The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 463 Meeting a master on the battlefield

The badge was indeed the best, but Lu Li had no intention of hiding it. He even told Root Number Three after finishing it.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I really can’t do it.

Triggering this mission is too simple, as long as you have the patience to read the "Myth of the Titans" from beginning to end, because this book is quite boring, and not many people may read it.

But don’t forget the player base of Shuguang. There are always some boring people who will watch it.

It is said that there are some boring people in the real world who really have nothing to do. They can even read the product manual with interest, let alone the things in the game.

Lu Li estimated that there should be many people who knew this secret, but everyone chose to keep it a secret.

In the battlefield, there is experience and honor.

Experience and victory are related to flags, and honor is directly related to killing and assisting kills. Since there are experience points to gain, and it can also train the team's cooperation, they have been repeatedly clearing the battlefield this afternoon.

It’s not like I haven’t encountered a more powerful team.

In one of them, they met Guan Jing, Yuntianye, and Wendelian's Guangfeng Legion. They had played against each other in the Huaying Cup and left a deep impression on each other.

Gaze is a powerful warrior who does not belong to the moonlight.

Yuntianye is the number one mage in the Storm Legion. He is actually the second best mage in the tribe after Xiao Mo. The tribe is not like the Alliance. They only have three excellent mages. The Alliance has many mages, and Xingmeng Qingwu , Nan Bosi Rui, Wild, Green Orange Death, Fat Monkey, and the God of Law Mo Wangfeng...

Wendelian is a new star who has emerged, but she is definitely not new to the game. She once served in the City of Glory and was Xiao Mo's royal healer. Later, Xishan Bai appeared and took her place.

There are rumors that the Storm Legion acquired her for 1.2 million.

Her performance in the Huaying Cup was remarkable, and she is relatively young, so she has a promising future.

None of the other seven people on their side seemed to be players of the Storm Legion, but they were all elites of various professions in their thirties. In addition to Wendelian, they also had a Druid healer.

As soon as the game started, Lu Li was ambushed when he went to steal the flag.

Yuntianye took the druid for treatment and a Paladin player to hide on the second floor of the flag room and attacked Lu Li who came to steal the flag.

In fact, Lu Li also underestimated the enemy. Before this game, they had been going smoothly without losing a single flag. He had already pulled out the flag before he received a reminder from the moonlight that he had met Gaze in the midfield.

Lu Li was frozen on the spot. He originally thought there was only one mage.

It's nothing to fight a mage in a duel. Even if Xiao Mo is in front of him, Lu Li will not be frightened. In any encounter, Lu Li has never suffered a loss from the mage.

Of course, because he lost the first move, Lu Li also used the cloak special effect to dodge to the second floor based on the principle of running away if he couldn't fight.

After going upstairs, he was dumbfounded.

Because there were three people upstairs, and one of them was Yuntianye, an old acquaintance.

Lu Li was never timid about fighting, but he also never fought a battle that he was sure to lose.

"Everyone is here. I'll return your flag to you." Lu Li threw the flag on the ground, turned over and jumped downstairs. A special shoe effect teleported away in mid-air, and the disappearing skill followed after landing.

The simplicity of giving up and the decisiveness of escaping blinded Yuntianye's eyes.

He never thought that a great god-level player would be so shameless and run away without using any attack skills.

"Yun Tianye is in the flag room. There are three of them here. I lost the flag," Lu Li reported the situation to his teammates without any shame.

"Two people came to steal the flag," Xiaoxiang Mingqi shouted. He seemed to be playing very hard. One versus two was not a simple matter, as long as the two opponents were not rookies.

"Do you want two people to go back and support you?" Azure Sea Breeze asked.

"No need," Fatty Monkey said confidently before Lu Li could respond, "So what if he stares? There are three of them guarding the house, two stealing the flag, and there are five of them in the middle beating eight of us. I don't believe he can last any longer. "

The tactics of the Storm Legion belong to the classic 253 lineup, with two people stealing the flag, three people guarding the home, and five people entangled in the middle. Only high-end teams that are particularly confident will do this.

Staring at a few people probably won too smoothly.

When a lineup like theirs meets a strong team of the same level, the most honorable place to go wrong is in the midfield battle.

With five people participating in the battle, it is obviously much more difficult to fight against a lineup that has more people than you.

Just by staring at one person, Yue Guang, Fat Monkey, and Nuo Yu were furiously attacking him. He didn't even dare to rush to the alliance team to release a big whirlwind.

If it weren't for Wendelian's big breasts to back her up, the gaze wouldn't have lasted even a face-to-face encounter.

But big breasts have their limits, and she was harassed by other enemies.

After Lu Li lost the flag, he regained his ability to sneak, but he did not leave the flag room. He kept adjusting his position, and threw a sap to the three people on the opposite side.

Even if one of them is suppressed, they may not be able to defeat these three.

Lu Li's purpose was to entangle these three people so that they could not support the midfield.

The system prompts that the alliance flag has been taken away by the tribe. Alliance players are asked to snatch it back quickly... On the virtual display screen on Lu Li's side, Wendelian's logo has dimmed, indicating that he has died, and the flag has naturally been taken away. .

"Lie down," Fatty Monkey shouted, followed by cheers from Lu Li's teammates.

Lu Li knew that this meant that the gaze was dead. In fact, it was not just the gaze. The five troops deployed by the tribe in the midfield had all been wiped out, including the healing priest Wendelian, who had all been sent back to the cemetery.

It is not impossible for five to fight eight, provided that the opponent's strength is average.

Yueguang, Sanyueyu, Fat Monkey, Nuoyu, and the other four people, basically none of them were rookies, and their equipment levels were all about the same, so this result was not unexpected.

The current situation is that the alliance's flag has been lost, and more players from the tribe have died.

"Advance, suppress their cemetery. You two, Yueguang and Monkey, come to the flag room. Xiaoxiang Mingqi will also come after his resurrection. We are going to have a team battle with them." Lu Li moved towards the corner, just in time to hide. Over the paladin's devotion.

After the dedication disappeared, Lu Li went up and knocked out the healing druid with a sap.

Yueguang had already charged in, and Fat Monkey's attack was also aimed at Yuntianye, who was stunned by the charge.

The mage is a cloth-armored profession. Regardless of whether your skills are good or not, I will definitely kill you first without any discussion. Lu Li and Yueguang, plus a fat monkey, three people will fight one. The paladin hesitated and chose to fight the fat monkey.

Maybe he also thinks that the cloth armor profession is easier to play.

After Yuntianye was knocked unconscious by Lu Li's kidney blow, he never woke up again.

After the mage died, Lu Li and Yueguang turned around and went to kill the knights. At this time, the druid was still in a sap state, and it could only watch helplessly as its teammates were killed.

This is what happens without a badge.

PS: Please give me a recommendation vote. Please log in to your account if you have nothing to do. o(╯□╰)o Thanks to Qi857, Fat Monkey, Bixue Sword, Hear Your Memories, Guxue Yifeng, Qiseliuhuo, Hongzi, Monthly tickets for Feng Huan Yun Lian, Qing Feng Ji Yue, Feng Qi Yun Surge, You 102 Ling, Zhu Zui, and Devil Little Knight.

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