The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 458 Return to Ratchet City

"My mother said that night elves all have green hair, but you don't." Little Betsy touched Lu Li's black hair curiously, "My mother said..."

The voice quickly dropped, she might be missing her mother again.

"Uncle is very powerful. Whatever you want to do, uncle can help you do it." Fortunately, Lu Li had brought his sister with him since he was a child, so he had some experience in coaxing children.

"I want mom and dad," Betsy looked at Lu Li expectantly.

Lu Li's face darkened. Fortunately, the system did not prompt him to receive a mission, otherwise he could have strangled himself to death.

"Your parents have gone to a far away place and won't be able to come back for a while. You have to be strong. They will come back when you grow up." Lu Li thought about his sister who also lost her parents, and his heart softened a little.

"I will grow up quickly," Betsy's eyes lit up and she nodded seriously.

"Now, is there anything you want, or is there anything you want to see?" Lu Li asked cautiously.

What could a five- or six-year-old child want? She thought for a while and then tilted her head and said, "Mom said she would buy me a fruit cake for my birthday, but she and my father are gone."

"Fruit cake, right? Uncle will take you to eat it," Lu Li was overjoyed.

This kind of task is not difficult at all. A little girl can eat as much as she wants, not to mention that he is not short of such a small amount of money.

This place was either a church or an orphanage. Of course, it was impossible for anyone to open a cake shop. Lu Li opened the map and looked at it. The nearest one was a long way away.

It takes too much time to hold her and hold her.

He just kept doing nothing and summoned the headless horseman in the square.

This mount cannot be ridden by two people, but that restriction is for players, not NPCs, and little Betsy is such a young child.

Placing Betsy on the horse in front of him, Lu Li took her to find a cake shop.

Fortunately, there are not many people here, otherwise I would definitely be surrounded by people.

So far, there are no more than ten people in Dawn who can travel on horseback, and half of them are from the tribe. Xiao Mo and Xue Dagger both rode the headless horse, and they were only a few dozen minutes behind Lu Li.

Never underestimate the great guild’s heritage.

Even so, there were many players who saw Lu Li. After all, this was the first main city in the alliance.

It's just that everyone is not sure what kind of existence Lu Li is. He is carrying a child and riding a horse. He is probably an NPC that looks a bit like the player.

Along the Commercial Avenue, Lu Li searched for a while and finally saw a cake shop.

He said that smelling of a cake shop was more suitable. He could smell the sweet fragrance spreading in the air from a distance, and his saliva could not help but secrete. Lu Li instantly decided to buy some for his sister.

Let Betsy choose the flavor and color she liked, and Lu Li happily paid.

The poor little orphan gulped down the cheap food that could be bought with just a few silver coins. He didn't know what he thought of, and couldn't help crying.

Lu Li felt a little uncomfortable.

"Is there anything else you want to do, kid?" After she finished eating, Lu Li squatted in front of her and asked softly.

"My dad was a sailor before he was injured. He told me a lot of sailing stories about Ratchet City and Booty Bay. I have always dreamed of going to sea with my dad. Are you willing to take me to the dock of Ratchet City? See? I promise I won’t fall in the water or cause any trouble – I just want to see the galleon and smell Daddy!”

The little girl looked at Lu Li expectantly, maybe she still wanted to see her father at the dock.

"Okay, I'll take you to Ratchet City," Lu Li did not refuse, even though Ratchet City was a kind of forbidden place for him. He got Ivey's fool bomb from the engineering trainer in Ratchet City. .

With one order, there were thousands more Sword of Judgment players in Ratchet City.

This seaside neutral town has almost never encountered such a situation. The goblin guards, who are as timid as rats and have reached level 60, are on the verge of a powerful enemy, fearing that this commercial town will be attacked.

As for the tribe players, they were all teleported immediately.

The Sword of Judgment, one of the top guilds in the alliance, is going to attack Ratchet City. The news spreads everywhere in an instant, and even Xiao Mo in the Capital of Glory is paying close attention.

He even thought that Lu Li had found a way to occupy the NPC city.

In fact, Lu Li was just afraid of death. He didn't plan to bloodbath Ratchet City, but he wanted to at least maintain a certain deterrent to these NPCs.

Goblins are a race that bullies the weak and fears the strong.

After walking out of the teleportation array, no NPC spoke harshly to him like last time, and all the guards went to maintain order.

"See, this is Ratchet City. That's a big ship that just came back from the sea," Lu Li pointed into the distance. They were very lucky, and there happened to be a big ship approaching the dock.

Little Betsy even held her breath. Her eyes were fixed on the ship, with a look of surprise and awe on her face.

"It's you, how dare you come back," Akal, who was peeping around the engineering store, jumped out of the store, excitedly rushed over and grabbed Lu Li's collar.

"What do you want to do? Let go of our boss!"

"Does this dwarf want to die? Tell the brothers to come over and flatten this place!"

"The goblin NPC is attacking the player!" (Why do I always feel as if the city official is hitting someone~o(╯□╰)o)

As soon as he grabbed Lu Li, he was immediately surrounded by hundreds of players, and more people rushed over. These Sword of Judgment players were instructed by Guild Leader Root No. 3 to come over and protect the boss.

This task is too sacred, and it is our duty to protect the boss.

Regardless of whether the threat he poses is to alliance players, tribe players, or system NPCs, Lu Li's popularity in the guild is simply too high.

Akal subconsciously held his head and squatted down. The poor guy was frightened. In fact, even if he stood there and let anyone attack, he might not be killed.

The goblin sentries hesitated for a moment, but still did not rush over immediately.

If a single player breaks the law in Ratchet City, these sixty-level elite template law enforcers will not give him a chance to explain. Once the number of people reaches a certain number, it can be reasonable. If there are more, such as the number of people now Thousands of people were crowded into this small town, and they all looked fierce, so they didn't dare to move rashly.

Who knows if he will be the first to be killed.

Except for gold coins, nothing is more important than life.

"Dear Mr. Akal, I don't understand what you mean," Lu Li held a little human girl in his hand and bowed gently to the goblin engineering trainer.

" Ivey's stupid bomb formula from me, you despicable long-eared thief!"

Angry, fearful, and unwilling, Akal stayed in the city and paid attention to the passers-by every day, hoping to see this guy again. That's why he was so excited when he saw Lu Li today.

"Are you talking about the bomb formula?" Lu Li blinked innocently: "You sold it to me for three gold coins."

PS: I have never felt that there is anything shameful about watching pirated boards, and I have never scolded anyone. But after you read it on the pirated board website, you came back to criticize me. I am really heartbroken. My writing is average, but I dare I said that I have been working hard to improve. I spent all my time on the weekends to improve the system of the novel. I used a computer with a terrible lag to find inspiration in various games. The classmate who I deleted the post and didn’t have any fans. , I dare to say that at least I don’t owe you anything. Don’t be too harsh! Thanks to weilan83, 屮艸艻, Xuanyuan Fengyan, Di Niu Big Brother, Don’t Forget Xia Feng, Pumpkin Bao, Upstream Deyu, Online Game ァ Favorite, Yue Xiaoduo for their rewards and likes. Thanks to Brother KK, Phantom Ghost Thief, Feng Shao Er La, Tears of the Soul Redemptor, Howling Sky Does Not Smile Rain, Legendary Rice Bug, and Peerless Great Pirate for your monthly passes.

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