The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 461 Stealing the Flag

He was indeed leading the way. He was the only one of ten people here riding a headless horse, leaving behind a trail of phosphorus fire and resentment on the faces of his teammates.

"What a coquettish guy, I wouldn't have called him if I had known," Azure Sea Wind said angrily.

Most warriors have short legs, even shorter than those with mounts.

There is no difference in the actions of the two sides. They both rush out from the flag room and go straight to the open area in the center of the battlefield, where the two sides will have a head-on confrontation!

The collision of blood and blood!

The passion of PVP lies in this, which far exceeds the level of dungeon.

Lu Li did not participate in the hedging, and no one behind him could follow him. He ran so far forward that he would definitely die if he rushed over.

There are a lot of rookies on the battlefield, but it's all relative.

Levels 30 to 34 are considered high-level players in the current game, and their skills are limited. Shuguang is not the kind of fast food game where one person can cut down a street. No matter how powerful Lu Li is, one against ten is like hitting an egg against a stone.

When he saw the enemy from a distance, he canceled his riding and entered a stealth state.

I'm going, I'm so unrestrained. Lu Li counted the number of people on the other side and actually saw ten people on the other side. No one was arranged to guard the house, and no one took a detour to steal the flag, so he rushed over so blatantly.

"Take it easy later, there are ten of them," Lu Li ignored everyone and bypassed the group of people and went straight to the other person's hometown.

The battle song is like this. The key is to capture the flag. This is the basis for determining the final outcome. Of course, head-on confrontation is also very important. Otherwise, even if you capture the flag, you may not be able to carry it home.

Lu Li sneaked into the enemy's flag room.

The military flag rooms were all the same, and the difference was not very big. He found the place where the military flag was planted with familiarity, and pulled it up with a little force.

When the flag was pulled up, everyone received a system prompt saying that the tribal flag had been pulled up, and tribal players were asked to snatch their flags back as soon as possible.

"Lu Li, be careful, they were beaten home by us," the voice was full of gloating.

As expected, Azure Sea Breeze and the others won the head-to-head confrontation. With a numerical difference of eight to ten, they still achieved a crushing victory. Only two people from the alliance even died.

The dead will return to their respective resurrection points, which are located outside the flag room.

In this way, Lu Li, who had pulled out the flag and went out, happened to bump into the person who had returned from the resurrection - they met on a narrow road, with the rhythm of a group fight. Lu Li decisively turned around and took a detour through another exit.

Even so, there must be someone waiting for him at the exit.

There was no time to wait for his teammates to come to support him, but Lu Li didn't panic. He drilled in the narrow passage for a while, then detoured into a dead end.

He has no intention of letting anyone catch him in a trap, and now that he is carrying the flag, not only is he unable to sneak around, players on both sides can see his location on the map, and no matter where he hides, they can find him in minutes.

The reason why he wasted this little time was that his target was a "shoe" deep in the dead end.

This shoe is not a shoe in the actual sense, but an acceleration state. This acceleration state set by Dawn in the early days is very powerful, and the movement speed is increased by 100% for 30 seconds.

The only downside is its refresh time.

It doesn't mean that it will always be there unless no one uses it. Lu Li had read some posts summarizing this refresh pattern in his previous life. When he rushed into the cubicle, the shoe happened to be refreshed.

Passing by the shadow of the shoes, Lu Li's figure instantly accelerated to an incredible level.

Facing a tribe warrior, Lu Li feinted to dodge the opponent's charge skill, and then ran away from him.

The poor tauren warrior had never seen a thief running so fast. He rubbed his eyes and almost thought he was dazzled. By the time he reacted, Lu Li had long since disappeared.

Running out of the passage is an open space.

A group of people rushed towards him, all heading for the military flag.

This time, Lu Li and the others were clearly facing a ragtag group of people. There was no proper organization to intercept or block them, and they were all running towards the military flag.

Lu Li still had more than ten seconds of acceleration.

Since the players didn't have any mounts yet, they could only watch Lu Li running towards his teammates.

"Cain's left hand, you go to their house and wait, hide it so that you don't get discovered," Lu Li said after receiving support, he was no longer in a hurry and began to make arrangements for the next step.

"Okay, I understand," Cain's left hand was not stupid, and he understood Lu Li's purpose instantly.

When Lu Li puts the stolen military flag back into his home, the tribe will refresh a new military flag. In that case, Cain can directly pull out the new military flag with his left hand, saving a lot of time compared to Lu Li having to make another trip.

"Xiaoxiang Mingqi, is anyone at home going?" When Lu Li rushed over just now, he looked at the number of people on the other side and found that there were a few missing.

"I haven't seen it yet. My flare has cooled down. Throw it out now?" Xiaoxiang Mingqi has been staying at home to prevent the other party from sending people to steal the flag.

"Throw it out, I'll be back soon," Lu Li's acceleration effect was gone, but he had other acceleration methods. After all, he was a thief.

He was originally worried that Lu Li would be intercepted when he returned home, but in fact this did not happen. It was not until he returned to the flag room that he saw a druid and a thief playing fiercely with Xiaoxiang Mingqi.

Xiaoxiang Mingqi's one-on-one matchup was not easy, but the flare he just threw happened to reveal the invisible thief's druid. The thief and druid who lost the initiative could only rush up and take them with them. Baby hunter fights hard.

Xiaoxiang Mingqi's baby is a gorilla, large and defensive.

He seemed to have found a style of play that suited him. He kept wandering around his baby, shooting an arrow from time to time, giving the thieves and druids a headache.

This is a virtual game, there is no such thing as going through the baby to directly hunt the hunter.

Moreover, orangutans have a skill called Thunder Trample, which is a group stun skill. The thieves and druids were stunned once by the group. Not only did they lose the chance to surround the hunters, but the thieves were also drained of most of their blood.

Without Lu Li, Xiaoxiang Mingqi might not have lost.

Sugon is indeed pursuing a broad sense of fairness, but this fairness will not stifle the talent and efforts of expert players.

Lu Li rushed in carrying the flag, and the thieves and druids were stunned.

Just when he was stunned, Lu Li pounced forward and knocked the thief unconscious on the spot with a gouge. The control time of this skill was very short, but what Lu Li wanted was such a slight meal.

As long as he pauses, he is sure to launch a super-complete sneak attack.

The high-completion sneak attack even stuns for 2 seconds. Even if it is resisted for part of the time, it will still be at least more than one second.

He was already at half health and was still being controlled. Lu Li's attack was nothing short of a violent storm. Xiaoxiang Mingqi didn't need Lu Li to say hello at all. He withstood the Druid's attack and poured all his arrows towards the controlled one. thieves.

The thief's blood tank reached the bottom, and he knelt on the ground and died.

The remaining druid has good defense and a lot of health, but he faces a hunter with a pet, and the big thief who ranks first on the level list.

PS: Please give me a monthly vote. The author has worked very hard to code the words and cannot add more updates. I'm sorry everyone. Thank you to the handsome prince, Fei Hua Wu Yu, shanshankb, Canghai Deep Blue, Jiajiadudu, Qianjianqianjian, Dabei without Tears .

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