The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 460 The best badge

System: Complete the mission "Orphanage", get experience points as rewards, reputation as rewards, gold coins as rewards, adventurer exploration badges as rewards...

The experience value was quite generous. It increased Lu Li's experience value by 5% at level 33. The reputation reward was the reputation of Stormwind City, which cost him two gold coins. In total, he still lost a few.

Finally, there is Lu Li’s main purpose—the adventurer’s exploration badge.

Adventurer's Exploration Badge (Special): Agility +10%, Movement Speed ​​+10%, Special Effect: Use, dispels all movement-restricting effects and all effects that will cause your character to be uncontrollable, cooling time 2 minutes, equipment requirement level None, durable none.

There is a string of small words at the bottom of the equipment description.

You have a kind heart, hero. I hope you will be treated gently by this world.

Lu Li rubbed the badge in the shape of a six-pointed star, feeling a little complicated. It was an unintentional trick at first, but he didn't expect that it finally paid off.

This badge is the legendary full attribute badge.

As a special piece of equipment that anyone can own, adventurer's exploration badges are actually similar. The first attribute is an attribute added by each profession. Lu Li's agility attribute is the highest, so this is naturally added to agility. All are based on percentages. , the value fluctuates between 5% and 10%.

The second item is all movement speed, and the value also fluctuates between 5% and 10%.

There is no difference in the third attribute. This is the legendary badge release control, which is the best choice for players after being stunned, slept, frozen and other control skills.

The two-minute cooling time is neither long nor short. How to optimally use badges is also a science.

Lu Li put the badge on and began to ask others about the completion of this task.

Most of the other nine people have completed the task. Many of them have received the task of killing monsters. As long as the system does not go crazy and give them a task of killing the BOSS, it will not be difficult for them, high-end players in their thirties, at all.

As for the attributes of each badge, they are uneven.

Lu Li's is the best, followed by Fat Monkey's. His attributes are increased by 9% and his movement speed is increased by 8%. The worst is Azure Sea Breeze. His attributes are increased to full value, but unfortunately his movement speed is only increased. 5%, the lowest number.

My legs were already short, but they haven't changed much now.

Of course, players don't know about this badge yet, so he can always maintain the advantage for a while.

There were still people who had not completed their tasks, so Lu Li returned to Darnassus. He took his sister to various markets to buy some necessities, as well as some flower seeds and plants.

Lu Xin could plant flowers and other things when she had nothing to do. Lu Li didn't want her to work in the pharmacy for too long. Dealing with people was actually quite tiring.

After noon, the last teammate finally completed the task. This time he was relatively lucky. If you are unlucky, you may encounter a difficult task and it may take you three to five days.

This time, in addition to Fat Monkey, Azure Sea Breeze, Falling Cherry Memories, Moonlight, and March Rain, there are also several players in the guild, the mage Noyu, the thief Cain's left hand, the paladin Eternal Life, and the hunter Xiaoxiang Mingqi. , plus Lu Li, there are exactly ten.

After Lu Li joined the team, he did not accept the authority of the captain. Whoever is the captain will be the same in the queue, so it does not necessarily have to be him.

Fat Monkey was relatively thick-skinned and took over the captain's banner unceremoniously. After finding the battlefield officer in Stormwind City, he directly applied to enter the queue.

Because they are in a team, their team of ten people will enter the same battlefield together.

This means that there will be no problem of pig teammates, and in terms of professional configuration, their team has flag bearers, Azure Sea Breeze and Lu Li can both be used, especially Lu Li, who is definitely the best flag bearer; with treatment, in March Yu's treatment level is definitely the most professional, not to mention the damage output. Their lineup is completely violent.

The only regret is that there is no druid, it is best to be a wild druid.

Firstly, the Wild Druid is more powerful in carrying the flag, and secondly, the Druid's Elf Fire has a greater effect on hidden units. The biggest headache for thieves is being hit by the Druid's Elf Fire.

This kind of small problem is not a problem at all. A lineup like Lu Li's can already kill most ordinary players instantly.

They didn't wait too long. After dozens of seconds, they received a system prompt that they had successfully entered the preparation sequence. Players in the queue could confirm entering the battlefield at any time.

If you do not confirm for more than thirty seconds, you will be disqualified from entering.

After Lu Li confirmed his entry, he was directly teleported away from Darnassus by the system. When he came out of the battlefield, he would return to Red Leaf Island and teleport to wherever he was teleported in from.

The first place that appeared was the flag room.

None of this is unfamiliar. As a druid with some skills in my previous life, the battlefield in Warsong Canyon was the easiest place to get honor points, and every time I entered the battlefield, the first scene I saw was the flag room.

Both the Horde and the Alliance have flag rooms. The structure of the flag rooms on both sides is completely centrally symmetrical, with only slight differences in decorative styles.

The flag room is a three-story structure, with the flag stand on the bottom floor, where the flags are placed, and there are two passages leading to the outside of the field. The long straight passage directly reaches the midfield, and the acceleration buff effect will be refreshed on the way. A short straight passage leads to the second floor, and then you can choose to return from the slope or the direction of the cemetery. There is a path in the middle of the long straight passage leading to the three-story top floor. You cannot escape from the flag room on the top floor, but you can jump directly into the flag holder on the bottom floor, which is often a good choice for hiding the flag.

At the beginning, the flag room was completely closed, and the two outward passages were blocked by indestructible fences.

"There's nothing to explain. You all have read the introductions on the forum. I'll formulate the strategy." Although Lu Li declined the position of captain because he was too lazy to prepare for the battlefield, he never gave in on the command.

"Boss, it's not necessary," Shunshi Wannian said disapprovingly: "With our lineup, the opponent has no chance at all."

This person is a bit funny, but he is not stupid. What he said is actually correct. In this system of randomly arranged battles, the probability of encountering a team of experts is really low at the beginning.

"If you want to play PVP well, don't underestimate any opponent. Those who make good use of soldiers should not worry about victory before thinking about defeat." This is the sentence that Lu Li remembers most deeply after he became interested in the position of commander in his previous life. Many Shuguang PVP commanders Officials regard this sentence as their motto.

"Okay, boss, please continue," Shunshi Wannian smiled and was not angry.

"It's actually simple. We don't need too troublesome strategies. Everything else depends on everyone's awareness." Lu Li began to make arrangements: "Xiaoxiang Mingqi, I'll call you Flag. This time you will guard the home. My left hand and I will grab the flag. The others will Push them to death in the middle."

Really simple and brutal.

Warsong Canyon is a battlefield with fewer participants, many tactical changes, fast pace, and high requirements for team coordination. There is no need for particularly complicated macro command, and the use of small-scale tactics is more flexible. It is a good place to practice team coordination.

Thirty seconds later, Lu Li took the lead and led his teammates out of the flag room.

PS: Thank you to Fatty Beast, Yue Xiaoduo, Snow Patrol Book, Zalor, My Favorite Online Game, Bamboo Street, Don't Forget the Feng, Devil's Little Knight, Fish Going Upward, Forgetting Each Other, and Tears of the Beauty , Yue Xiaoduo, and Diniu Brother for their rewards and likes, thank you Bizhi, iceyang, handsome prince, woshilala002, is it necessary? , Xixian_yue, Dad Chuanchuan’s monthly ticket.

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