The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 456 Battlefield

When giving the money, Lu Xin didn't know that she was still looking down at the so-called real estate information, trying to find a cheap and decent house.

"Let's go, girl," Lu Li waved.

"Oh, brother, don't you want to buy it?" Lu Xin asked cautiously, thinking that the price must be too expensive and the brother didn't want to buy it. The two siblings were surprisingly consistent in their consumption concepts - stingy.

While I breathed a sigh of relief, I also felt a little disappointed.

Little did they know that Lu Li, who was desperate for his sister, had secretly bought one of the most expensive properties in Shuguang. He paid the full amount in cash and couldn't wait to sign the contract.

Lu Li also figured out that the current low price was definitely because the main city had just begun to open to players. In more than a month, the price might really double.

After paying the money, Zora gave Lu Li a piece of information and a brand, which was the so-called home certificate.

This thing cannot be damaged or dropped, but it can be traded. The owner of the home can set the access level. The highest level means that no other players or NPCs can approach it except the owner.

Lu Li opened up all the permissions to his sister, and then they had an optional item on their hearthstone.

In the past, you would be teleported directly back to the bound hotel, but now you can choose whether to go back to the hotel or your home. This is a preferential treatment for homeowners after this system update.

Privilege can never be eliminated; privileges can only be enjoyed if a price is paid.

However, Lu Li still chose to walk back with his sister.

Teleportation within the city is free. After entering the teleportation hall, you can choose the destination of the teleportation. From the north of the city to the south of the city, it takes an instant. Someone once tested it with a mount that increased the movement speed by 60%. Without the teleportation array, it would have taken at least half an hour. .

There are also many good places near the Chengnan Teleportation Array, including priest skill trainers, pharmacy masters, herbology masters, pet trainers...many useful NPCs. The Chengnan Auction House can be connected to the system auction houses in various places, and it is also very convenient to buy things. .

A little further away is the most magnificent building in Darnassus, the Temple of the Moon.

As the only true god in Azeroth so far, the goddess Elune enjoys a certain degree of prestige among many races.

The Temple of the Moon cannot be entered casually, so there is actually not much traffic here. At most, people come to visit the Temple Garden, which is the largest plant research base of the night elves.

Continue walking through the garden and soon come to the lake.

Under the cover of trees and flowers, a small bridge extends into the rising water of the lake. The elves in the temple garden sometimes hang around and play on the bridge. They often sing softly like sleep, which is not only pleasant to the ear, but also can make people feel happy. People are at peace.

Never hurt these little elves.

They are the purest soul essence of the high elves who died fighting for their race. Once you show hostility to them, the elf sentries lurking in the canopy will shoot you into a hornet's nest without saying a word.

"Is our home in the water?" Lu Xin had asked many times along the way, where did we buy it, have we arrived, have we arrived...

This kind of mentality is similar to the fear of being close to home. A child from a poor family who buys a house for the first time suddenly has a place of his own to hide himself. Most people can't understand the uneasiness in his heart.

Holding my sister's hand, I stepped onto the small bridge and soon saw Red Leaf Island.

This vulgar name appropriately depicts the image of the island. Looking from a distance, it is a small island covered with red leaves, lying prone in the clear water and clear waves, lazy and tranquil.

"This is it, the whole island," Lu Li said with a complicated mood.

"But, but..." The little girl almost drooled, but she still quickly grasped the point: "How much does this cost!"

"I was the first person to buy a house, so the system only charged one thousand gold coins," Lu Li told lies with his eyes open. As long as his sister could live there without any psychological burden, he could even make this island the winner of the Huaying Cup. award.

Lu Xin always trusted her brother and didn't think he would deceive her. However, one thousand gold coins didn't mean that she didn't feel sad.

"This island is spacious and beautiful. As long as the game doesn't fail, we can stay here forever. Anyway, we won't lose money," Lu Li pushed his sister's shoulders and took her to see everything on the island.

