The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 464 Evenly matched

Lu Li pulled up his flag and left, with Moonlight and Fat Monkey protecting him. At this time, both the Alliance and the Horde pulled up each other's flags.

This situation is not uncommon in Warsong Canyon. Shuguang stipulates that when handing over flags, you must ensure that your own flag is properly planted there before you can insert the stolen flag into your own flag position.

This also meant that Lu Li and the others had to snatch back the flag that was pulled away by the opponent.

Lu Li did not calculate the refresh time of the top-notch running shoes that can increase movement speed by 100% this time, because he was not alone, and it would be safer to stay on the same page with two teammates.

The three of them were intercepted immediately after rushing out.

With the strength of Gaze and others, it is simply unrealistic to suppress them in the cemetery without being able to get up.

Lu Li finally did not escape this time, even if the opponent outnumbered them, because Gaze was riding on a headless horse, and he did not dismount at all, just waiting for Lu Li to escape.

Once you enter combat in Dawn, you can no longer summon mounts.

And as long as you sit on the horse and don't get off, unless someone knocks you off the horse, you can keep riding with gaze.

Even if Lu Li moves faster than an ordinary person, he can't move faster than the gaze of a horse.

Rather than being overtaken sooner or later, it was better to give it a try. Even if he wanted to run, he should at least wait until Gaze dismounted. Since he couldn't fight while riding a horse, Lu Li didn't believe that he was sitting on it and wouldn't get off.

His target is Wendelian.

This female priest's PK skills are very good, and she can make Moonlight's attacks useless by simply adding blood.

Lu Li rushed towards the priest, and before he could even attack, Wendelian was a group fearer. She had obviously expected that she would become a target.

"You're not ashamed to bully a girl," he was actually in the mood to tease.

She was fast, and Lu Li was not slow either.

Shadow cloak!

The fear was lifted, and Lu Li was immune to some magical conditions for the next few seconds.

However, Lu Li only had time to hit twice, and was intercepted by his gaze the next second. Lu Li did not avoid his charge and was knocked unconscious on the spot.


The stun was lifted instantly, and the bone-eroding fangs of Lu Li's left hand scratched Gaze's arm, successfully slowing him down. Then he turned back and continued to deal damage to Wendelian.

This was a melee, and the three of them, Lu Li, were obviously at a disadvantage. After all, there were healers on the other side.

However, it is unrealistic for Gaze to take down the three Lu Lis in a short time. These three players are all star racers. Especially because Lu Li and Yueguang have many first kills, the quality of their equipment is higher than that of Gaze. few.

What breaks this deadlock is the system prompt.

The system prompts that the alliance's battle flag has been shot down, which means that the tribe has lost the alliance's battle flag that has been taken down.

"Fight Lu Li all together and intercept him!" Gaze shouted loudly.

is there time?

Of course, it was too late, Lu Li had already sprinted away and left.

The second charge of the gaze collided with the moonlight. The fat monkey first flashed into the crowd. A circle of frost spread, and everyone who touched it was frozen. It was a frost nova.

He had kept this group control skill useless just for this moment.

The tribe players who were frozen in place could only watch Lu Li go further and further away, making it impossible to catch up.

The first flag was successfully snatched by Lu Li and the others. The system reminded them that they had gained one point and that they still needed to work harder to win. However, the goddess of luck did not favor them alone today. They made some mistakes when snatching the second flag, and Lu Li was beaten several times. Individuals surrounded and killed them, throwing away the flag they had already obtained.

The battle continued to be stalemate, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, and at fifteen minutes the fight for the third flag began.

"Yueguang, Feng Shao, you two are at the front of the line, March you follow, the others are pressing the line with all their strength, Cain's left hand, you and I are going to grab the flag," Lu Li summarized the experience and lessons from the failure just now, and began to arrange new arrangements. tactics.

They had just experienced a hedging failure, both sides suffered heavy casualties, and naturally neither of them got the flag.

