The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 452 Halloween Costume Show

If any game wants to last for a long time, it cannot allow upgrading and equipping to become a mainstream content.

"Dawn" is very original in this aspect. All kinds of people can find their own fun in the game. What's more important is that the fun of many people can intersect, instead of just small groups having fun on their own. .

Halloween is the second holiday of Dawn, which is extremely ambitious and wants all people to have fun together.

As Lu Li walked on the street, he could hardly see players dressed up normally. Over there was Iron Man, a superhero from the Western world, and here was a faceless man from Spirited Away, a ghost, Sadako, a zombie...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Maleficent, Assassin's Creed...

As long as you can't imagine, there is nothing these people can't do.

Adults and children, men and women, old and young, all seem to have found their own battlefield.

Dawn stipulates that players can make various modifications to their own items and equipment.

Therefore, in addition to the images given by the system, there were more self-made images moving on the street. Lu Li even saw a round pumpkin rolling.

Lu Xin has been waiting for a long time. She has been looking forward to going out with her brother since she went online in the morning.

She is not a little girl who likes to make trouble unreasonably. She knows that her brother is fighting hard for their family and never has time to rest.

When Lu Li came over and asked her if she had waited too long, the little girl shook her head obediently, then took her brother's hand and blended into the crowd of Halloween carnival.

Lu Xin's surgery preparations may begin at any time, and she has been in a state of rest, so she cannot bear too much stimulation.

The Lu family brothers and sisters would never enter those haunted houses or other places. Fortunately, Dawning Halloween has very rich content and there are many things to play.

Of course, before that they went to the Holiday Ambassador to pick up a Halloween costume.

The costumes provided by the system were relatively exquisite, much better than those crudely made by ordinary players. Lu Li didn't have time to prepare them, so he could only spend gold coins to buy them from the Festival Ambassador.

According to incomplete statistics, this Halloween, players spent more than 1.7 million gold coins just changing costumes.

When Lu Li came with his sister, there happened to be two transvestites changing their clothes. They probably had obsessive-compulsive disorder. They changed one set after another, and each change was worth a silver coin.

Lu Li paid the festival ambassador a silver coin, and with a wave of the NPC's hand, he turned into a faceless monster.

The faceless monster in Spirited Away is probably the most unskilled creature in the cosplay industry. It seems that the system likes to cut corners. This kind of image is not a bad one, but at least Lu Li has seen a dozen of them today.

It's just that Lu Li doesn't care, he really has no pursuit of this thing.

The reason why I spend a silver coin to dress up is to give my sister face and cater to the festive atmosphere.

"I want to become Chihiro," Lu Xin looked at her brother's influence and vowed to transform into a matching character.

In China, Japanese animation images are very popular. Master Hayao Miyazaki's works have been continuously interpreted for more than two hundred years and still have extraordinary vitality.

Became a little pirate for the first time.

The little pirate is actually quite fun, and many children like it, but Lu Xin is not satisfied. It doesn’t matter if a pirate and a faceless man go together.

So the second silver coin was handed into the hands of the festival ambassador.

Most of the more than 1.6 million gold coins came from this way. People have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder and have to find one they like right away.

"Brother, what is this?"


"what about this?"

"Maybe... Transformers..."


"Twelve silver coins," Lu Xin had unknowingly changed his image a lot, but he still couldn't find one he was satisfied with.

"It doesn't matter, you can continue to choose, each one is only one silver coin," Lu Li shared with his sister the amount of money displayed in his backpack, which was more than seven hundred gold coins.

"Then I'll choose eight more," Lu Xin gestured with a look of frustration.

Children from poor families had to give back ten yuan, so how could they be willing to spend it on something like this? The stinginess of the Lu family brothers and sisters is exactly the same, which is exactly what the saying goes.

"What is this? It seems to be Xiaomei," Lu Xin looked at the mirror next to the festival ambassador. She was not sure about the new outfit. At least she was slightly older than the four-year-old child now.

But to be fair, she liked this outfit. At least it looked like a human being. Those ghosts just now were completely incompatible with the little girl's outlook on life.

This Xiaomei refers to Caobi rice.

Kusakabe Mi is the main character in "My Neighbor Totoro", one of the masterpieces of the famous Japanese animation master Miyazaki Hayao, and is the younger sister of Kusakabe Satsuki. Caobi Mi and Caobi Satsuki moved from the city to the countryside with their father, and met the elf Totoro in the forest in the old country house where they lived.

The Chinese translation comes from the homophony of English may, which is Xiaomei.

"This is the little girl from My Neighbor Totoro. It suits you very well. Along with Faceless Man and Chihiro, they are all works by Hayao Miyazaki." Lu Li explained a little to his sister. In fact, he may not have any sister who knows more. .

Now that her family's conditions are better, she doesn't have to worry about life. Lu Xin will watch some movies and TV shows when she has nothing to do.

"Brother, do you think it's suitable for me? Then I want this." Lu Xin pinched her arm and felt that she had become much smaller. She was already short, but now she is even shorter.

Then a faceless man walked down the streets of Astrana holding the little girl from the movie My Neighbor Totoro.

Although they entered randomly and were surrounded by various incompatible monsters, the image of the two brothers and sisters was extremely harmonious, and the intimacy generated by long-term dependence on each other would not be indifferent for any reason.

"The system will be updated tomorrow and the main city will be open. I plan to choose a main city to buy a house," Lu Li said while dealing with children begging for candy while talking to his sister.

Some people also took the initiative to give candies to Lu Xin. Her current image is small and cute, and she has a high rate of turning heads on the street.

"Main city? Isn't it nice here?" For the little girl, Astrana is old enough. She often gets lost here and has to ask the guards to find out how to get back to the pharmacy.

"It won't be safe here in the future. There will be wars," Lu Li said.

The war in Ashenvale would intensify. The orc army came to the city several times. Although they were eventually repelled, they fought into the city several times.

The main city is different. There is a super big BOSS there, and any main city is almost invincible. The main city of the night elves not only contains Tyrande, but is also connected to a part of the Emerald Dream and is protected by the green dragon.

"It's all up to you," Lu Xin held her brother's hand, feeling a little frustrated.

If the operation fails, all prospects will seem to be a joke, at least my brother will no longer be happy.

In this world, without him, who else would accompany him.

PS: Thanks to amle, HISSHE, wood, ESCADA, riding an ant to crush an elephant, brakes, zippo for smoking cigarettes, ewrfsdfvsdf, dark night alone, Timespace, xuanyuanhao, telling soldiers, alex1005, big fat buns, very boring boring, I Love Pineapple Secret, The Devil's Little Knight, Yunwutian, Sichuan Folks, Repeated Hopes, Against a Sail, The Devil Is Pulling, The Poison Book Is Not Tireless, I Will Contain You, Brands, Scars, The Wet Sand Wall on the Second Floor, Cultivation of Immortality on Earth The monthly ticket of syr891213.

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