The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 449 Black Hand Halo

"Do you dare to pull me up first?" Lu Li waited for thirty seconds, but no one revived him.

Looking up from the ground, the dead player could see a dozen remaining guys jumping and screaming there. They were so excited that they probably even forgot their last names.

"Uh, pull the boss and the others up quickly," and then everyone remembered that Lu Li, Root No. 3 and dozens of others were still on the floor.

"I'm sorry, boss, I'm just too excited." An elemental shaman learned the resurrection technique and came over to use the skill on Lu Li, pulling him up from the ground.

After being resurrected, Lu Li immediately opened his backpack.

A nameplate with the mark of the Headless Horseman and a skill book are exactly what the system rewards the Sword of Judgment Guild.

Reins of the Headless Horseman!

I actually got this thing one day!

There are a lot of valuable things in Dawn, and transaction records of millions and tens of millions are constantly being refreshed, but what can really drive players crazy are those things that can improve their performance.

The Headless Horseman's horse is undoubtedly one of the most powerful things that can improve your character.

In the early stage, players did not come into contact with many mounts. Most of them were race- and profession-related mounts. Many of them could even be bought for money from designated NPCs. They were low-end goods. Of course, they could not appear superior to others.

The Headless Horseman's war horse is different. There is only one chance to kill the Headless Horseman every year. Most players do not have the strength to kill it. Even if the Headless Horseman is killed, the war horse may not be available.

Players who died were resurrected one after another. After the resurrection, everyone received a notification to clear the level and received the holiday BOSS package.

Can Meng, who was waiting to touch the corpse, watched pitifully as the Headless Horseman was reduced to ashes, leaving the hero useless.

Lu Li took out the holiday package.

My heart is beating so fast. I haven't felt this uneasy for a long time.

If only the reins of a headless horseman could be produced...

Of course, he cannot sell the system reward in his backpack as his own private property. After all, this is the result of everyone's hard work.

In fact, Lu Li had a similar experience. In his previous life, he often went to farm a mount. If it was found in a dungeon of more than 40 levels, he could farm it once a week. By the way, there is no level limit for dungeons with level 30 and above. He went there every week, each time with great hope.

Lu Li even imitated a bunch of funny guys and ran to make a wish, and then came back to fulfill the wish after the promise was made.

As a result, after playing CD after CD for two years, I still haven’t seen a hair on the mount’s legs until I was reborn.

I often hear people lamenting that they haven’t come out yet, well, they haven’t come out yet…

Full of sadness and tears, I almost cried.

Now, a gift package with the possibility of getting a Headless Horseman was placed in front of him. Lu Li began to involuntarily fantasize about what he would do if it came out. Should he sell it or use it for himself...

He gritted his teeth and chose to open the gift bag.

There is no need to delay, if you have it, you have it, if you don’t have it, you don’t have it...

System: Get experience rewards and get 2 gold coins.


Is this gone?

My second sister, Lu Li's legs felt weak and he staggered back two steps, almost falling to the ground.

"Wahaha~" Such a distinctive middle-class laugh was naturally a result of the blue sea breeze. He was holding a sign in his hand and laughing wildly to himself.

Fuck, Lu Li really wanted to kick him to death.

Lu Li just thought about it, but Piao Ling had already kicked him: "What are you yelling about, sir? Didn't you see that everyone is here? Are you embarrassed? Do you want to order Bilian..."

Azure Sea Breeze was scolded so much that the key was to look around. Everyone looked at him in the same way.

What I hate the most is the kind of person who takes a mount and yells everywhere, lest no one knows about it.

The number one MT, who was originally the most popular, has now become the object of everyone's envy, and was almost beaten by a group of people. Even those who don't understand now know how precious this mount is.

"Boss, how about I give this to you," Nuo Yu, the mage in the team, came over and initiated a transaction request to Lu Li.

He was the first player to join the Sword of Judgment. He was initially an undercover agent sent by the Jiangnan nobles. Later, he turned against the enemy and successfully escaped from the control of the Jiangnan nobles with the help of Lu Li and Gen Hao San. He is now one of the main mages of the elite group.

Lu Li was shocked when he saw the items being traded.

It’s actually the reins of the Headless Horseman!

The Sword of Judgment actually took out the reins of the second Headless Horseman!

Some people may think that a hundred people have a chance, but now only two have come out. This probability is not high.

In fact, if you look at other guilds after this event, you will know that at least 80% of the hundred-man groups who defeated the Headless Horseman but failed to produce a mount. There are even worse guilds that sent out more than a dozen hundred-man groups, but only one mount was left. Didn't see it either.

"Nuo Yu, stop joking," Lu Li refused the deal without thinking.

Damn it, if this were confirmed, what would I become?

They are all here to hang out, so you can’t be too unscrupulous in your conduct.

Although the people in the guild took the initiative to give up, if they accept it, how will they behave in the future?

It was actually heartbreaking to reject it. After all, it cost millions. This was probably the most expensive thing Lu Li had ever seen since he entered the game.

He was puzzled, why could everyone else get mounts, especially a coward like Azure Sea Breeze, but he could only get gold coins, and there were only two of them. There was really no lower limit for two.

The worst thing was not for him. There was a girl in the party who only got one gold coin, and she cried in grievance.

Lu Li is the boss behind the guild and a spiritual symbol, so he must endure it.

In fact, excluding the unlucky kid like Lu Li, who was extremely unlucky, what most people got was pretty good.

Root Number Three made statistics and found that more than ten people got gold equipment, more than thirty people got silver equipment, dozens of people got rare materials, and some people got various holiday props. .

There are quite a lot of holiday props.

Let’s not talk about candies. BOSS products are all distributed in packs, and one pack is one hundred pieces. If you are lucky, for example, Hachi-chan got three packs of candies at once.

The Halloween magic wand is the most interesting gadget. It can turn others into pirates, ninjas, skeletons, and even bats, kittens, bugs, and frogs... allowing you to experience the magic of a magician.

The alien mask allows players to transform into players of other races after wearing it. Like the magic wand, these are holiday props and disappear after seven days.

There are many kinds of Halloween food, which are not only delicious, but also have various effects after eating them.

Pumpkin bag, this is a baby with 18 squares, which is both commemorative and very practical.

Even if you can't get the Headless Horseman, having a magic broom or flying carpet can comfort your injured soul. Players who get these two limited-time props become the envy of everyone.

Seeing that everyone was eager to go back to the city to test out the new gadgets they had obtained, Lu Li held onto his scarred heart and announced the end of the group activity.

PS: Thanks to two book friends Mu Qiu and Dongxihou Toshi. They both gave me ten thousand rewards. I burst into tears. Thanks to Tears of the Soul Redeemer, PPrake, eeeew2, The Sloth in the Tree, Little Rookie Zhu Bajie, and Mu Qiu. , iceyang, east-west thick toast monthly pass.

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