"Brother!" After finally getting rid of the players who had been chatting with her, Lu Xin saw Lu Li standing at the door looking at her.

"It's time for you to log off and go to bed." Lu Li was very disappointing. With just one sentence, the joy on Lu Xin's face disappeared.

She pouted angrily: "There are still several hours until the game ends. The genius has just blacked out. Brother, I want to play for a while longer. I am a professional gamer."

Lu Xin has already suspended school, and the school is very considerate.

Or they are reluctant to let a student with a heart problem sit in the classroom, which is simply a ticking time bomb.

"Obviously not," although Lu Li loved his sister very much and doted on the girl from the bottom of his heart, he was not only an older brother, he was also the head of the family. As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father, not to mention that their father is no longer around.

"Huh, you're the most annoying," Lu Xin was having a great time, and she felt very depressed when she was kicked out of the game.

Her brother is so stubborn that there is no room for negotiation as long as it is a decision.

"Tomorrow is Halloween, you can have fun," Lu Li couldn't bear his sister being unhappy and immediately compromised on another matter. This was something Lu Xin had been fighting for these days.

"Can I go out to play?" Lu Xin immediately forgot about the unhappiness just now.

"Yes, but I want to follow you," Lu Li said naggingly: "You can't play too dangerous games..."

"Then can I go watch other people play?" Lu Xin ran over and hugged her brother's arm. Just thinking about it, tomorrow's Halloween is enough to make her look forward to it.

Halloween, for the Lu Li siblings and even the entire ghetto community, is as illusory as Valentine's Day.

Who cares what Halloween is when we can't live a good life.

Lu Xin’s knowledge of Halloween all comes from books and movies.

She even wrote a little poem about Halloween in class, from a movie called What Witch:

He opened the door,

Outside the door are a group of cute children,

They wore little wizard robes,

shouting with a smile,

treat or trick……

This scene reminded him,

Some time ago,

The witch who flew away on a broomstick,

You all look great,

Happy Halloween,

He cried like a child,

cried and said,

I'm sorry, but I don't have any use for a piece of candy...

The little witches screamed and ran away.

This little poem was rough, but it was pretty good for a junior high school student. That time she won first place, and the prize was a very high-end desk lamp. Lu Xin took it and sold it to her classmates, and the two siblings ate it. Feast.

This is the first time the Lu family brothers and sisters have celebrated Halloween, even though it is in a game.

Halloween is a Western holiday, and its fame is certainly not as good as Christmas, which is now popular around the world. It is a traditional holiday of the Catholic Church and is mainly popular in English-speaking areas, such as North America and the British Isles, followed by Australia and New Zealand.

However, in the minds of children, Halloween is definitely a magical thing.

That night the kid would put on costumes and masks and go door to door collecting candy—well, maybe that last one is the point.

In reality, except for Singles’ Day, those festivals have long lost their festive atmosphere. Halloween in the game is of course more lively than in reality. If you meet Thrall or Tyrande, no matter what level or status you are, you will You can safely ask him for a candy.

Maybe Sargeras can also ask for his candies, but no one knows where he is hiding.

Someone once went to a dungeon or in the wild to ask for candy from the BOSS on a whim. Of course, he was shot to death by the BOSS in the end.

"I'm going to dress up tomorrow. I like Halloween the most," Lu Xin said as happily as a flea.

"Now, get offline!" Lu Li was determined to kick his sister out of the game.

He didn't tell his sister that there was actually a very disappointing story about the origin of Halloween.

According to legend, the souls of the departed will return to their former homes on this day to look for life in the living to regenerate. This is the only hope for rebirth after death. The living people are afraid that the dead souls will come to seize their lives, so people put out the furnace fires and candlelights on this day so that the dead souls cannot find the living people. They also dress up as monsters and monsters to scare away the souls of the dead. After that, they will light the fire candle again and start their life in the new year.

This is indeed a very dark statement, and it only shows that people’s hearts are actually selfish.

If it were Lu Xin, she would definitely struggle with what it would be like to trade her life for her parents... But Lu Li would not struggle with such a thing. In his eyes, his sister is the most important, not him who has not done anything. Responsible for parents who have been dead for many years.

Reasonable people never dream of the impossible.

After driving his sister offline, Lu Li used the remaining time to continue upgrading. He didn't spend more time on leveling than others, and his efficiency was probably not as good as that of the masters who attacked in groups, so he couldn't relax.

And when upgrading, there is no delay in discussing the strategy of tomorrow’s event with Root Number Three.

"During the free time, I hope everyone will actively participate and not level up or download dungeons. Since the game launches this kind of activity, it must be attractive for everyone to participate," Lu Li couldn't say much, but he He is the de facto boss of the guild and can use his influence to do some things.

"Okay, I'll kick everyone out to play tomorrow," Root Number Three originally planned to tell the people in the guild not to delay leveling up and downloading the dungeon.

Since Lu Li said so, it was Lu Li who had the final say.

"The elite group is on standby. Ten seats are reserved. If you want to go too, leave eleven. We will form a group of a hundred people and form it as soon as possible." Lu Li said some details about the event, and then started to talk about the most important thing. thing.

"What are we going to do?" Root Number 3 sent the message.

He knew that tomorrow's event would be very important. Props, equipment, experience points, and every official event would all come out in large numbers, but he really didn't know what would require the elites of Guild No. 10 to be dispatched.

"Tomorrow there will be a special BOSS in the Scarlet Monastery Cemetery dungeon. The maximum number of people in the dungeon will be raised to a hundred. Let's go in as soon as possible. I want to play with my sister in the afternoon. I hope to kill him as soon as possible." Lu Li kept moving his hands. He was also busy chatting.

Root No. 3 was unable to complain. The first time he went to fight the BOSS was not to kill him first, but to play with that girl Lu Xin without delay.

"I'm in charge of directing. This is the guild's first real group activity. Let everyone be tight. If their performance is too poor, I will kick them out directly and put them on standby." Lu Li's first time directing this kind of activity Large-scale combat is also stressful.

"Don't worry, I'll kick someone if you don't tell me," Gen Hao San promised, patting his chest.

Although nowadays, large guilds will sometimes invest one or two hundred-man groups to fight BOSS in the wild, but the manpower is mainly used to fight with other people who come to grab the BOSS. In fact, not many people actually fight the BOSS.

The Sword of Judgment has a weak foundation and this kind of group activity is essential if it wants to grow.

PS: Thanks to Nuoyu, Night Stalker, Zhizhi, pcwayt, Tang Fenglan, Kuangtian Zhanlong, Unconfused God, 12365496, Static Electricity, Lost Little Book Boy, Seven Worlds Traceless, Fire Control, Qingshi, Telling Soldiers , Zhai Zhai Zhai Zhai, Singing will bring you a good mood, I don’t know what to chant, Cassie Duoduo, yoyo82wo, Hongzi, Fenghuanyunlian, A wild goose on the horizon, Ivanster, Dreamland-Wolf of the World, Eternal Phantom monthly pass .

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