The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 468: Passed Racer

"It's okay if you don't come. We have the same profession and conflict," Lu Li chuckled.

"I'm not joking with you." After two people who were not suitable for joking, after experiencing a cold joke, they suddenly realized that telling jokes was not a good idea, so the water elf started talking about business.

Games have developed for more than two hundred years and have become a very mainstream entertainment industry. Especially after the popularization of intelligence, a large amount of surplus labor has affected the stability of society. Just having enough food cannot fundamentally solve the problem. How to make That these people have something to do becomes a major issue for sociologists.

Driven by some people, virtual games have finally become something high-end.

Gamers who have always been denounced by the mainstream society as those who lose their mind by playing with things have also been slowly being bleached out in a subtle way.

Over the past few decades, celebrity racers have not only received the same treatment as entertainment stars, but their incomes have also begun to rise steadily. More and more people are willing to enter this industry and have achieved very good results.

Where there are newcomers, there will naturally be eliminations. This natural law is cruel and resolute in any industry.

The remuneration of star racers also shows a parabolic development trajectory. When they are young, their income is meager, gradually increases as their strength increases, and when they get older, their responsiveness becomes lower, and then begins to gradually decline again.

If you are lucky, you can become a coach. If you are not lucky, you can only rest on your laurels.

Star racers are generally under a lot of pressure and live a luxurious life. There are also many who are struggling to survive after retirement.

Moonlight has some friends like this, and part of his income is used to help his friends. Although he has played games for several years and gained a reputation as a vampire, he has very little real savings.

"Have you heard of Mu Qiu?" Water Elf asked after explaining the elimination of some star players.

"Mu Qiu..." Lu Li couldn't help but frown.

"You haven't heard of Mu Qiu, have you?" The water elf was startled. What she expected to see was Lu Li's surprised or even ecstatic expression. If he wanted to hug the local tycoon's thigh, would he give it to him? He's holding it.

"How could it be possible that I haven't heard of Mu Qiu?" Lu Li shook his head in confusion, "You just said that celebrities were eliminated. Could it be that Mu Qiu is about to be eliminated?"

Even if he has never played other games before, as a reborn person, he is no stranger to Mu Qiu, a paladin, not to mention that Mu Qiu's real rise was in the game Dawn.

Before Dawn, Mu Qiu's name was not well known to everyone. He was only a second-tier star player.

He has skills and consciousness, but he is not very stable. It is generally believed that his talent is limited and he may stop here in his life.

However, after the first Dawn Professional League, everyone remembered this name - Mu Qiu, the Paladin who sat on the bench and turned the entire battle around just because of a chance.

He is an attacking cavalry, and he also pioneered the critical hit damage reduction treatment style.

"Mu Qiu is currently looking for a new player. Unfortunately, his account has been scrapped. He doesn't even have a chance to play in the Huaying Cup. He joined an elite team called Scarlet War Flag and didn't even make it into the top 100," Water Elf said.

"The number training is useless..." Lu Li suddenly realized.

However, it was already a year after he entered the game in his last life. Since then, everyone has pushed against the wall, and everyone has piled up firewood. Everyone has seen Mu Qiu's glory. It doesn't matter whether he has been treated unfairly before.

After all, it was a bloody battle flag. It usually had a good reputation and not many people said bad things about it.

"You only need one million. If you earn my money last time, you can sign him away. How about it? Are you interested?" the water elf asked with a credit-seeking tone.

The Sword of Judgment at this time was very pitiful. Although it had won the Huaying Cup, the guild was regarded as a mob in the eyes of the outside world. The number of masters was only two or three kittens, and only Lu Li and Yueguang could handle it.

If it were a real has-been player, or a real second-rate player with no future, Lu Li might really shake his head.

He is not a philanthropist and has no habit of sheltering the weak.

However, since it is Mu Qiu...

"When can we talk? Please contact him for me," Lu Li said straightforwardly.

The water elf is aloof, but most of the star racers have contact information with each other, and she is also a wealthy person who runs a club.

"Why don't you think about it or discuss it with others?" The water elf was shocked by Lu Li's domineering attitude. He was actually more domineering than me.

"The game is over, your friend won," Lu Li replied.

Hongtu Hegemony won the victory with a slight advantage, but it was of no use. It is estimated that they will not even make it to the top 16.

Of course, they wouldn't meet so abruptly. Lu Li must know more about Mu Qiu's situation, so as not to have insufficient information when the time comes to talk. Duke Zhou's spitting and walking backwards to greet each other is not suitable for everyone.

The three-year contract between Mu Qiu and Scarlet War Flag is about to expire.

The Blood Flag is a top club with more registered star players than the Glory City, and its rich heritage cannot be matched by young underachievers such as Wushuang City.

For a second-tier player like Mu Qiu, it would be no problem to find three or five in the same row, and there would be a group of people behind him waiting to kick him out of the way.

On the eve of the Huaying Cup, the city was buzzing with the signing of the bloody battle flag.

Technically speaking, Manchengfengxu may not be much better than Mu Qiu, but he is only seventeen years old this year!

Seventeen years old is an enviable age for most famous star racers, which means that he has the potential to be cultivated.

In the long run, his weight exceeds that of Mu Qiu.

In fact, he did take Mu Qiu's original position and became one of the three players of Blood Flag.

Mu Qiu was excluded from the main camp during the Huaying Cup, and the same was true this time for the Magic Cup. He didn't even get an alternate position. There were too many great masters in the Blood Flag.

This is an insult to a veteran star racer.

Mu Qiu submitted her intentions to several favorite clubs through her personal connections.

The Blood Flag may have acquiesced to this action. After all, raising an expensive star racer for nothing, and a star racer who is destined to have no future, is completely against the interests of the operator.

"What level is he?" Lu Li finally asked.

"Thirty-level one, low is a bit low. It is said that he is busy researching technology, but the price is cheap, only one million," the water elf shrugged irresponsibly.

"Only one million..." Lu Li smiled bitterly.

Isn’t one million money? Most people don’t have one million.

If he hadn't paid for it with equity, he wouldn't be able to give Yueguang and Sanyueyu their worth. No matter how friendly they were, he wouldn't be embarrassed to show off even a million dollars.

"I guess it will be fine for a year or two. If I get into the top three in the Magic Cup, I will get the money back." Water Elf sincerely planned for Lu Li. This kind of half-baked star racer who is neither good nor bad but has some level of skills is indeed very good. A sword of judgment suitable for those who are destitute and useless.

"Thank you this time, from now on..." Lu Li wanted to pat her shoulder, but temporarily pulled back.

I almost forgot that this is a girl...

Congratulations to weilan83 for becoming the first elder of the Great Thief. Thank you very much for your support. Thank you to Tiandao Weishang, Xingchen Yinhui, Liang Zhizhi, Xian Gu, A5, A Fu, Jiajia Dudu, Mo Xianxian, Zhujian Qianmo, Yue Xiao Please don’t forget the rewards and likes from Xia Feng, weilan83, and Zalor. Thanks to Wandering Shadows, Icewind Valley, wyg6156, Aoran Lingfeng, yjm9999, and nck22 for their monthly votes.

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