The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 446 Peerless City

"Calm down, didn't you see that the boss only set fire? As for the end of this stage, Mr. Feng, you stand in the middle so that you can pull the monster immediately after it falls." Lu Li was not nervous at all. At this stage, all he had to do was avoid the flames. .

As for the BOSS landing point in the center, that cannot be said directly.

There were more and more flames on the ground, and the space for players to move was gradually compressed. Many players were burned out of their health tanks.

But everything was under Lu Li's control. It was impossible not to die at this stage. As long as no more than one-third of the people died, there was great hope that the next two stages could be overcome.

When the BOSS's blood volume dropped to 40% and fell back to the ground, there were only more than 70 people who could still stand up with the Sword of Judgment.

"The druids brought up the healers and tanks, and the two druids from the fourth team were saved for recovery... I told them not to use them, forget it," Lu Li was speechless. The people below him were too fast and there was nothing he could do. I can only choose to be tolerant: "Let all the melee professions go up and fight."

"The City of Glory has been destroyed twice, once 30% of its health was destroyed, and once it was 50% of its health." Root No. 3 may have some spies over there and got first-hand information about the City of Glory.

"Pay attention to Wushuang City," Lu Li nodded and added.

Dawn's Halloween Headless Horseman's first kill came from Wushuang City, a new guild that has always made high-profile first kills.

If Lu Li hadn't changed a lot of things, Wushuang City would have been the most popular emerging guild. Many people compared them to the Blood Flag, thinking that they were the super guild that had the most strength to challenge the dominance of the Glory City.

"Wushuang City, I understand," Root Number Three didn't understand why Lu Li singled out Wushuang City, but that didn't stop him from making arrangements.

At this time, the Headless Horseman's ultimate move in the fourth stage finally arrived.

The Headless Horseman charges forward on his horse, causing massive physical damage and knockback to enemies hit by them. When completing his charge, he sends out a shock wave, causing nearby enemies to flee from the Headless Horseman in fear. The effect lasts for 4 seconds.

Of course, this ultimate move is currently only known to Lu Li.

In order to cope with this ultimate move without exposing his secret, Lu Li took great pains.

He always requires everyone to keep a certain number of yards away from each other, and requires staggered positions to minimize the number of people being charged in a straight line.

The comparison between the younger brother and the older brother on the same move highlights the boss's status. The Headless Horseman's charge is much more powerful than that of the Ghost Rider. He not only charges with weapons, but also has a wider charge range. When he charges to the destination, he will also Put a wider range of group terror.

Players who were frightened were running around like headless chickens.

The Headless Horseman took advantage of the chaos to harvest lives, and within a few seconds, seven or eight players fell.

"Master Feng, don't move, You Xingtianxia is mocking the BOSS," Lu Li quickly stopped the blue sea breeze that was about to chase him, and assigned several other Ts to disperse to other positions.

Sure enough, the Headless Horseman soon returned to his old ways, and he immediately chose a direction and rushed over.

At this time, the group that had just been frightened had not been out of the fear state for long. The formation was in a mess. After being rushed, it became even more chaotic. Many people were knocked into the air.

There are very few people who can continue to output.

The Headless Horseman happened to rush to the vicinity of Piao Ling. After the BOSS's mass fear was finished, Piao Ling immediately rushed over and drew the BOSS's hatred onto himself.

This time the BOSS didn't have time to reap the life, so he reluctantly followed the system's settings to fight a paladin wearing a turtle shell.

Five seconds later, the Headless Horseman charges again!

This time Lu Li was unfortunate enough to be standing on the path of being charged. If it hadn't been for the Wind Step, he would have definitely ended up being pushed up into the air.

This stage is very difficult, mainly due to chaos, and has extremely high requirements on the quality of personnel and the commander's adaptability. Since many people were knocked away or frightened, the number of people actually participating in the attack on the BOSS was greatly reduced, which undoubtedly lengthened the period. time for this stage.

In the game Shuguang, you cannot calculate the battle time by dividing the BOSS's HP by the team's total damage per second.

The quality of the elite team of Sword of Judgment cannot be said to be very good, but Lu Li's command level is definitely ranked high, not to mention that his advantage of rebirth is always at work, and many details that are difficult for everyone to pay attention to have been more or less reduced. casualties.

After entering the fifth stage, the remaining members of the Sword of Judgment group were less than seventy.

"The Druid who has cooled down from the battle resumption will hit 1 in the team channel." Seeing that the fourth phase was finally coming to an end, Lu Li began to make plans for the fifth phase.

The fifth stage is the most testing of output. If the reduction of personnel exceeds 50% before this stage, then you can simply give up and restart. At least as far as Lu Li knows, no one has ever used half of the output to destroy the last stage.

"Lu Li, please speed up. Has Wushuang City reached the fifth stage?"

The news about Root Number 3 came a little late, but there was nothing we could do about it.

Most of the elite group are under contract, and they agree with the guild very much. If the Wushuang City Guild hadn't participated in the land reclamation this time and there were a total of fifteen hundred-member groups, it would have been impossible for Root Number Three to get the news in such a short period of time.

Stage five?

Lu Li didn't believe it. Although he came online a little late today and had another group wiped out earlier, it was impossible for Wushuang City to be destroyed in one go. Why did they advance to the fifth stage?

"They adopted a gradient method of land reclamation. They first invested two groups to defeat the first stage. After summarizing all the strategies for the first stage, they invested in the third and fourth groups. And so on. Now we have reached the two groups in the fifth stage. The team was not destroyed even once, they just started late, otherwise they would probably have gotten the first kill by now."

There is indeed no shortage of smart people in this world.

Instead of investing all fifteen groups at once to complete the wasteland dungeon from beginning to end, it is really better to take two groups to test the first stage.

The 34th and 4th regiments have learned from the past and will not waste time in the first stage. Their goal is the second stage...

This kind of gradient land reclamation will become the mainstream in the future. As long as there are no bosses that will be unsolvable for a while, the big guilds will have enough capital to easily compete for the first kill.

There is still a big gap in strength. Wushuang City, the youngest super guild, has experienced several years of development, let alone those that are hundreds of years old.

Wushuang City can invest fifteen hundred-man regiments at once, and Glory City can produce at least thirty. Lu Li's Sword of Judgment has not even selected the final candidate for the second hundred-man regiment yet.

"Have you checked the attrition status of the two current regiments?" Lu Li tried his best to calm down.

"I heard that there are still sixty or seventy people left, but the authenticity cannot be guaranteed. Who knows if they deliberately released the news. Other guilds are probably learning from it. If we can't kill him this time, the leader of the Headless Horseman will be killed." The killing has nothing to do with us," Genhao Sanhao was so anxious that his buttocks burned, but he was afraid that saying it too seriously would put too much pressure on Lu Li.

"Announce our progress and say that we are already in the fifth stage. By the way, we still have more than 80 people left," Lu Li said.

"But there are only more than sixty of us," Root Number Three was puzzled.

PS: Thanks for the name, damn it’s so hard to come up with a name, don’t forget Hao Feng, my name is Zhao Ritian, Fallen Light Sage, Dabei without Tears, weilan83, Little A Cat King, Wanyu’s reward And likes, thanks to Mephala, More than Laowang in the Wardrobe, Bloody DE Fairy, \u0026 Fuyu¥Profession, The Glory of the Sword, ww_hz, Otoyu 2, Handsome Prince, Power Beckham, Fenlilu, Little White Bear, Yuye Mei Monthly passes for Fire, Ao Ning Zi, Fallen Spiral, a good book, Jian screen, and the wandering sword.

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