Lu Xin was bribed by this fairyland-like place. The more things she saw, the more she liked this place.

"I'm telling you, boss, are you feeling better? The brothers are all waiting," a message interrupted Lu Li rudely, forcing him to stop accompanying his sister to visit her new home.

"I said monkey, you can just play by yourself, why do you have to drag me along? I'm very busy," Lu Li felt unhappy.

"What are you busy with? Don't think that everyone doesn't know that you have been staying in the city. Your coordinates are always updated on the wanted list. Come to the battlefield and have fun together. It's so fun. We don't have enough people. You will definitely dominate the opponent when you come." Fat Monkey is fighting a battlefield with people in the guild.

It's not the battlefield in Ashen Valley, but a new battlefield copy.

There are ten people on each side, fighting to capture the flag. Successful capture of the flag three times is considered a victory.

Fat Monkey is a very active person and has a unique passion for playing games. He immediately ran to try the battlefield copy.

The poor kid deeply realized the true meaning of the saying "Don't be afraid of opponents who are like wolves, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs." When he entered for the first time, eight of the nine teammates were completely unreliable. He was tortured to death by the opponent, and his head was shaved by the opponent. From the beginning to the end, he never succeeded in capturing the flag.

After suffering a painful lesson both physically and mentally, the future Fire Emperor learned the lesson. He gathered a group of people in the guild and they all worked together.

What's a pity is that because the battlefield queues are arranged according to gradients, he can only group people from level 30 to level 34 to fight on the battlefield together, and people like the Sword of Judgment Guild are far inferior to other large guilds.

And most people have their own groups, no one wants to make an appointment with him.

However, several people in Lu Li's regular team responded to his call. Luoying Memories, March Rain and Moonlight are members of the new competition lineup, needless to mention.

Azure Sea Breeze claims to be indestructible and wants to show off his perverted defense on the battlefield.

Among the others, Huadi Liqing and Sesame-filled Tangyuan don’t want to expose their shortcomings, Piao Ling is drunk in the tavern whenever he has nothing to do, Can Meng wants to walk the baby, and Hachi-chan is busy hatching her elf dragon mount recently. Anyone dares Anyone who disturbs her will be cursed by her.

Azure Sea Breeze, March Rain, Moonlight, Fat Monkey, this lineup is actually very powerful, just mix it with a few people.

But they were unsure if Lu Li wouldn't come, so they kept urging him.

"Brother, go ahead, I'll play by myself here," Lu Xin obediently asked her brother to participate in the activity.

"Okay then, take a look at what areas need to be renovated or add something, and make a list. When I come back, we can buy it, or you can send a message to the third brother. He will definitely take care of everything." Lu Li also knew that he couldn't stop. The dungeon battlefield was still a good place for training, so it was better to go there.

So, the morning that I planned to accompany my sister to decorate her new house ended in an anticlimactic manner.

PS: The new month is coming, and The Big Thief has also exceeded one million words. It is not easy. Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket. Thank you. Thank you Niaotanjie, Ma Youde, legendary Mi Chong, weilan83, Dabei without Tears, and Xingchen. Yinhui, Don’t Forget Hao Feng, Very Lazy Fish, Nuoyu, Clark Lisu’s rewards and likes, thanks to Oohs, Yunfei Wuyan, Stygian Wolf Ziying, Hot, Sunny Day Pig, Lorifer, Dianの峰,¥¥Ximen Doushi, Assassin 1977, Bing Yan Minghuang, ★Mo Mo, Chui Meng Tian Qing, Piao Miao Ao Fu Tian, ​​6 Holy Swords' Musket, Earth', XIAO Brother, Greedy for Your Ecstasy , Xiao Xuxu, Fate Ziweixing, Bai Wan, Sad Tears of Flowers, Little Devil Knight, The name is really long in Changzhou, Wild Man in the Mountain Village, Mercedes-Benz and Flying, Yi Jian Hengtian, drgdgdg, 3754, A monthly ticket to the sweaty bed.

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