The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 447 Where is my head?

"Third brother, what's so difficult to understand? The boss is trying to put some pressure on them," Fat Monkey understood quickly and said with a smile, "It's better to be more exaggerated..."

Root number three is not an idiot, and he immediately made arrangements with understanding.

So the World Channel immediately added many passers-by of the Sword of Judgment, A, B, B, and D. One said that the game had reached the fifth stage, and another said that there were more than 80 people left, and then another person immediately participated in the discussion about what good things would come out.

Suddenly, the news that the Sword of Judgment was about to get its first kill flooded every channel.

In fact, the final stage is about stability. The key depends on which side of the BOSS and players can persist to the end. All aspects will reduce the number of personnel by at least one-third or even more. Once the commander and the participants become impatient, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lu Li didn't expect this conspiracy to have any miraculous results, it was just a small trick that was better than nothing.

"Blue sea breeze!"

"Ah? Ah!"

This seemingly normal conversation appears in the dungeon - the scene of fighting the BOSS. It is really weird. The most terrible thing is that the first sentence comes from the mouth of the BOSS.

Azure Sea Breeze was also confused at that time. The Headless Horseman actually called out his name. This couldn't be an illusion.

Then he screamed the next second.

In some records about the Headless Horseman, he (the Headless Horseman) rides a ghost horse and leads a team of (nine) ghost knights. He begins to patrol the entire continent of Azeroth every Halloween. During the patrol, he Will call the dying person's name and take their soul away.

As long as I call you, you will die.

This was the case with Azure Sea Breeze, as his blood tank was emptied in an instant.

The person responsible for adding his blood didn't even have time to react.

"God Destiny, hold the BOSS, everyone else stops," Lu Li shouted to other tanks to take over, while secretly using a resurrection skill on Azure Sea Breeze.

He also knows the druid's combat recovery skill, and using this skill requires mana.

Lu Li is a thief who relies on energy to release his skills, but it's not that he has no magic value, it just doesn't show up. The Split Wind Leather Boots he wears add ten points of all attributes, including ten points of intelligence.

Azure Sea Breeze had no time to worry about who rescued him. As soon as he got up, he rushed over and grabbed the BOSS.

Born Destiny only carried it a few times and almost died.

You can't see the level of the Headless Horseman at all, but it's definitely not low.

Under normal circumstances, the five Ts should take turns to carry them. Whenever there is danger, they should use damage reduction immediately. I guess other big guilds do this.

The Sword of Judgment is different. Azure Sea Breeze's level is already 31, and he has several pieces of gold equipment, and most of the others are silver with very good attributes. In terms of equipment alone, those so-called MTs are not on the same level as him.

What's more, he also has a lot of skill points. For MT, the role of skill points is immeasurable.

The azure sea breeze once again resisted the boss, and the little commotion calmed down in an instant, while Lu Li still arranged calmly and calmly, without any sense of urgency to get the first kill.

"A regiment has been destroyed in Wushuang City," Root Number Three reported.

"What's going on?" Before he could wait for an answer, Lu Li ordered the team members' positions. The melee positions were too dense. It would be very miserable later...

"The details are not very clear, and they don't know how to do it. The BOSS swept a large area at once, restored 20% of its health, and regressed back to the fourth stage. The BOSS flew up again, haha …”

Lu Li's covered eyes flashed with a glimmer of understanding, that was the fifth stage's ultimate move.

The Headless Horseman causes a total of one thousand points of magic damage to all enemies within three yards of the target. At the same time, it recovers health equal to the total amount of all damage. The health restored in a single time will not exceed 20% of the total health.

Once there are too many melee professions around you, the amount of blood recovered...

"All melee combatants retreated, and long-range attacks continued. Once the bloodthirst of memories is gone, activate." Lu Li would not make the same mistake as Wushuang City.

Not long after retreating from the melee, the Sword of Judgment team also saw the BOSS's ultimate move.

That really swept a 360-degree circle with no blind spots, but it was a pity that the Headless Horseman only swept away one person, Azure Sea Breeze, and the thousand health points restored were not enough to defeat a wave of long-range professions.

"Where's the second group? Don't they have another group competing in the fifth stage?" Lu Li asked.

"It hasn't been destroyed yet, why hasn't it been destroyed yet?" Root Number Three was also anxious.

"Forget it, the Headless Horseman's first kill doesn't affect the explosion rate anyway, so it doesn't matter if they make it back. Don't panic, everyone, take your time and fight in close combat," Lu Li comforted everyone.

At this stage, close combat is necessary. The death knight's magic defense is too high, and few magic professions can cause more than double-digit damage.

Lu Li's conservative approach was a waste of human resources. As the main output, melee combat was pushed back and forth. Coupled with the BOSS's automatic blood regeneration, it only took three minutes after entering the fifth stage to lose more than 10,000 health.

The BOSS still has 16% of his health.

Everyone felt that Lu Li really didn't want to grab this first kill anymore, otherwise he wouldn't have been so lazy.

"Pull up a shaman when Druid's recovery is cooled down. Whoever's blue recovery totem is cooled down will be hit 1 in the team channel." Lu Li really planned to fight a protracted war. He calculated and felt that there are several main healers. The magic value is not enough.

"Lu Li..." Root Number Three was a little anxious.

"Calm down, safety first," Lu Li sat still like an old monk, not wavering in the ancient well, not caring about Root Number Three's anxiety at all.

He can indeed fight more unrestrainedly, but the risk is also high. Once the BOSS's blood volume recovers too much and the melee combat is further reduced, the fight will really have to be restarted.

"Many teams from other guilds have entered the fifth stage," Root Number Three muttered quietly.

Teams are constantly being wiped out, and teams are constantly entering the fifth stage...

13%, 11%, 10%…

"My head, where did my head go?" the Headless Horseman wailed, holding his head, as if remembering that he also had a head a long time ago.

"Leave the BOSS in close combat, eight yards!" Lu Li squeezed the sweat from his palms and stared at the scene without blinking.

"Here you go!" The Headless Horseman waved, and the heads of four players flew up. From a visual point of view, this scene scared many people. I hope they won't have nightmares tonight.

The guy who lost his head naturally died.

Fortunately, the four heads burned after leaving the body, and the flames blocked everyone's sight, otherwise it would be really disturbing.

"Four Ts, each holding a head, move slowly to the four corners, hit the head with melee combat, and with maximum distance output, all go to fight the BOSS." Lu Li also retreated slightly.

In fact, he has never experienced this stage personally, and he is currently using theories that only exist in guides.

PS: It’s the end of the month. If you still have a monthly ticket, please give me a monthly ticket. If you don’t have a monthly ticket, please vote for recommendation. Thank you all. Thank you for Starry Stars, Icewind Dale, x.x?, Ye Zifeng, [Shenzhen], Qi A monthly pass of eighty-five-seven.

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