The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 462 Crush (please vote for recommendation)

The frustrated Druid shed his last drop of blood.

"Cain's left hand, report the position," Lu Li did not immediately put the stolen flag into his own flag position.

"Okay, I'm at their house, but there's someone guarding it, a paladin," a text message came from Cain's left hand. He was also a thief and seemed to have good skills.

"Monkey, in the blink of an eye, you two are ready to take over the left hand. It doesn't matter if you sacrifice yourselves when necessary." Lu Li dispatched his men and put the flag in his hand on his own flag. "The left hand , give the knight a sap, pull out the flag and leave."

Lu Li took a look at the opposing team's lineup. There were only two professions that could sneak. They both died here just now and were probably still waiting to be resurrected. There could be no other ambushes in the opponent's flag room.

The flag here is planted, and the system immediately prompts that the alliance has gained a point.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was immediately reminded again that the tribe's military flag had been taken away, and tribe players were asked to hurry up and snatch it back.

Lu Li patted Xiaoxiang Mingqi on the shoulder and motioned for him to continue guarding the home, while he quickly rushed out of the flag room. He was still needed in the battle outside, and he planned to go and pick up the flag.

The players on the opposite side learned their lesson wisely. Some of them resisted the Azure Sea Breeze and others in front of them, while others went to block Cain's left hand, which was carrying the flag.

When he was about to join the midfield battle, Lu Li sneaked into the invisible state. He touched the back of the healer on the opposite side and without saying a word, he cut directly with the dagger flying.

The healing shaman stood behind his teammates, thinking he was extremely safe. He didn't expect that such a ferocious person would dare to come and kill him alone.

Fortunately, he was a mail healer, otherwise he would have been taken away by Lu Li's set of skills right away.

It is true that Lu Li failed to kill the shaman, but he prevented the shaman from adding blood to his teammates. It can be said that no healer can still be in the mood to add blood to others under Lu Li's crazy attack.

The balance of the stalemate battle between the two sides tilted, and a large whirlwind in Moonlight killed their cloth-armored mage.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and it was another round of being wiped out.

"Help, damn, I don't want to sacrifice myself. You abandoned me for ten thousand years," Fat Monkey's wail came, and their flag-grabbing team was obviously surrounded.

"Hey, monkey, you can go in peace, brothers will remember you," Shunshi Wannian laughed and escaped while protecting Cain's left hand.

Like it or not, Fat Monkey sacrificed himself.

"Qu Yue, follow the flag. Let's keep pressing forward. When they come out, Nuo Yu and I will immediately kill their healers." Lu Li sent two people to protect the flag, and the other five people continued to move forward.

"Why let March go to protect the flag? Isn't it necessary?" Azure Sea Breeze, a human shield, relied on the healer to follow behind and increase his health. Not to mention how unrestrained he was in charging.

A hunter’s ultimate fantasy is to catch a druid as a baby, and a warrior’s dream is probably to have a priest girl who can increase his health.

In fact, March is more effective here. During team battles, if someone increases blood, unnecessary casualties will be reduced.

"After this battle, if you win, there will be a lot of experience rewards. Those who protect the flag and carry the flag will get more experience. She is a healer and will level up slowly. Let her gain experience," Lu Li did not hide it. own selfishness.

After all, Sanyue Yu is a single-cultivating priest with no power, and she has been relying on her brother Huadi Liqing to support her to maintain her current level.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask," Azure Sea Breeze immediately had nothing to say.

"I'll give the flag to Sister March, I can level up quickly," Cain's left hand offered to give up more experience.

"Okay," Lu Li didn't want to be polite to him.

This time, before the family had time to touch the Thief Druid, the second flag was planted in the flag position by March Rain, and then it entered the third round, which was the last battle to grab the flag.

Once Lu Li and the others succeed in grabbing it again, the battle will end with the alliance's victory.

It sounds unbelievable that five people crushed ten people to death in the cemetery, but in fact, Lu Li and the others did it. They killed each one after resurrecting them. After repeating this several times, the opponent finally realized that this strategy of taking turns to resurrect was too stupid.

"Monkey, come here quickly for support," Lu Li shouted.

Since the other side has learned well, they may have to resurrect together for a last-ditch battle next time.

"If you don't go, I won't go. You are treating me like cannon fodder," Fatty Monkey said arrogantly. Of course, he said he didn't want to, but his body was very honest and he rushed over as quickly as possible.

This time it was six against ten.

When the ten people were resurrected together, the bloodthirsty Luo Ying recalled was already in front of him. Lu Li dodged and rushed behind the shaman, planning a sneak attack and knocking the healer unconscious for four seconds.

The great whirlwind of moonlight and azure sea breeze drowned the crowd almost at the same time.

Fat Monkey and Nuoyu's group attack skill - Flame Storm also deal extremely high damage.

Three of the ten people died instantly, including the healing shaman who was being taken care of by Lu Li. Although there were still a few people left, they were all scarred.

Several tribe players have even given up resistance. I guess they just want to say: Facing perverts like the Sword of Judgment makes them feel so tired and they no longer love PVP.

Killing ten people who were resurrected together, no, nine, a thief with quick eyesight and quick hands ran away using the disappearing skill.

In this environment, thieves are always the most mobile profession.

"Who will carry the flag?" There was only one thief left on the opposite side, which meant that it didn't matter whoever carried the flag. Lu Li gave up this opportunity. He had already carried a flag just now, so he always wanted to give others a chance.

"I'll go, I'll take March with me, let them see how violent a warrior can be with a priest," Azure Sea Breeze geared up.

"Then go ahead and watch out for sneak attacks by thieves." Lu Li estimated that the thieves would not dare to sneak attack a combination of warrior and priest. The amount of HP of Azure Sea Breeze makes people feel scared. As for the fact that Azure Sea Breeze is a colored pen, who is it? How can we know?

The remaining seven people guarded the tribal cemetery, forcing no one on the other side to dare to show their heads.

But dying like this is not the answer. Instead of waiting to lose this battle, it is better to give it a try. If you fight one person to the death, you can earn one, and if you two die, you will earn one.

With this idea in mind, the tribe players who were killed began to resurrect...

More than a minute later, the third flag was placed on the alliance flag by March Rain, and the system announced that the battle was over. Lu Li and the others won with an absolute advantage of 3:0.

In addition to honors for killing, there are also a lot of experience points. Those who participate in pulling the flag, carrying the flag, planting the flag, protecting the flag, and guarding the flag are all assigned more experience points.

In this battle, the adventurer's exploration badge played a huge role.

When Lu Li and others were controlled, they could immediately regain their freedom by activating it. However, after the players on the opposite side were controlled, most of them could only watch as their blood volume dwindled.

PS: Thanks to Tuxue Xunshu, He Wu, Jiajia Dudu, Rainy Season G, Dabei without Tears, Xinqing at First Sight, Jiweika, Don’t Forget Xofeng, weilan83 for the rewards and likes, and thanks for kissing everywhere¥ , Mu Qiu, do you still have monthly passes? Please give me monthly passes and recommendations.

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