The opponent is too strong. Except for the three members of the Storm Legion, the remaining seven are all players from the core elite group of the Prosperity Dynasty. After this period of time, they have also developed some tacit understanding, and the three of the Storm Legion have obviously gained command. right.

"Then I'll still be the guardian?" Xiaoxiang Mingqi asked.

Lu Li hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "There is no need to guard the house. You follow Monkey and the others, beat them first, and then come back quickly to kill the flag-grabbers."

The opponent failed to capture the flag last time. This time it will definitely not be one or two people, and the defense will be in vain.

The most important thing is that this tactic may have unexpected results. If you can crush them hard in the midfield, then turn around and kill the person who came to steal the flag with a carbine, your winning rate will be seven points.

Two thieves were trying to grab the flag, and Lu Li planned to take over.

Sneaking to the tribe's flag room, Lu Li carefully inspected the layout on the other side.

There is a druid upstairs and a mage Yun Tianye downstairs. They are two people guarding the flag. It is estimated that the troops in the middle are not much weaker. We can only pray that there are many people sent to steal the flag.

"I faint the mage, you faint the druid, I shout three two one, sap, then you pull out the flag and sprint out. I will catch up with you later, you put the flag on the ground and let me carry it. "Lu Li made a decision instantly.

Frankly speaking, as long as the Druid Sap is removed, two thieves can kill a cloth mage with some confidence.

But Yuntianye is not an ordinary person. His equipment is not bad and his damage will definitely be reduced.

Once this kill drags on for too long and causes the opposing team to turn back and encircle them, the two of them will be in tragedy.

"Three, two, one..."

Sap, and then Lu Li used the Wind Step skill without even pulling out the flag, and rushed towards the dead end where the "running shoes" were refreshed. Cain jumped down from the second floor with his left hand, pulled up the flag, activated the sprint skill and ran out.

The two of them work well together.

By the time the effect of Cain's left-hand sprinting skill disappeared, Lu Li had already caught up from behind.

Cain stopped with his left hand and planted the flag on the ground. Lu Li picked it up and continued running, rushing out of the passage connecting the flag room to the outside. The effect of his "running shoes" was not over yet...

The interceptor could only follow behind and eat ashes. As for Cain's left hand behind him, he did not sneak after losing the flag, but rushed towards the enemy like a moth to a flame.

This always buys some time.

Of course, the people on the opposite side also pulled out the flag of Lu Li and his family, and asked Lu Li why he knew it, because not only had he received the system prompt, but he had also seen the thief carrying the flag.

Of course the other party also saw Lu Li.

This person was very self-aware and decided to avoid Lu Li when he saw him.

It's a pity that Lu Li's sprinting skill is useless.

When he went to get his running shoes, he used the wind step, and when he rushed out, he used the running shoes, and now he happened to have a sprint.

The thief opposite had already used his sprinting ability just now and had no other acceleration skills. He had no choice but to turn around and fight Lu Li. Because of his speed, he couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

If two thieves stab each other, others will not be able to support them for a while.

Then Lu Li's advantage comes out. The Defiler fragment in his hand has high attack speed and fast attack speed. It is unnecessary to release blood. The only regret is that the Supreme Ring does not have the blood-sucking effect. Otherwise, the thieves on the opposite side will definitely be depressed. cry out.

Moonlight was the first to come to support.

After a scuffle, his health was low and he rushed over without any rest.

"You go," Moonlight said concisely.

Without saying a word, Lu Li left Moonlight, who had almost no health, to kill the thief who also had half health, and sprinted towards home first. He had confidence in Yueguang.

Thanks to Zalor, Dabei without Tears, Jiajia Dudu, Zhujian Qianmo, weilan83, Yue Xiaoduo, Don’t Forget Xia Feng, and Tuxue Xunshu for their rewards and likes. Thanks to False xw True, ai Shao, 3754, Angry Bunny’s monthly ticket.

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