The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 465: Doing bad things (please vote for recommendation)

Moonlight did not disappoint Lu Li. The warrior originally suppressed the thief. The thief was carrying the flag, but some of his skills were useless. He only lasted a few seconds before he knelt down.

The moonlight knocked down the flag, and he still rushed towards the pursuers behind him with his remaining blood.

Berserker is such a man!

They have a passive skill that means the lower the health, the higher the attack. Of course, in this case, they will die quickly. Moonlight died before even completing a large whirlwind.

"Forget it, it's just a waste of time," Wendelian shook her head.

"I really can't bear to lose to these guys," Gaze sighed, but still stopped.

Among the three of them, the real conductor is actually the female priest, who once followed Xiao Mo to the pinnacle of glory. What she is really good at is commanding, but Xiao Mo himself is the best conductor, and her light has been completely obscured.

Many people think she was squeezed out by Xi Shanbai.

Only those who know the truth know that she left on her own initiative and that Xiao Mo is not an ungrateful person.

"There will be opportunities to fight against each other in the future. Having said that, I found that you are still not as good as Moonlight..." Wendelian comforted her very calmly. As soon as the topic changed, she stood on the battlefield to discuss other topics.

"Humph," Gaze was of course unconvinced.

"You are not as crazy as him. He is a born warrior, a berserker. He never takes his own life seriously." Wendelian looked at the place where the moonlight corpse disappeared and expressed her sincere words to the warrior suspected of being a vampire. of appreciation.

Not taking one's own life seriously is indeed Moonlight's style.

This life-saving style is often criticized, especially by Yueguang's previous team. When they win the game, everyone is working hard. If they lose the game, many people will blame Yueguang's PK style for being too aggressive.

The system quickly informed Lu Li and others that they had won the game.

After that, they really rarely encountered decent opponents. Lu Li and the others were in a complete harvest rhythm on the battlefield.

On the new hero list, Sword of Judgment's points continued to rise, and he soon joined the ranks of the big guilds, ranking around fifty.

Don't feel that their ranking is lagging behind. After all, Sword of Judgment is a new guild. In terms of number of people and elite groups, they are not even as good as the more outstanding medium-sized guilds.

Lu Li's level rose to level 34 at an extremely fast speed.

However, because the Halloween event is really awesome, coupled with the opening of new battlefields, the player level has increased very quickly.

Ranked just behind him are 33 and 32. The top 10,000 players in the level rankings have long been occupied by players above level 32. Not to mention that there are no players below level 30 in the elite groups of major guilds. Even Most of the ordinary players have reached level 30.

The timeline slowly came to the Magic Cup.

The Magic Cup has a long history. It does not have the backing of a super consortium like the Huaying Cup. This event was once shelved due to the war, and it took more than fifty years. A young man who once participated in the competition has always been a fan of this event. After getting up and running, decades later, the sixty-year-old man finally came to this day.

All in all, the Magic Cup was reborn just over ten years ago.

Due to lack of money, this competition is not successfully held every year, but a group of game enthusiasts never give up on it.

There are not many game guilds participating in the competition this year.

The main team of Glory City has issued an announcement. Due to the conflict with the training time, they unfortunately can only send a few elite teams to participate, and all star players are absent.

Weiyu Pavilion also gave up the game, they didn't even send an elite team.

The judging panel of this event has a certain degree of gender discrimination against female players, and they began to boycott the Magic Cup from the moment Weiyu Pavilion was established.

Sword of Judgment does not need to start from scratch like other guilds. They are the champions of the Huaying Cup competition and will directly enter the top 16. There will be nothing wrong with them in the previous few days of competition.

Except for leading the guild to kill the Headless Horseman once a day, the rest of the time can be freely arranged.

At dusk, Lu Li would go to the hotel and tavern in Nanhai Town once. Unfortunately, the mission of Ravenholdt Manor has not been updated. The waitress Nima has always been cold and reserved towards him. Even if the people following him think his behavior is strange, they still There is no way to discover the secrets of the League of Assassins.

The water elf finally got the chance to join the Assassin's League.

The undercover agent she arranged in the tribal camp gave the target. A hunter named "Point Shooting Star" conducted many tests with the thief trainer Ormode. Although he did not hear the specific content of his conversation, his profession itself was Traces were revealed.

It is unreasonable for a hunter to always go to find a professional trainer for thieves.

Even if there are related tasks, there is no need to test it multiple times.

Ravenholdt's emblem is a must-drop item. As long as the player carrying it dies, it will definitely explode.

The water elf decided to attack him, and to be on the safe side, she asked Lu Li to do bad things together.

No one has any grudges, and killing someone for a piece of equipment is indeed not a good thing, but the game is a game, and the gameplay that has been formed for more than two hundred years has always been like this.

It’s a crime to possess a jade!

If Lu Li pretends that others have not offended us and it is not good to steal things, then he must be out of his mind.

Tarren Mill is located in the middle of the Hillsbrad Foothills, bordering the Alterac Mountains to the north. It is the tribe's camp in this area and has conflicts with the Alliance camp Southsea Town to the south.

It can be said that besides Ash Valley, this is the second densely populated area where players from both sides fight.

Everyone is still at a low level, and there is little traffic in Stranglethorn Valley. This number one wild battlefield is still in a dead state.

Lu Li and Water Elf didn't bring anyone with them, so they sneaked outside of Tarren Mill and waited for the guy named Shooting Star to go out and level up.

Hunters with babies usually practice alone.

"Come out, let's follow, stay far away before we attack," the water elf received the news and made a gesture to Lu Li.

Lu Li quickly saw this hunter. He was a troll and his equipment looked pretty good. He was carrying a pet wild boar with purple spots on his body. Lu Li recognized it at a glance as this was the extreme end of the Barrens. A rare monster with a low probability of being refreshed.

"He's from the Glory City," the water elf discovered the other party's guild logo.

It would indeed be troublesome if they were from the City of Glory, but Lu Li and Water Elf were both fearless people, or in other words, people who could be shameless for their own purposes. Of course, they couldn't be arrogant just because they had a backing.

"I'll take action first later. If that doesn't work, you can come up later." Lu Li followed the hunter, his superb stealth skills making it impossible for anyone to detect him.

The wild boar pet itself is not an alert animal. If the other party brings a more alert pet such as a leopard or wolf, he will not dare to get so close.

"Why did you come first? Do you look down on women?" the water elf said angrily.

PS: Thanks to Oohs, Scholarly Affairs, Little Rookie Zhu Bajie, Young Master, Guxue Yifeng, Feng Yimiao, The Pest Leader, Nuoyu, yjm9999, Nothing to Read, Pariahlmj, Youyou Ruoshui, Boiled Yellow Lotus in Sugar Water, Hypocrisy xw real monthly pass.

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