Pamela smiled sweetly at Lu Li.

She stretched out her little hand and groped around her neck, and took out a bunch of small stones: "This is the amulet I made myself after the doll was lost. It is almost exactly the same as Timmy's next door. Can you accept it?"

"Thank you, Pamela, I like it very much," Lu Li held the rough necklace and smiled bitterly.

"There was a piece of candy that I liked, but I accidentally ate it. Brother, do you like candy?" Pamela hugged her father tightly and put her chin on his father's shoulder while talking to Lu Li.

"I will buy sweet candies for you in the future," Lu Li's nose felt sour and he felt depressed that he couldn't vent.

"I miss you so much, Dad!" Pamela rubbed in Joseph's arms.

Joseph hugged little Pamela tightly: "I miss you too, dear, I'm finally home..."

The father and daughter hugged each other tightly, and their pure souls gradually dissipated.

Lu Li didn't know if there was a better ending.

But they are finally together. The father is no longer burdened with sin, and the daughter is no longer alone. Has the scene of crying blood in her heart changed to another color?

"May the dead rest in peace and the living seek revenge!"

Knight Carlin saluted in the direction where they disappeared, ignoring his tearful words. He should be a resolute knight.

The deceased rests in peace. This may be Lu Li's only gain from this mission. As for whether the mission has been completed, he is not in the mood to pay attention at this time.

Knight Carlin said: "Elf, I have a story about Rabbit and Jam. Do you want to hear it?"

After listening, Lu Li was silent for a while and said, "Thank you, Mr. Knight."

Knight Carlin patted Lu Li on the shoulder: "Thank you too. I have nothing to give you. I can only promise to owe you a favor and I will return it to you when the time is right."

They all left, except Lu Li who remained in Dalong County.

PS: I really cried when I did this mission when I was playing World of Warcraft. It's a pity that I can't give a more satisfactory ending. Thanks to book friend 150614230530903, Wuyue Lianhua, Ai Mengqi is so good, Haotian Wuming, Big Fat Bun, Zhuge Liang plays a big knife, can't lose weight, nellmu, shoots non-stop, General's Wind, joshy, Qing Monthly tickets for Deng Mingyue, Huan Lingxu, A Ming, Iceyang, Yuexia Shenguan, and Obsessive-Compulsive Cat.

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