The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 466: Female local tyrant kills trumpet

"How is it possible? If you want to, then just do it..."

Only women and villains are difficult to raise.

Not all beautiful girls are as well-behaved as his own sister. Lu Li cursed in his heart, he would not admit that he had serious male chauvinism.

In fact, it doesn't matter who strikes first, after all, the strength is there.

Two minutes later.

"Hey, have you chosen a place yet?" It's not like he was looking for a cemetery for himself, so it didn't matter if he just followed him without taking action. Lu Li soon became impatient.

"There are people who are leveling here. Wait until there is no one before you start." There are some places in Hillsbrad Hills that are very suitable for level 30 players, and the grassland environment is beautiful and beautiful, which is what mainstream players at this stage want to level up. The place of choice.

"You're still afraid that people will see you," Lu Li chuckled to himself.

They followed the shooting star for a while and found that this hunter was not easy to mess with. His wild boar pet not only had high attack power and thick blood, but also had a charge skill. It was considered a top-notch pet that could fight, resist and have control skills.

If you encounter players in an alliance team, you will take a detour when shooting stars. If you encounter a lone player, you will attack directly.

There are already six or seven alliance players who have been hung up along the way.

In this way, Lu Li felt less guilty, although he was not sure whether he felt guilty.

Entering a mountain col, the water elf pounced from behind.

Sneak attack!

The hunter was knocked unconscious, but his pet would not. The little wild boar grunted twice and bumped into the water elf's leg.

The water elf secretly hated the hunter.

She also hated Lu Li, a bastard, for not helping. It seemed that he really planned to let her deal with it alone.

Such a graceless man deserves to be single for the rest of his life!

The little wild boar's charge did not hit the water elf. The female local tyrant dexterously turned around the hunter, not only dodging the charge, but also knocking the awakened hunter unconscious again.

Of course, with the little wild boar disrupting her, it was impossible for her to concentrate on her output.

The hunter finally woke up. He opened his bow and shot an arrow. He also increased the distance while shooting the arrow.

Although shooting at close range is not impossible, the power will be very unsatisfactory.

No matter what profession a hunter is PKing with, they will try to keep the distance as much as possible. High-end hunters will even fly kites throughout the whole process, constantly using distance attacks to grind their opponents to death.

Of course, the water elf couldn't let him distance himself.

A star player, even if the hunter can restrain the rogue to a certain extent in the current version, she cannot be kited.

As soon as he opened some distance, before he could turn around, Shooting Star suddenly felt a chill on the back of his head, and was knocked unconscious again. This time, while the little wild boar charged and cooled down, the water elf caused a lot of damage to Shooting Star. .

"You are a water elf!" Point Shooting Star finally discovered that his attacker was a famous female rich woman from Shuguang.

He was a little confused as to whether he was lucky or unlucky to meet this evil star today. If you meet this famous person on a different occasion, he might even whistle to tease her.

The water elf didn't say anything, but just bit him in the back.

She always wore a delicate veil on her face, and her features were picturesque, but unfortunately her evil spirit was revealed.

"I am a member of the elite group of Glory City. How have I offended you, Weiyu Pavilion? Can't I apologize?" He was a little anxious to shoot Xingchen. His blood volume dropped, but the damage to the other party was minimal. .

After the system update, the mechanism for losing experience in the wild has been changed.

Now only 10% is used. If he can find a friend to revive him within ten minutes, he will lose even less experience.

But 10% of experience is also experience. Up to level 30, even 1% still has to fight many monsters. Shooting Stars really doesn’t want to lose this experience. He just asks this female evil star for the sake of the first guild behind him. Hold your hands high.

The water elf ignored him at all. This guy didn't even think about the people he killed just now.

Whoever dies does not count for 10% of the experience. Is it true that only his experience is valuable and other experiences are not experiences?

Seeing that the water elf would not accept this trick, the hunter did not beg for mercy. He did not know why he placed a freezing trap under his feet. The water elf was frozen for thirty seconds without checking.

This is not fatal, because freezing does no harm, and once the hunter attacks the water elf, she can come out of the ice.

The strange thing is that after shooting the stars to distance themselves, he did not attack the water elf. Instead, he raised his head and poured a bottle of potion. Judging from the shape of the bottle, it was obviously an advanced healing potion.

"Reinforcements are coming soon. How long do you want to play?" Lu Li had already found a high ground to stand sentinel.

He is not a particularly face-conscious person, but if he and the water elf are asked to surround and kill an ordinary player, he is really not that interested.

Several players in the distance are rushing over. If nothing else happens, they should be friends from the Shooting Stars who came over after hearing the news. Maybe he came out not to practice alone, but with his guild friends.

The water elf snorted, and the ice on his body suddenly burst into pieces...

Wind step!

The water elf with a sudden increase in speed is very powerful. She is especially eye-catching with her fast attacks. The two high-attack daggers can almost wipe out the blood volume increased by shooting stars and drinking medicine in three strikes.

Lu Li counted seven, and the water elf resisted the attack of the little wild boar and killed his opponent.

"We got it, let's go," the water elf didn't want to fight. He picked up the Ravenholdt emblem dropped by the shooting star and entered the stealth state.

The four players who rushed over were indeed from the City of Glory. When they received the news about shooting the stars, they came over to support without saying a word. Unexpectedly, it took only a few dozen seconds to shoot the stars and it turned into a corpse.

Because someone was resurrected, 5% of the experience was lost by shooting the stars.

But his face was still extremely gloomy, and he found that the Ravenholdt emblem he got yesterday had fallen off.

He got this thing after completing the mission for a week. He didn't tell anyone. After contacting the NPC today, he finally got further mission information. Unexpectedly, the boat capsized in the gutter.

If he knew that this thing was related to players joining a small camp, he would probably feel even worse.

Therefore, ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

After the water elf got the emblem of Ravenholdt, she entered the hotel and tavern in Nanhai Town under the guidance of Lu Li. She still acted in a domineering style, and she started by throwing two pieces of level 40 jewelry at her.

Nima, the waitress, quickly chatted with her about anything.

The reception work also became extremely thoughtful because of the two pieces of level 40 jewelry. The waitress helped the water elf kill Yetimas without hesitation.

Mr. Basra Troll also fell into the hands of a useless but out-of-print engineering formula, and he had long forgotten his trial responsibilities.

It didn't take long for the water elf to become a member of the Assassin's League.

With Lu Li's guidance, she didn't miss the Defiler Shard, a top-notch weapon characterized by its attack speed.

In order to get the guide to join the Assassin's League, Water Elf paid Lu Li one million real coins before, and Lu Li also tried his best to protect her along the way, so that he was worthy of the money he received.

Of course, on the World Channel, players in the City of Glory criticized the water elves for killing trumpets in Hillsbrad Hills. This accusation is harmless at all.

Thanks to weilan83, Zalor, He Wu, Shuyou151105144307136, 屮艸茻, idateyou, Zhujian Qianmo, Jiajia Dudu, and Mo Wangxi Feng for their rewards and likes.

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