The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 454 The Fourth System Update

Halloween only lasts one day, but some activities such as the Headless Horseman will last for seven days. Players have a chance to defeat the BOSS every day, which allows some small guilds and mercenary groups to survive if they cannot defeat the BOSS for a while. Space.

Otherwise, only the big guild can defeat Headless, and the player's mood will be very bad.

The Sword of Judgment has more than 10,000 people, which means it can organize more than a dozen teams. In fact, the actual number of people who can actually participate in the battle of the Headless Horseman is not as many as the superficial number.

More players do not yet have this level and quality.

Even so, four or five teams would defeat the Headless Horseman every day.

The explosion rate of the Headless Horseman's Reins dropped significantly on the second day compared to the first day. According to incomplete statistics, no fewer than 130 Headless Horsemen were born in Dawn on Halloween.

This is not much. The relatively large player base can even be said to be pitifully small.

After that, there may not be so many mounts in the remaining six days, and even fewer people can get them. Sometimes a group of 100 people may not even be able to produce a headless horse.

What's more interesting is that not all people who get mounts have elementary riding skill books, which means that most players who get mounts can only watch helplessly as their mounts get moldy in their backpacks.

Suddenly, the beginner riding skills book and the headless horseman became the most popular things at the moment.

After Halloween, there is something even more exciting.

Some people call the two-hour maintenance on the morning of November 1st the fourth update of the system.

In addition to correcting some detailed issues, this system update also made improvements to the dungeon settings. Dungeons below level 30 will continue to use the old settings, while dungeons above level 30 will no longer limit access levels.

In terms of experience lost after death, 10% of experience will be lost if you die in the wild. If you are revived with skills such as resurrection, you will only lose 5%.

Player levels have generally been raised to levels 20 or 30, and the experience required for upgrading has increased significantly. The 20% drops are too damaging. Players complained, and the game company made certain concessions.

The arena is fully open and new spectator seats have been added.

Players pay to rent competitive rooms, which are divided into different price ranges according to the number of people in the auditorium.

For example, for a room with 500 people, the rental price is 1 gold coin. Two players can set the ticket price at 1 silver coin. As long as the level is not too low, there should be at least a viewing rate of more than half a seat. This is two and a half gold coins for two people. Half a point, which means you earn nearly one gold coin in a few minutes.

For ordinary players, this is already a good income.

Many players who have no money to repair equipment but are good at it can quickly make some money by just hanging out in the arena.

A new battlefield copy appears!

Other game elements are just improvements, and the battlefield copy may be what players pay most attention to this time besides the main city, especially PVP players. It is said that they have seen their own spring.

Warsong Gulch is a small battlefield located between the Dark Night Territory of Ashenvale and the Horde Orc Lumber Camp.

During the Third Orc War, Grom Hellscream and his troops cut down a large number of trees near Warsong Gulch in the southern part of Ashenvale Forest. There are still some orcs left there, continuing to cut down the forests of Ashenvale to provide resources for the expansion of the tribe. They called themselves the Fighting Vanguard.

The night elves decided to launch a large-scale counterattack to protect Ashenvale Forest. Therefore, the Silver Wing Sentinels responded to the call, vowing to retake Ashenvale and completely drive out the orcs of the Warsong clan.

On this basis, Battle Song Canyon has been scaled down and improved, and will be launched in the form of a capture-the-flag battle between the Horde and the Alliance.

Players who love first-person shooters (FPS) will definitely be familiar with the words "capture the flag mode". Warsong Gulch is a battlefield based on the battle mode commonly used in FPS games.

Only twenty players (ten per side) can participate in each battle in Warsong Gulch.

Everyone chooses to participate in the battlefield game at the designated battlefield NPC. When the number of applicants from both sides reaches a fixed number of ten, the system will transfer these twenty people into the battlefield copy.

After the player captures the enemy's flag, he will run all the way back to his base. If no other player escorts the flag capturer, the enemy can easily recapture their flag. Likewise, one player taking on an entire offensive team by himself is like mantis trying to defeat the enemy. Therefore, players must work together to attack and defend.

The winning side will receive a large amount of experience points, and some lucky players may even receive skill point rewards. Even if they fail, there will be some more or less experience points.

Since then, PVP players have had an upgrade method other than fighting monsters and dungeons.

Warsong Canyon is Dawn's first battlefield and the most classic battlefield.

Players can enter the queuing sequence at level ten, 10~14, 15~19, 20~24, 25~29...and so on, setting a ranking level every five levels. For example, Lu Li now, he is level 33. You can only enter the 30~34 level.

In fact, this kind of setting is very necessary. A few points of free attribute difference is nothing, but if there is a difference of one equipment level, it will be a big problem.

It is not easy to say that it is easy for a player with level 30 equipment to fight against a player with level 25 equipment. At least it goes against the general spirit of fairness in the game.

After four system updates, part of the teleportation was closed and replaced by richer game forms such as flying mounts, ferries, and airships.

The last priority is the opening of the eight major cities.

As for the tribe, in order to commemorate the legendary hero Orgrim Doomhammer, Thrall led the orcs to build this city named Orgrimmar. The troll race does not have a main city. They share a main city with the orcs.

Deep underground in the original Kingdom of Lordaeron, the royal tombs have been transformed into the palace of Queen Sylvanas. Her Majesty the Queen named this new city "Undercity".

The tauren who once lived a nomadic life established Thunder Bluff on the mesa of the green pastures of the Mulgore region. The legendary tauren chief Cairn Bloodhoof sat in Thunder Bluff, overlooking the land.

In the Third War, the rebel prince Arthas of Lordaeron led the undead army to destroy the entire kingdom of Quel'Thalas, desecrating the Sunwell and resurrecting the lich Kel'Thuzad. The surviving high elves lost the protection of the Sunwell and became irritable, lost their extraordinary vitality, and changed their names to blood elves. After returning to the Alliance, they suffered a lot of exclusion and unfair treatment, and finally defected to the Horde.

Now Silvermoon City has been rebuilt on the east side of the Plague Scar on the original ruins and has become the new home of the blood elves.

As for the Alliance, although Stormwind City is the main city of humans, it also provides a residence for the dwarves and elves. It allows all alliance members to conduct trade activities within a restricted range here.

Ironforge is located in the center of the mountains on the snow-capped summit of Dan Morrow. It is an expensive underground city where an ancient race of dwarves and their cousins, the gnomes, live. Countless craftsmen, adventurers, miners and warriors gather here.

The Exodar is actually the Naaru spacecraft that brought the Draenei to the continent of Azeroth. It is located in a mountain range at the westernmost tip of Azuremyst Island.

Thanks to Mango○o囧o○, Aiwenster, Star Fruit, Deep Water Loach, Kiss Everywhere¥, Sunbathing Pigs on a Sunny Day, You Will Get a Melon if You Sow, yangfan28, 6 Holy Sword's Musket, Red Blood Fox, Nothing The Impossible God, hpy123, Flying Pig~~, Hua Hanliu, Tianhu VS Devil, Book Friends 150705213255311, Love Zāí Stranded, Don’t Like to Wear ◎ Pants, Book Patrol in the Snow, I Love Off-Road Vehicles, Little KK Brother, Bian The Drunken Guest, The Other Side of the Cloud Mountain, The Charming Fire on a Rainy Night, The Lost Tears → The Heart is Broken, Aijiwa, s19840903, mengshali, Hu Lingfeng, Hello Forest, Cycs, Asha, gsdgfdsg, The Son of Heaven, Chen Song, Wu Monthly passes for Shadow Soul, Ai Shao, Icewind Dale, and Gray Fantasy.

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