The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 455 The Householding Clan

Finally, there is the main city of the night elves, which was chosen by Lu Li as the place to live in the future.

Perhaps not as lively and commercial as Stormwind City, Darnassus is quiet and peaceful, making people linger and have the urge to live in this kind of place for the rest of their lives.

According to Dawn's official introduction, "Darnassus is located at the foot of the spectacular World Tree - Teldrassil." This statement has been widely questioned because the city is built on a big tree, and the thing underneath the tree is only for communication with the outside world. The village of Rutherland.

"Teldrassil" comes from the night elf language, and its meaning is "Crown of the Earth".

The place where Teldrassil is located is an island that was pulled up from the bottom of the sea by the druids using powerful spells.

This small island floating on the misty sea, always covered with purple gauze-like mist, is almost isolated from the world. The proud elves live here and continue the ancient and mysterious civilization.

This city is larger than the entire Ashen Valley area. From the south to the north, you need to use a teleportation array to reach it.

Lu Li took his sister to the new city almost immediately.

Of course, buying a house in the game is not as expensive as in reality. Generally, you can own a nice small villa for only tens of thousands, more than 100,000, or no more than hundreds of thousands at most.

It’s not that the first purchase is discounted at half price. Game companies are very stingy in this regard and it is impossible to give any discounts.

What he was worried about was that the island in the south of the city would be bought.

Darnassus is divided into four districts: southeast, northwest and northwest.

You can buy residences in each urban area, each with its own characteristics. There are also humans and other alliance races living here. Druid players in particular probably like the lush vegetation and lakes in Darnassus the most.

In this peaceful land, the power of nature is so fascinating.

There are lakes and small islands in the city located on the big trees, which shows how vast this city is.

This lake was named Oramis by the night elves.

Lake Olamis is rippled, and the silvery light like snowflakes on the water changes with the peaks and troughs of the waves, jumping lightly like a naughty child. Although the water is clear, it is so deep that you cannot see the bottom of the lake.

There is an elegant bridge on the shore of the lake. From a distance, the crystal-like water flows under the bridge.

Lake Olamis is the largest body of water here, extending in all directions throughout the city. There are hundreds of islands of various sizes scattered on it, but this is the only one for sale to players.

This is a very beautiful island. It is not large, but there is a grove full of maple trees and a beautiful small pond. Under the tall maple tree in the center of the island, there is a blue and white wall. There is even a small moon well on the island.

There is a small bridge leading to the shore, but no one else can get to the island without the owner's permission.

Lu Li had seen this island from a distance in his previous life, and took a photo to show to Lu Xin. The little girl liked it very much. When he was terminally ill, this photo, which had been touched countless times, was still placed on the bedside.

In his previous life, he was unable to let his sister live in such a place. In this life, Lu Li was determined to win this island.

The administrative hall is in the Cenarion District in the north of the city. At this time, there are not many players except NPCs.

"How are you? How can I help you?" Two sentries guarding the door stepped forward to stop the Lu Li brothers and sisters. This place was obviously not as quiet and peaceful as it seemed, and no one could come or go.

"I hope to buy a residence," Lu Li pulled on his cloak to cover the mark of the Moon Girl's priest on his shoulder.

There were originally some ideological conflicts between the druids and priests, and the temporary leader of the Cenarion Council and Malfurion's student-Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm and the priest leader Tyrande Not harmonious.

"Go straight along the corridor and you will see Zora's tree house. Good luck to you, my friend," the sentry pointed the way kindly.

Zora was a young female elf. After Lu Li explained his intention, he pointed to the bookshelves in the room that filled the entire wall of bookshelves and said, "Here is all the real estate information. You can choose what you like, but you can't waste it." I have too much time.”

"I hope to buy the island on the lake," Lu Li said without flipping through the book, but directly reported the coordinates of the island.

Zora was stunned when she heard this. As a real estate agent programmed in the game, she naturally did not need to search for information, and this island, called Red Leaf Island, was the only island allowed to be sold.

Because it is remote enough, people rarely pass by it despite being close to the Temple of the Moon and the Temple Gardens.

The original intention of the game company is to use it as an easter egg for the opening of the main city this time. You can imagine that when you are wandering around Darnassus, you accidentally break into a body of water, and this small island suddenly breaks into your field of vision. .

The maple leaves all over the mountain are as light as fire, a pool of autumn water is rustling red, there are tree houses with white walls and blue roofs, and emerald grass. It is estimated that many people will regard it as a paradise.

Unexpectedly, the first piece of land sold in Darnassus was here!

Zora was just an NPC, and the system gave her wisdom, but Lu Li did nothing illegal.

"This island is indeed available for purchase, but it requires..." Zora paused and said, "It requires eight thousand gold coins. Are you sure you want to choose this place?"

Because the game has only been launched for two months, Darnassus is open to players on the first day.

Under the current price level, eight thousand gold coins is already a sky-high price for real estate. At least for now, there are definitely not many people who can afford it and are willing to spend so much money for a residence.

"Eight thousand?" Lu Li actually wanted to say why it was only eight thousand. As far as he knew, the price of this island in his previous life was not eight thousand.

The island was discovered a month and a half after the opening of Darnassus. The first person to buy it paid a sky-high price of fifteen thousand gold coins, breaking the Dawn game real estate record.

But he didn't lose money. He bought it for 25,000 yuan after half a month, making a net profit of 10,000 yuan.

Two years later, the island, hailed by players as the number one mansion in Darnassus, changed hands again. Guo Deshou, the boss behind Seventh Heaven and the top tycoon in the real world with the title of Prince of Cars, spent 45 million real coins on the island. The price makes it worth it.

(Here, the author has always set that one gold coin is equal to one hundred real coins. It can be understood that real banks participate in the circulation of gold coins, and game companies maintain the stability of the financial system through various means. As for rationality, please ignore it)

Lu Li never thought about reselling it to make money. He just wanted to make up for a regret in his previous life.

In order to raise what he thought was a house price of fifteen thousand, he exchanged gold coins from the guild and got several thousand more from Shen Wansan. His backpack was richer than ever before.

Unexpectedly, the price demanded by the system NPC was only 8,000 gold coins, which was more than 800,000 real coins.

What was 45 million two years later is now only 800,000.

Of course, he would never have any objections to this. Almost at a speed that did not allow the system to regret it, Lu Li signed all the documents, and the owners of this Red Leaf Island became the Lu family siblings.

It's the end of the month, friends who still have monthly tickets, please don't waste it. Thank you to "Midnight Cowherd", Guxin Wuhen, jaingyg, Xingchen Yinhui, Ye∮wolf, Wandering Like Another World, Legendary Rice Chong, Wandering Like Another World, Legend Level Rice Bug, White Peak, Fading Away Frenzy, Looking Up to the Stars, Thousand Souls, "Yang Xiaoxie", Riling, XIAO Di, Tianzhao Zilongdi, Bi Jianfei, Rex Tiger, It rained all night, Yuanyue159, nickky, Rose Legend, The Big Boss of Pests, gzrbytangyi, Prodigal ~ Qing, Bai Renyou, Mu Qi Monk, Night \u0026 Rain \u0026 Wind, Sichuan Fellow, Standing Eagle Wind, Death Ge Blunt Armor 123, 24585832 monthly votes, statistics The method is relatively primitive, so I may have missed some friends, so please bear with me.

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