The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 453 Two-Headed Ogre and Little Lolita

So, the Lu family brothers and sisters began to discuss what kind of house to buy in the game.

Lu Li wanted to give his sister more hope in life. The future will get better and better, and they will have more and more money. Whether in the game or in reality, they will live in a spacious, bright and clean house, and they can buy whatever they want. buy what.

Lu Xin, on the other hand, was pessimistic. Even if something happened to her, she still hoped that her brother would be happy in the game.

This topic is full of sadness, which is very inconsistent with the lively and carnival atmosphere of the day.

They happened to walk in front of a big carousel, so the two money fans of the Lu family decided to take a small gamble.

This is also the design of the game company, and all ownership belongs to Sugon. If a private person does this, you will definitely be charged with breaking the law, and you will be received by the Internet police.

By investing a silver coin, you can participate in the event.

A single player is limited to ten times, and any more is one gold coin per time. With the reward level of the big wheel, those who continue to play more than ten times are wealthy people and gamblers.

"I'll come first, I'll come first," Lu Xin was obviously very interested.

She grabbed the joystick and looked at Lu Li expectantly. Lu Li obediently threw a silver coin into the coin machine.

With a slight movement of the joystick, the turntable began to rotate. Lu Xin stamped her feet in annoyance. Why did she start turning without exerting any force? She would definitely not be able to turn anything good this time.

In fact, the actual amount of effort has nothing to do with the result.

The turntable pointer was fixed on the column with the number of experience points, and then Lu Xin's body was shrouded in a slight white light, and he was directly upgraded.

It's also because her level is too low, she's only at level eleven so far.

The second time, a twelve-compartment bag.

The third time, a piece of level 15 black iron equipment.

The fourth time, empty.

the fifth time……

Ten times in a row, there was nothing good. Of course, the little girl was very unwilling. There was a box on the turntable marked with the words "unique equipment".

The grid is extremely narrow, almost forming a line.

There was nothing he could do about it. Lu Xin would never be willing to spend a gold coin to continue spinning.

When it was Lu Li's turn, he didn't have any bad luck. He gained experience points three times. With the experience gained from the Headless Horseman holiday gift pack, he was now halfway through level 13.

The only surprise should be the Halloween Magic Wand-Squirrel, an item that can only be obtained on Halloween and is only valid for seven days.

Lu Li confirmed the use of it with his sister, and then Lu Xin found that her world had become bigger - she turned into a little squirrel under the influence of the magic wand, and she was holding a pine nut in her hand.

Lu Li bent down to pick it up and put it on his shoulder.

This is the magic of virtual games and the charm of games. It is a world beyond imagination.

There are many games similar to the turntable, such as guessing, playing chess, whack-a-mole, etc. The design goal of the game is to allow everyone to find something you are good at.

The little squirrel only had two minutes to live. After Lu Xin recovered, he refused to change, although the feeling of lying on his brother's shoulder was indeed quite wonderful.

Of course, Lu Li didn't agree to become a squirrel. He was used to putting himself in the position of protector.

Soon they got another magic wand in an event section, this one could turn the target into an ogre.

At Lu Xin's strong request, Lu Li turned into a very tall ogre.

The body is at least two meters tall, and it has two heads.

This feeling was amazing. Lu Li could even control the conversation between the two heads, as long as he didn't force them to speak at the same time. He was not a real ogre after all.

So, everyone saw a little loli sitting between the two heads of the ogre, holding one in each hand, smiling very happily.

If his sister is happy, Lu Li will be happy. Image is not important.

Their combination was even more eye-catching than before, and everyone discovered that the transforming magic wand could be played like this.

Of course, Lu Xin got more candies.

Before they knew it, the number had exceeded 700.

This means that 700 people have given candies to Lu Xin.

These candies can almost be exchanged for a permanent cat pet, which is Lu Xin's goal. Lu Li originally planned to recruit guild members to help her complete it.

Halloween is a holiday that produces a large number of pets. These pets have no attack power or even any value, but are deeply loved by players.

Dawn's pet system is a very beautiful means for them to achieve their goal of universal gaming.

You have a pet in the game. If you really like it, you will be worried and miss it if you are not online for a day.

In addition to being fun, Halloween activities also provide a lot of experience points. Because Lu Li's level was too high, the experience bar fluctuated not very obviously, but Lu Xin was already level 18 after playing for a while.

Playing for a day in conjunction with the festival will not only relax your body and mind, but also gain much more experience than fighting monsters in the wild.

Lu Li's purpose was to play with his sister, but he really didn't think about anything.

He has spent too little time with his sister in the past two months, and the surgery is not without risks. Both brother and sister cherish the time they have now.

"Brother, I want to eat this," the little Lolita shouted while riding on the ogre's head, pointing at the barbecue on a player's stall, quite like a little queen on a tour.

Lu Xin, who is usually sensible and obedient, rarely shows her charming side.

"Okay, eat this, I'll buy it for you," Lu Li said nothing and bought it without even paying back the price.

"Brother, this flower is so beautiful. I have never seen it before..." Don't blame her for yelling. There are no such flowers and trees in reality. It is said that they became extinct two hundred years ago, and Lu Xin has never been allowed to step on them. Get out of the safe zone.

"This is a flower that is only found in Oneros and Lake Gardmere in Feralas," Lu Li explained.

"One silver coin for each flower. Seeing as you are so knowledgeable." The flower seller suddenly looked admiring. He could tell at a glance that the calendar was definitely wrong. After all, the game has only been open for two months.

"Business opportunities are everywhere, you can make money no matter what," Lu Li said unconvinced and obediently took out a few silver coins and bought a small bouquet of flowers.

One silver coin can be exchanged for almost one yuan, which is not much, but Lu Li can guarantee that this person has at least several thousand flowers in his backpack, if not ten thousand. One hundred units of this kind of worthless ornamental plant in the wild occupy one backpack grid. of.

"Brother, I want to tie it to your corner," Lu Xin held too many things in his hands and had no extra space to take the flowers. His big eyes rolled around and he came up with such an idea.

The two-headed ogre has a sharp horn on each of its heads.

Lu Li had a black streak. This temporary two-headed ogre was definitely a racial disgrace. If he was discovered by other ogres, he would definitely be beaten to death.

But my sister has spoken. If there are difficulties, we should overcome them. If there are no difficulties, we should overcome them even if we create difficulties.

Almost without hesitation, someone nodded neatly: "Okay, why don't you transform it first and then tie it up? It only lasts two minutes."

If he were not transforming between a faceless man and a two-headed ogre, and if players knew his identity, the new guild Sword of Judgment would definitely become the biggest laughing stock of this Halloween.

The kind that makes people laugh to death.

PS: I am asking for a monthly ticket, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~Thank you to the Demon Knight, 65 Kilogram Man, Zalor, weilan83, Dabei without Tears, Don’t Forget Hao Feng, Yue Xiaoduo for your rewards and points Like, thank you handsome prince, charming book sea, unknown words, Alexwang, sukibobo, I am not teaching you bad monthly tickets.

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