The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 467 Do you want a master?

It is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong in the war of words between the top guilds. When it comes to killing alts, several victims immediately appear. In the Capital of Glory, there are also killings of low-level players, so all over the world The players laughed.

Speaking of PK in the wild, especially cross-camp battles, just adds to the laughter.

How could there be such a thing as a trumpet in a guild like Glory City? Not only did Water Elf's image not suffer, but it actually gained more fans.

As for Lu Li, no one knew that he had participated in all this, and no one had seen him. Otherwise, the word "dog man and woman" would definitely be a hot search in the game.

The last time they successfully hunted for treasure together, they had already made most people unhappy.

Especially the admirers of the water elves, whose emotions are weird and paranoid, decide to stay away from Hei Luli for no reason.

If they knew that Lu Li and Water Elf were sitting together now, they would probably be even more envious and jealous.

At this time, the Magic Cup had just started two days ago, and there were mostly chaotic battles between small guilds. At the moment, this was a relatively high-level game. Hongtu Hegemony, which was ranked in the top 100 of the guild rankings, was fighting against Juxian Villa, which was slightly behind.

Logically speaking, there is little chance that these two guilds will come together in the beginning.

But since they have collided, there is nothing that can be done about it. When two tigers compete, one will be injured, and one of the two guilds will always lose points.

When Lu Li first joined the game, he met Beijiu and Drinking Alone. Later, he played the spider dungeon with Beitang Meng and Beitang Maomao from Hongtu Hegemony, and got the first kill in the first dungeon of Dawn.

But coming to watch the battle this time was not Lu Li's suggestion, but the water elf's decision.

With Lu Li's help, after completing the introductory mission to Ravenholdt Manor, the water elf asked Lu Li to come over to watch the game with him and tell him something in return.

A beautiful woman invites you and wants to reciprocate. As long as she is a man, she will probably not refuse.

Although Lu Li had no idea about water elves, he still gave up his plan to level up. Watching a game wouldn't take much time anyway.

Both are characters on the stunning list, Water Elf and Beitang Meng are actually friends.

While it was unexpected, it didn't feel unbelievable.

Hongtu Hegemony played a lineup of war thieves, spells, Germans, and animal husbandry, while the opponent was a violent combination of double combat, one spell, one spell, and one animal husbandry.

German Shepherd is currently a more popular dual healer, and Druid's auxiliary treatment and control are relatively powerful. As long as you move well, you can generally have some outstanding performances.

The mage of Hongtu Hegemony has learned the art of transformation, and coupled with the presence of thieves, the control is very powerful. As long as the sheep loses the priest and does not allow him to increase blood, the only thing left is the fate of being slaughtered.

Of course, this is easier said than done.

"What news do you want to tell me?" This level of competition did not attract Lu Li. His attention was focused on the reward the water elf said.

"Watch the game," the water elf raised his chin, revealing a section of his white neck under the mask.

Lu Li had no choice but to continue reading.

Beitang Meng's figure is strong and strong, and the warrior who symbolizes savagery is put on her body. Not only does it not make people feel stupid, but it has a wild beauty.

Her skills are good, but there is still a long way to go before she is a star player.

This venue of 100,000 people is basically full, and most of them are not coming to watch the game, but to see the heroic and charming Beitang Meng.

The beauty effect is definitely not something I say casually.

Unfortunately, Lu Li's eyes could only see the flaws of both sides of the battle, and they kept missing opportunities to attack each other.

He thought to himself that if it were the team he led, they would probably have defeated the opponent long ago.

"Hey, Beitang is my friend. Even if you don't look down on her competition at this level, at least pay some attention to her because she is a beauty," the water elf said speechlessly. She had long suspected that Lu Li was not good enough. Normal.

It's not that this guy doesn't care about himself, he has no feelings for all the beauties.

"This friend of yours is not as good as you," Lu Li was actually talking about PK skills, and he didn't even notice the ambiguity in his words.

"Uh..." The water elf turned her head and glanced at him. She was still not sure whether she had been teased a little. Being so angry seemed to be a bit of a fuss.

"Oh, charge, it's already cooled down. Oh, she doesn't calculate the skill cooldown time at all?" Lu Li didn't realize it. He was more focused on watching the game, but the words that came out of his mouth were still in the form of complaints. Lord.

"Where do you think I rank among female players?" Water Elf asked.

No matter what aspect she was praised for, she was praised by this guy after all. A wealthy woman has always been flattered, and there are almost no people who are qualified to praise her.

"First," Lu Li said without hesitation, and then added after a pause: "Because you are calm enough, and they, including your two teammates, have worse temperaments."

What he was talking about was Qingcheng Ming and Xingxing Nannan from Weiyu Pavilion. They were actually pretty good players, and with the bonus of being beautiful women, they were both well-known star racers in the circle.

"Xiaoqing and Nannan are already very good. I found them with great difficulty," the water elf said.

"Don't you have male players in your guild? Why don't you pay a high price to dig out two more powerful ones?" Since it was a chat, Lu Li was not silent, but he kept talking about his profession and was already a standard professional player.

"Our principle is not to accept stinky... male players," the water elf suddenly realized that the person sitting next to her was a stinky man and quickly changed her tune.

"Hmm," Lu Li responded, not paying attention to such details at all.

"Later, for the sake of development, we had to make an exception, but racers are the face of a guild, and we will never want male players. This is a matter of principle," the water elf said firmly.

"The boring principle..." The most important thing is to win games and make money. Principles are nothing.

"You are boring," the water elf glared at him: "Apologise, otherwise I won't talk about what happened today."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he blurted out a light apology. Lu Li looked completely shameless. How could any great master be as shameless as him?

"Hmph," the water elf was also speechless. She couldn't do such unreasonable things, so she had to explain the whole story: "You just said why we don't poach experts. Now there is an opportunity to poach experts. Are you interested?" ?”

"Master?" Lu Li was stunned for a moment, turned around and asked in surprise: "Do you want to use our Sword of Judgment?"

"You have a beautiful idea," the water elf spat: "No one wants to use that Sword of Judgment of yours, a group of...a group of rookies in the big guild, it's too early to get someone like me."

Maybe she was grateful that Lu Li brought her into the Assassin's League, and the hurtful word "rabble" finally didn't come out of her mouth.

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