Chapter 457

"You can go to the battlefield, but I have to do a mission first," Lu Li explained: "When we played in the Scarlet Library, there were three books, one of which was called "The Myth of Titans". Have you completed this mission?"

"That book is very thick. After turning a few pages, I threw it in my backpack. Why did I do that?" Fat Monkey was very confused.

I asked a few other people, but none of them did it.

Lu Li didn't know what to say. This time he was really speechless. In his previous life, all combat players would do this task. Why didn't he do it now?

Don’t you all look down on the special effect that “dispels all movement-restricting effects and all effects that cause your character to be uncontrollable”?

No matter which way others control you, as long as you activate the badge, you will be free immediately.

Especially the PVP battlefield, is there anything more important than this?

In fact, this is not a strange thing.

In his previous life, when Lu Li entered the game, it was already a year after the game was released, and everyone knew the secrets of the Titan myth.

At this time, some people were enthusiastic and read this book as a story. But even if they completed the mission and obtained the adventurer's exploration badge, how could they stupidly tell others this secret.

"That's good. If you complete this task first, you will be rewarded with a piece of equipment that is crucial for PVP," Lu Li said seriously.

"Can you please not do it? I'll throw it all in the warehouse," Shunshi Wannian wailed.

That "Myth of the Titans" has hundreds of pages, densely packed with words, and the system stipulates that you can't just flip through it even if you finish reading it. It will scan your brain waves, and it will be considered a pass when the activity reaches a certain parameter. In other words, you You must read this book word for word.

"Put it in the warehouse and get it back. This task must be done. Don't tell anyone else yet," Lu Li subconsciously didn't want everyone to know this secret.

After hearing what Lu Li said so seriously, everyone also paid attention to it.

Therefore, the original plan to go directly to the battlefield was temporarily put on hold. Lu Li sat in the living room of the tree house in his new home and read the "Myth of Titans".

The story cannot be said to be exciting or not, because he had already read it in his previous life, and many books had similar descriptions, but now he just browsed it perfunctorily.

It took more than two hours before the final page was closed.

System: Successfully read "The Myth of Titans" and obtained the mission "Orphanage".

The task description is very simple. Ask Lu Li to go to the Church Square in Stormwind City to find an orphan guardian named Nedingal. He will tell you what to do next.

Lu Li said goodbye to his sister and took the southern teleportation array in Darnassus to Stormwind City.

There is no doubt that Stormwind is a human city. However, players prefer to call this an alliance city. In terms of NPCs, high elves, dwarves and some mysterious night elves from the west all live here, and players are more willing to choose this kind of city that combines all races. Characteristic lifestyle.

The medieval castle, the tower covered with vines, the Pig and Whistle Hotel are full of the wildness and enthusiasm of the dwarves. You can take a walk in Stormwind City, rent a horse, and even row a boat across the canals that divide the city.

Lu Li walked out of the teleportation array and took a small boat. It took several minutes to reach the church square.

The large square outside the Holy Light Church is filled with apple trees. At the corner is the shelter in Stormwind City, which is densely packed with beds. Children who are homeless for various reasons are sheltered here.

Nedingal was not hard to find. When Lu Li saw him, he was comforting a crying little human girl.

This little human girl has a good voice. In such a noisy environment, she is like a firefly in the dark and cannot be ignored, even though she looks only five or six years old.

A typical European and American little girl, with blond hair and blue eyes. Her fair skin is not at all the dark yellow color of other orphans who suffer from malnutrition. She has a pair of bright big eyes, which are full of tears at this time and look pitiful.

"Dear Mr. Nedingal, I have a mission here, saying that you need some help. Please see if there is anything I can help with," Lu Li said straight to the point.

Without a mission issuer, he could only speak vaguely.

Otherwise, could it be that I read a book called "The Myth of Titans", and then there was a voice in the dark that guided me to find you.

Nedingal was overjoyed: "Are you willing to help our orphanage? Thank you so much, my friend."

"I hope I can help," Lu Li felt a little worried.

It seems that this task will not be too simple, at least for those lucky people who only need to send a letter to complete the task, Lu Li is destined to waste some time.

time is money……

"Well, I should ask you to do something," Nedingal seemed embarrassed to ask for money directly. He did not do so. Instead, he picked up the little orphan by the waist and brought her to Lu Li: "Maybe You can help me take care of her for a while and fulfill some of her wishes, young man, please."

"I..." Can I refuse? Lu Li really doesn't want to deal with an NPC of this age.

If she gave herself a task to get a star, wouldn't she be destined to fail? If she failed, she would have to go back and read "The Myth of the Titans" again.

The task that is taken over again may not be easy to complete.

Ask me for money, brother. I have seven or eight thousand gold coins in my backpack. I am a rich man...

"You look like a caring person at first glance. Her name is Betsy. Poor Betsy... Oh, damn war." Nedingal touched the little girl's head and put her into Lu Li's arms.

Although it is worthy of pity, this little girl is too noisy.

"Okay, sir," Lu Li was helpless because the system had already prompted him to receive a follow-up mission.

Mission: The orphan's wish.

Some time ago, Betsy's parents were killed during the war, and she became a poor orphan.

Dear Lu Li, maybe you are a hero whose mission is to save the common people, but please don't forget your purpose of fighting bravely. Giving a little love to orphans means more than killing your enemies.

By spending a little time and showing them around the cultural monuments of Azeroth and the famous mountains and rivers of the Outlands, their dreams can be realized.

Make Betsy happy.

Seeing a Nedingal taking care of her leave, little Betsy pursed her lips and was about to cry again.

Lu Li quickly pinched her little face and said hello patiently: "Hello Betsy, I am a shadow elf, an adventurer from another continent."

"Night Elf? My God, your ears are so long!" Betsy then noticed that the stranger holding her had pointed ears. The little girl's attention was successfully attracted, and she had forgotten that she had just been there. Something to plan on crying about.

"Yes, the ears of night elves are all this long," Lu Li smiled reluctantly, "Hey, kid, where are you touching?"

PS: It’s a new month, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket. Thank you to Yanyi, Alvin, Don’t Forget Xia Feng, Hear Your Memories, Dance of the Wind and Butterflies, Lost Heart Crazy Little Superboy, Mu Qiu, vbn056, Walking in the Snow and Patrolling Books , Great Sorrow Without Tears, Chasing the Wind Scythe, Fallen Light Sage, Rex Tiger, Hongzi, cyylp, Tingyu Silent, mumianhuak, Dark Wolf Ziying, Book Friends 130117020716161, ☆shadow☆子☆, Swordsman Feitian, Qianyin Burial Yin, Fenli Kill, Brake, The Realm of Waves and Grains, Very Lazy Fish, Zihengh, Chen Song, Qiyao's Magician, Bai Renyou, Qianfan Daguanren, 7F Shang Tianlong, Bixue Sword, My Side Reading while walking, Ao Ran Ling Feng, tcbb Stranger, fish130486, ~Pudding Bear~, Zuo Qinghou, oasis013, Dragon Flame, Grass on the Fish Tail, ShinnyJin’s monthly pass.

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