The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 472: Survival from a narrow escape


The son of Arugao's long claws swept past Lu Li with an afterimage, completely ignoring his invincibility and knocking him unconscious on the spot. The son of Arugao's retention actually hit the target with one blow. It's just a certain probability of being stunned.

Lu Li really didn't want to fight against this elite monster with nearly 10,000 HP.

But it's not enough without a fight. No wonder I rarely hear of anyone being able to escape from this guy. If the level doesn't exceed it, even the masters will probably have to fight for their own lives.

For 10% of the experience value, Lu Li needed to practice for a long time, and he would never give in.

In fact, Arugao's son's attack is not that extraordinary. He only does over 100 damage when he hits Lu Li, which is almost the normal level of a level 35 elite.

After Lu Li was stunned, he stabbed Arugao in the stomach with a dagger.



The two looked equally matched.

"Mortal, you have successfully angered me, and I will return my anger to you." The son of Arugao raised his two claws and slammed them down. His claws were wrapped around a black mist, which was filled with Unknown.

Damn it, you cursed me so quickly, you are cheating!

Lu Li quickly flew forward and kicked Arugao's son in the chest, successfully interrupting his movement.

Arugao's son grunted in displeasure and faced off with Lu Li honestly, but it only lasted a few seconds before he once again cast his ecstasy curse.


Stunning can also interrupt, but it must be stunned successfully.

After a few seconds, he started cursing again...

Shadow Escape, Sneak, Sneak Attack!

A few seconds later...

Kidney shot!

Lu Li was completely using his control skills to fight. It was impossible for the alts active in this forest to have as many control skills as he had, not even for the entire team.

However, when the control skills are finally used up, elite monsters have a certain immunity to such skills.

After using up all his skills that could produce interruption effects, Lu Li only reduced the BOSS's HP by half... He finally accepted the gift from Arugao's son with no choice but to do so.

Gift from Son of Arugal: Curse, causing 300 points of damage every five seconds for 3000 seconds.

This curse is a damage curse. It causes damage once in five seconds and loses 300 points at a time. Damage reduction, invincibility, and shields are not affected. What's even more speechless is the duration. Not to mention since the dawn of dawn, even with Lu Li's rebirth. In all his experience, he has never seen anyone more shameless than this guy.

In addition to the curse, the Sons of Arugal themselves also cause some damage.

Lu Li's current blood volume is 2,600. He just used a control skill and drank a bottle of high-level healing potion, so he has not lost much blood volume so far in the battle.

Even so, Lu Li had at most forty seconds to finish Arugao's son.

After getting out of the battle, he could sit down and use bread to restore his health, but he still had to find someone for help because there was simply not enough bread in his back.

Lu Li did not give up hope. The special effect of the dagger was deeply contaminated, reducing the target's armor by 25% and movement speed by 25%. His dagger flew, and the polluter fragments and bone-corroding fangs intertwined into a blood-splattered swan song.

"No matter what you think of, find someone to bring me medicine. I want the best bread, coordinates: #######," Lu Li sent a message to Root Number Three.

"Okay, it will be delivered in five minutes at most. Be careful," Gen Hao San heard Lu Li's unprecedented seriousness in his voice and immediately started making arrangements without even having time to ask what happened.

After five minutes, Lu Li estimated the amount of bread in his backpack and felt a little relieved.

So the most critical thing now is to kill Arugao's son before he dies.

If he couldn't resolve the battle within forty seconds, it would be all in vain. It would be easier to find someone to resurrect him. In fact, Number Three had already placed an order with a mercenary club.

The Sword of Judgment has little background, very few are active in the Silver Pine Forest, and almost none can help.

But there is another kind of people in this world called mercenaries - Lu Li also wanted to make money by doing mercenary missions at the beginning, so he established the Xinxin Mercenary Group.

These mercenaries are pervasive, and there are traces of their activities everywhere.

Root Number Three found a large mercenary organization that they often cooperated with. Not only did they entrust the task of delivering medicine, but they also specifically asked for a Druid with resurrection skills to rush to the destination quickly.

Once Lu Li breaks out the equipment, the Sword of Judgment will be bought back at a high price.

After entering the game, everyone starts in the same way, but it is absolutely impossible for rich and powerful people to play the same way as Diaosi.

The human-wolf battle between Lu Li and Arugao's son had reached a critical juncture. In fact, he did not have a chance for forty seconds. Every blow from Arugao's son would cause damage to him.

Damage reduction, avoidance... Lu Li tried his best.

At thirty seconds, Lu Li was out of health, but Arugao's son still had 20% of his health left.

Defiler Shard (unique gold): damage 42-56, agility +20, strength +12, slot 1, special effect 1: attack speed +30%, special effect 2: deep pollution, use, reduce the target's armor and 25% movement speed, cooling time 360 ​​seconds, special effect 3: critical hit, when the target's blood volume is lower than 20%, there is a certain probability of causing a one-hit kill effect, equipment requirement level 40, durability 120/120.

Lu Li had never expected the third special effect of the Defiler Fragment to work so much.

Seeing that the curse damage was about to start again, Lu Li activated the special effects on Pamela's Gift.

Pamela's gift (unique gold): hit +30%, damage +10%, special effect: Pamela's sweet water tea, when used, immediately restores 20% of health, and within the next five seconds, restores 2% per second , the interruption is invalid and cannot be used on targets other than yourself. The cooling time is 30 minutes, the equipment requirement is level 30, and the durability is 72/72.

Pamela's sweet water tea not only used this special effect, but Lu Li also used the kidney shot that had accumulated five combo points.

The son of Arugao was knocked unconscious.

He couldn't let Arugao's son attack him, so that he could recover more blood volume. The seven hundred or eight hundred blood volume slowly recovered. Just as the cooling time of the advanced healing potion was up, he raised his head and drank another bottle.

Gained ten more seconds.

The fatal blow that Lu Li expected never came, but the phantom clone on the bone-eating fangs was lucky enough to be summoned, and he was able to kill Arugao's son with great danger.

Only the bloody skin is left!

Lu Li didn't even look to see what Arugao had exploded. He immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and roughly stuffed a large piece of bread into his mouth.

There was only a hundred or so points of health left and he was about to be cursed to lose 300 points. The blood volume restored by Bread increased a little early. It was this small amount that saved Lu Li. He let out a long breath.

If I had known earlier, I would have brought someone here with me to do a single copy.

It sounds lofty, but in fact it is completely unnecessary, and I almost killed myself.

The best bread at the moment restores health every three seconds. The one Lu Li carries can restore 200 blood at a time. Although he doesn't bring much, he can also use advanced healing potions after the cooldown is over.

After his blood volume returned to a safe level, Lu Li picked up the items exploded by Arugao's son and found a hidden place to sit down and eat bread.

Be careful. In his current state, even a five-man team at level 20 might be able to kill him.

In fact, Lu Li was too nervous. It was not that he had no other way to escape this disaster. At this time, he only had to wait until his blood volume was full before returning to the city, or he could open a portal with glutinous rice balls filled with sesame fillings and find two teammates to pull him away. It'll be fine if you leave.

Of course, in that case, Lu Li would return to his hometown, and the more than hour-long trek would be wasted.

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