The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 451 Funny Knight

Lu Li carefully read the sentence in the guild chat history.

Instant Ten Thousand Years: Does anyone know what the Blue Python's Tooth is used for?

Several answers followed, but most of them were inaccurate. Everyone knew that this was a rare material, but no one could tell what kind of equipment it was used for.

Regarding the distribution of loot, some rules are established in the current gaming circle.

For public dungeons and wild BOSS that are organized by guilds, the ownership rights of the rare materials that emerge belong to the guild; if you download private dungeons, the equipment and rare materials obtained are handled by the players themselves; and for festival BOSS, although a guild organization is also required, the obtained Things are also handled by the players themselves.

Of course, there are also some small guilds that are not on the stage and ignore this rule.

It's just that the Sword of Judgment has a very long-term goal, so it naturally won't squander the players' interests.

Everyone is here to play games. If there is no benefit at all, who would be willing to join a guild and accept others' instructions. A fixed plus floating salary system, plus the guild will organize some activities and tasks that individuals cannot complete. This is the general situation of the modern guild system.

Today the Headless Horseman revealed a lot of things, including more than a dozen pieces of gold equipment, dozens of silver equipment, as well as several materials, skill books, etc...

Root Number Three and Lu Li had no intention of asking for anything from the members of the elite group. Nuo Yu wanted to give his mount to Lu Li because he had the right to control it. Otherwise, why would he repay the favor with something that belonged to the guild?

Lu Li was going to break this rule now, he wanted this rare material very much.

Not caring about posing coquettishly on the street for people to watch, Lu Li mobilized the headless horseman and moved slowly among the crowd. After getting rid of the onlookers, he put away the horse and ran away.

Riding a horse and galloping around town is nonsense.

"It lasts forever, right?" Lu Li applied to him as a friend and waited for the other party to confirm before sending him a message.

"I'll go, you're not a liar, are you? I don't believe it. I really can't think of a reason for the first person in the game to add me as a friend. Could it be that Shuguang allows people with the same name to appear? There is no dot in front of the name, and there is no space after it. ..." He chattered endlessly, making people wonder whether it was better to call him exciting or funny.

"Ahem, I'm Lu Li, and you and I are from the same guild," Lu Li was speechless.

"Oh, yes, there is also a Sword of Judgment mark in front of your name. Please wait a moment." Before the communication was cut off, Lu Li could hear the strange smile on the other side.

The fact that there is such a person in his club really makes him embarrassed to see others.

Returning to the guild's small station, Lu Li finally met this rather funny Paladin player. He was also one of the first members to respond to Root Number Three's call and join the elite group of Sword of Judgment.

Although he only joined the game after registration was opened for the second time, he is currently level 30 and has already caught up with mainstream players.

"I want to discuss something with you. I want to buy the rare material you have called the Teeth of the Blue Python." Lu Li did not play the trick of first building a relationship and then acting in a loving way, but made it clear directly. Intention.

"What did you say?" Shunshi Wannian slammed the table and stood up.

Lu Li's heart sank, and his face certainly didn't look good, but he was not a petty person, and he would not hold grudges just because others didn't sell, so he waved his hands and said, "Don't get excited, it doesn't matter if you don't sell, I'm just asking. "

The sixteen materials for upgrading the Supreme Ring were not common. Some of them he knew the source of, and some he had heard of for the first time.

The Blue Python Fang is something he has never heard of. How can he know the relevant strategies if he has never heard of it? It would be a lie to say that he is willing to miss it, but the other party is so excited. He really doesn't want to Better to persuade.

"You look down on me," Shunshi Wannian became even more excited. He pointed at Lu Li's nose and shouted, "You actually said you wanted to buy from me!"

"Uh..." There was something wrong with the painting style, and Lu Li couldn't react for a while.

"You are the boss of the guild and the supreme leader of our Sword of Judgment. You actually said the word "buy" to me. Do you not regard me as one of your own?" The man patted a white jade-like object on the table and wiped it. He rolled his eyes: "It's just a rare material. A boss like you is so disappointing. You have to apologize to me!"

"..." Lu Li was shaken, wondering what the hell was going on.

He originally planned to exchange gold coins or equipment for members of his own guild's elite group, but he never thought of treating this guy badly.

But this guy is so funny, I don’t know how to deal with what happens next.

"You did something wrong, why don't you apologize?" Shunshi Wannian is one of those people who looks young at first glance. He probably has all his attribute points added to the funny attribute, and he has a headache-inducing stubbornness.

"I'm sorry, I apologize," Lu Li felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses whizzing by. He could only pat the other person on the shoulder and apologized with a serious face.

"Hey," Shunshi Wannian scratched his head, "Is there anything else you want?"

Seeing that he was planning to report his wealth, Lu Li quickly shook his head: "This is enough. If I need anything in the future, I will ask you directly for it."

"Okay, I'm going to do the mission," he didn't say much. Seeing that Lu Li was on the right track, Knight Doubi walked away with satisfaction. He actually didn't say anything about reward from the beginning to the end.

Lu Li had no idea how to describe such a person, whether it would be better to call him funny or honest, but at least he was not the kind of person who was annoying.

"How's it going? Did you get it?" Root No. 3 didn't participate, otherwise it would really sound like overwhelming others with power.

Lu Li briefly explained the whole process. Root No. 3 was silent for a while before sighing. It was indeed something that could only be accomplished in an instant and tens of thousands of years. It seemed that everyone knew this person's attributes.

"Find an opportunity to compensate him with some points." Of course Lu Li couldn't take this material for nothing.

This rare material, regardless of its important use, is definitely worth a lot of money.

The points of the Sword of Judgment can not only be exchanged for things from the guild warehouse, but also in the monthly performance appraisal, both used and unused points will be rewarded with real currency.

"Don't worry. I'll have someone count everyone's private rare materials later. If you're lucky, we might be able to get other things you need. Speaking of which, what do you want this rare material for?" Root number three is very curious.

Knowing Lu Li's stingy nature, he knew how precious the things he would do at any cost were.

"A piece of legendary equipment," Lu Li said calmly, ignoring the stunned Root No. 3, and planned to go out to spend Halloween with his sister.

Huh, look at your useless demo, we don’t even dare to tell you that this is a legendary equipment that can continue to be upgraded.

Afraid of scaring you.

PS: Thank you to book friend weilan83 for your reward. It has been 1888 every day for a long time. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your monthly votes for ★Mo Mo, Sunshine Otaku ING, Ao Ran Ling Feng, Aqua Blue, Moonlight Stick, and Liaoyuan Dao.

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