The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 450 Being watched on the street

"Sell this and keep it as gang funds," Lu Li returned to the Astrana Guild's headquarters and started self-comfort (deception) mode, feeling a little better.

The system rewarded the reins of the Headless Horseman and the elementary riding skills book in his backpack, and he planned to let Root Three take them and sell them.

He can fly, and it doesn't seem to matter whether he is headless or not.

Before you learn flying riding, you can't fly even if you have a head or not, you still have to run on the ground.

"Are you kidding me?" Root No. 3 plucked his ears, as if he couldn't believe the information he heard. Such a cool and practical good thing was actually being sold.

"How many millions of real coins are these?" Lu Li looked at Number Three with a crazy look.

"Brother, we don't need to worry about it so much now," Root No. 3 said with the same crazy look: "You are the president now, and every move you make represents the image of the guild. The more you invest, the more you will get in return. "

Root Number Three was troubled by Lu Li's idea of ​​a small farmer.

In his opinion, Lu Li was good at everything, but he easily got into dead ends when it came to money matters.

The gaming industry has long ceased to rely solely on making equipment and selling money. Now it is somewhat similar to the entertainment industry, where large guilds are established, and then star players and teams are launched to create virtual idols.

As long as a virtual idol has an audience, that is, someone pays attention, it can generate benefits.

For example, when it comes to celebrity racers’ endorsement contracts and attendance at events, some people are willing to spend money to help promote their own industry.

The annual endorsement contract of the Glory City team is said to have exceeded 100 million. If you participate in large or small gaming events, someone will give you money as long as you win.

In addition, there are embedded ads and so on...

In a game industry system worth trillions of dollars, in an event that millions of people follow, as long as enough people follow it, sponsors will be willing to pay for it.

Sword of Judgment has not sold club endorsements so far, but a conservative estimate of tens of millions is the minimum.

And why does the Sword of Judgment want to get a high price?

Of course, it is the strength of the guild, the record of the club, the popularity of the players, and the future development prospects.

Now that Lu Li is riding a headless war horse around the streets of Astrana, countless people in various game forums and media are sure to discuss and envy him. This is the so-called attention.

"And this is a reward, it cannot be traded at all," Root Number Three finally added.

There were similar rewards during the last Mid-Autumn Festival. I heard that they were all non-tradable. The two horses obtained by Azure Sea Breeze and Nuo Yu were obtained by themselves, so they were not affected.

"Fuck!" Lu Li then discovered that there were two lines of small words below the item description.

To commemorate the first year of Dawn, the Sword of Judgment Guild killed the Headless Horseman for the first time!

This item is untradeable, undroppable, and destructible.

He seemed to hear the sound of millions of real coins fluttering away, and his glass heart shattered to the ground...

Don't expect a poor guy to suddenly have the demeanor of a billionaire, that's unrealistic.

"If I were you, I would take advantage of other guilds to take advantage of the fact that they haven't released the Headless Horseman yet, and go out on the street to get one, which can be regarded as publicity for the guild," Root No. 3 was a little gloating.

Lu Li thought it was right, so he learned the basic riding skills rewarded by the system, and then found an NPC to tame the Headless Horseman's horse.

This may be the first mount in the game, and it is also an extremely popular headless horse.

After Lu Li finished studying, he returned to the street. He looked around and felt a little embarrassed. At the end, he even put his black iron mask on his face, which was a bit cover-up.

After a high-pitched neighing, a tall war horse appeared in front of Lu Li.

It is taller than ordinary mounts, with its eyes and mouth filled with pale green phosphorus fire, and its coat is as colored as lacquer. It is equipped with a set of exquisite saddles, and each of its four hooves is stepping on a ball of flame, like a messenger from hell.

Lu Li turned over and sat on the horse. Because he had learned how to ride and had experiences in his previous life, he didn't feel any discomfort.

Wherever the war horse passed, it left a little bit of phosphorus fire.

If he could fly and ride now, the Headless Horseman's horse would be even more impressive, allowing a fighter jet to run on the ground and waste everything.

However, the shocking effect is not obscured by this flaw.

"..." There was silence all around. Everyone stared at this thing that suddenly appeared. On Halloween, they seemed to have seen something more terrifying than various ghost costumes.

"Could this be the legendary mount? Who is sitting on it?" Of course, the first thing people looked at was the strange horse, and then people's thoughts quickly turned to the knight on the horse.

"With your face covered..." This is the first time for most players to observe another player from this perspective.

The feeling of looking up at me is not pleasant. I am a little envious. It would be great if the person sitting on it and enjoying the attention of everyone is me. I am also a little jealous. How can this kid be so virtuous? He actually rode such a cool horse when I didn’t even have a mount. of a war horse.

"It seems that the Sword of Judgment rewarded a horse with the reins of a headless horseman... This is... Lu Li!" There are always smart people, and it is indeed not difficult to guess.

"It's Lu Li from the Sword of Judgment. I recognize his turban pattern..."

After guessing Lu Li's identity, everyone immediately felt that this person had jumped three points out of thin air. This was a real first kill, a victory achieved by fighting with a group of big guilds.

Those who are more well-informed think of the hundred-man group of the Grand Guild, which often has dozens or dozens of people, but only one Sword of Judgment!

Come and see Lu Li!

Come and see the Headless Horseman!

Come and see Lu Li riding the Headless Horseman!

Three floors inside and outside was no longer enough to describe the congested main road of Astrana. The development of things was a bit unexpected. Lu Li sat on the tall war horse, his palms holding the reins sweaty.

Suddenly I felt like a monkey being watched in a zoo.

"Lu Li, look at the guild channel..." Root No. 3's voice message was very urgent, as if something great had happened. It rang out at an untimely moment when Lu Li was being watched.

Upon hearing this, Lu Li quickly pulled out the guild channel alone.

There are a lot of people here, and most of them still use the ancient text chat method, which is also easier to check the records.

It was easy to find. The first thing Lu Li saw were those four words - Blue Python Fang!

Because what these four words represent is too important to him.

He once gave Root Number 3 a list. As long as it is on this list, he must get it at all costs. This is why Root Number 3 is so eager to find him. Although he doesn't know what the use is, it can be obtained by him. What Lu Li, the miser, described with "at all costs" is definitely very important.

This is the material Lu Li needs to upgrade the Supreme Ring!

PS: It’s the end of the month, are there any monthly tickets left? Thanks to book friends 151026172200139, Jingxi, Fallen Light Sage, Half a Boundless Tune, Heaven and Earth Shuangjue, weilan83, Don’t Forget Hao Feng, and Yue Xiaoduo for their rewards and likes. Thanks to asdbb, Xiaoluo, Ye∮wolf, Zhuangzai Political Commissar, Pheasant Fighting Phoenix, x. , Looking at the Eiffel, Deep Blue Moon Night, Lookmoon, Devil's Little Knight, 1949, Xiao Xuxu, Pirates of the East China Sea, Big Joe's monthly pass.

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