The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 441 Pamela’s Gift

"Unqualified level, I did a task beyond my ability," he said to himself, stroking the stone necklace in his hand.

What if we do this task again at level 50?

But when I turned around and thought about it, I felt that my thoughts were boring. Since the NPC level issues tasks, it naturally means that this level can do it. The helper Carlin Knight also proves this point.

Perhaps, for Pamela, seeing her father is the happiest thing.

The moment she disappeared, Lu Li could feel that she was happy.

She never knew what death was, and spent her short life waiting for happiness.

This is Darrow County, a heroic battlefield in the past. Countless people once fought and died here. There once was a little girl sitting at the door of her house, waiting for her father to come back day after day.

This is the Plaguelands, where the Scourge is wreaking havoc.

Here is Dawn, a very interesting game.

After gathering his thoughts, Lu Li also left here, and Dalong County soon became a place where the dead wandered.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared into the distant horizon, Lu Li sat on the window seat of the hotel in Nanhai Town, his eyes wandering on the vast smoke-like sea, letting his thoughts drift away, forming a world composed of undead natural disasters, Dalong County warriors, little girls and Dolls, intertwined together into a game legend.

"Are you still having a glass of ale today?" A lazy and low voice sounded in my ears.

When Lu Li turned his head, the waitress had already sat down on the seat opposite Lu Li, and there was an extra glass of ale in front of him.

"I want to tell you a story about an adventure, with a little girl and a doll in it..."

In fact, the story is very simple. Before Lu Li finished drinking the ale, he found that he had already finished all the details. The complex feelings in his heart could not be described in words, let alone conveyed.

He longed for someone to know the story and be similarly moved.

"Compared to the stories of other adventurers, your story is a bit monotonous, and I don't like the ending very much." The waitress stood up with a smile: "I paid for the ale today. I hope I can tell you something happy next time."

After she left, an exquisite small crossbow was left on the seat opposite.

Then, the system prompted Lu Li to complete the task, and he was rewarded with some experience points, some reputation points, and one skill point.

Lu Li's level successfully reached level 33, which was two levels higher than the second place player.

The crossbow was small, but very delicate, and its attributes were very powerful. Lu Li's gloomy mood finally felt better.

Crystal Guardian Crossbow (Dark Gold): damage 32-42, agility +20, strength +8, special effect 1: critical hit +15%, special effect 2: long-range attack speed +25%, special effect: tear 3, certain probability of causing Bleeding effect, stacked up to 5 times, equipment requirement level 30, durability 72/72.

There is a line of small words at the bottom of the weapon attributes: You have a kind heart.

It was a very good crossbow, at least much better than what Lu Li was holding. It had been a long time since he had made any achievements in long-range damage.

With a kind heart, Lu Li could only shake his head: Every friend who has met Pamela will probably secretly swear to protect every cute little smiling face and their little hope from now on...

Only then did he remember that Pamela also gave him a necklace.

Lu Li had never looked at this thing carefully, and he thought about it. The little girl's face seemed to be wandering in front of him again.

Pamela's gift (unique gold): hit +30%, damage +10%, special effect: Pamela's sweet water tea, when used, immediately restores 20% of health, and within the next five seconds, restores 2% per second , the interruption is invalid and cannot be used on targets other than yourself. The cooling time is 30 minutes, the equipment requirement is level 30, and the durability is 72/72.

There is also a line of small words at the bottom of the attribute: I miss you so much, Dad!

The necklace is made of inconspicuous small stones, and at the end is a transparent pendant. Inside is Pamela's bright little face, the smile when she returned to her father's arms.

Lu Li looked at the little girl in the pendant, brought it to his mouth and touched it gently.

Pamela, may you grow up happily and ordinary in another world with your father by your side.

There is no war, no undead natural disasters.

In addition, there are a bunch of things exploded by the Ghoul King. Unsurprisingly, they are all level 45 equipment, one piece of dark gold and two pieces of gold. They are unlikely to be used at this stage.

Unique gold equipment has grooves, but it is too difficult to find synthetic stones of the required level to pick up equipment.

Moreover, this is an equipment for healing Paladins. The Sword of Judgment does not currently have a strong demand for it. Only Ye Xie of the elite group may need it. However, she has too much involvement with the Glory City, and Lu Li cannot completely rest assured.

Three pieces of dark gold and two pieces of gold, this is the equipment Lu Li harvested this time.

The Ghoul King exploded a death knight skill book. For a while, he couldn't even think of anyone who needed it, so he could only temporarily throw it away in the warehouse to support the scene.

In addition to equipment, the biggest gain from this trip is the rare materials exploded by the Ghoul King.

One of the necessary materials for Lu Li to upgrade the Supreme Ring - the Terror Fang, which can only be dropped by BOSS-level monsters of the Scourge Legion, is now lying in his backpack.

Astrana has the most prosperous business in the game currently. All the major guilds have their own shops here, or they are related to the industries behind the financial backers, or the guilds themselves are paving the way for the future.

The Sword of Judgment is no exception. The shop opened by Lu Li's three landladies in cooperation with the guild is in a place that is not conspicuous but definitely not out of the way.

Lu Li walked a few steps from the teleportation point to the door of the store.

"A total of 26.35 gold coins. Our store is still in the grand opening period, so I will give you a total of 26 gold coins." Lu Xin, who was dressed like a little princess, was checking out with a customer who was buying potions.

"Xinxin, when you want to go out to fight monsters, you must come to us and I will save a seat for you." Customer A was reluctant to leave after paying, and tried every means to get close to him.

There are quite a few similar players. The girls behind the counter each have their own characteristics, and each of them has a large number of admirers.

In the past, if someone approached Lu Xin to strike up a conversation, Lu Li would punch him without saying a word, and from now on he would not come within three feet of his sister.

But today his heart was particularly soft and he couldn't get angry at all. He just watched quietly.

What has been lost and missed is difficult to get back even if you can look back in time. Therefore, the most important thing to do is to cherish the present. He silently said in his heart: I miss you so much, sister!

PS: Friends who have the conditions to subscribe, hope to support the genuine version, thank you all, thank you Yue Xiaoduo, Fallen Light Sage, Ao Yuling, Mo Forget Hao Feng, weilan83, Shoot non-stop, Little A Cat Lord, Clip Thanks for the tips and likes, thank you for Crazy Little Superboy, Cut Me Seventy-Two Times, Build the Screen, The Magic Stick under the Moon, Laughing in front of the Bottle, Charming Sea of ​​Books, Great Forgetfulness, and a monthly ticket for a good book .

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