The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 473 Trumpet Killer

Lu Li was not kept waiting for too long. Two or three minutes later, an ID named Lao Nashentong applied to him to form a team.

Lu Li had heard of this guy. He was a typical treasure chest hunter. His level might not be high, but he was definitely the most elusive thief in Dawn. He was currently only level 28.

"I brought fifty groups of the best bread, and twenty bottles of advanced healing potions entrusted to me by others. If you are not dead yet, then should I inform the resurrected person not to come," said the old man with a kidney pain. He stopped in front of Lu Li and looked curiously at Lu Li, who was sitting cross-legged among the trees.

Lu Li didn't sneak around. His perception was good and he spotted this legendary figure immediately.

However, the legendary Lu Li was not majestic at all at this time. His whole body was a sickly dark red color. Because of the formation of the team, he even saw a number of three hundred coming out of Lu Li's head.

But Lu Li was in very good spirits. He was looking at Old Man with a pair of calm and deep eyes with a hint of caution, as if he would get angry and hurt someone if something went wrong.

"I'm only level 28, I can't be your opponent," Lao Naishen Huan asked to form a team from the beginning, just to reassure his employer.

"Just give me the bread, how much do I need to pay you," Lu Li confirmed the transaction.

"The employer has already paid," the old man said despite his kidney pain, "What's wrong with you? It seems serious. Do you need any other services?"

"Oh, what can you do?" Lu Li asked.

"Kill people and set fires, write love letters and deliver letters, pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, if you can think of it, we can do it," Lao Na said proudly.

Mercenary groups are not necessarily limited to three or five people. There are also some mercenary groups with tens of thousands of people. They have a wide range of businesses and do not participate in the competition for interests between guilds. They will do things for whomever pays more.

"Well, then find me someone who can lift the curse," Lu Li tore off another piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Can you tell me who is so powerful that can hurt you?" Lao Na asked with pain in his kidney.

"You are a bit curious," Lu Li frowned, but continued: "I'll give you a piece of advice. If nothing happens, it's best not to wander around in the Silver Pine Forest. The son of Arugao is not that easy to mess with."

"Son of Arugao!" Old Man suddenly tensed up because of his kidney pain: "Has he appeared here before? No, why are you still alive?"

"Because it's dead, of course I'm still alive. When will the person who can help me remove the curse come?" Lu Li really didn't like the feeling of a curse on him. Not only could he lose blood and die at any time, but the attributes of his equipment would also weaken. He estimated that The player who has been cursed for the longest time right now.

Only then did the old man see the huge werewolf corpse not far away.

"You actually killed him?"

"It's just a fluke," Lu Li said modestly.

The old man with kidney pain would not think this was a fluke. In their circle, many people received similar tasks and asked mercenaries to help them kill Hogg or the son of Arugao to vent their anger.

Having a low level does not mean that you have no money. It is normal for some rich people to feel unhappy after being killed and spend some money to buy the murder "person".

I didn't know how powerful it was at first, but several mercenary groups took over the task and organized several sieges against the Sons of Arugao. The specific results are self-evident. From then on, the Sons of Arugao established a taboo among mercenaries.

Old Man and Kidney Pain are in an alliance, and their frequent activities do not include Silver Pine Forest, but they have heard of its name for a long time.

How strong was Lu Li? He couldn't help but regret not rushing over earlier. Maybe he could see Lu Li fighting. He was also a thief, so he might be able to learn something from it.

The person who lifted the curse quickly arrived. What was devastating was that the curse could not be lifted at all. Lu Li could only sit there and wait for the curse to disappear.

He left all the bread on his body and left because of his kidney pain.

Being on guard against others, Lu Li changed places every once in a while to move his coordinates, and finally got through nearly an hour.

During this period, he also took a look at what Arugao's son revealed.

The son of Arugao only exploded two things. One was an engineering drawing - an underwater fish lure, which improved fishing skills by 100 points. In addition, there was a 20% chance of catching rare fish species.

This is good stuff.

More and more elderly people have begun to station in Shuguang. They rarely participate in battles and mostly focus on recuperating.

They quickly found their own ways to spend their time. More and more old men fell in love with fishing. How could they find such a fishing environment in the game in reality?

The consumption level of the old men is not low. This underwater fish lure can only be used for two hours, but it can be purchased for seven or eight gold coins.

The second item was equipment. The rare materials Lu Li was expecting did not appear.

But when he saw clearly the attributes of the equipment, this disappointment immediately disappeared.

Raider Leather Pants (Gold): Armor 32, Agility +16, Constitution +12, Special Effect 1: Critical Hit +10%, Special Effect 2: Retention of the Son of Arugal, there is a certain probability of stunning the target when attacking, the stun effect Maximum duration, special effect 3, gift from the son of Arugal, use, curse the target, causing the target to lose one hundred blood points every five seconds, lasting 300 seconds, cooling time 30 minutes, equipment requirement level 35, durability 64 /64.

There is a line of small words below the equipment description, you are a trumpet killer.

This piece of equipment combines the two disgusting skills of Son of Arugal.

Special effect 1 plus critical hit is the tone of the best equipment. Special effect 2 is the same as the attack of Arugal's son, but I don't know if the probability is as high as his. Lu Li has lingering fears about this skill. Needless to say, special effect 3. This It is completely a castrated version of monster skills.

Even in the castrated version, the effect is absolutely awesome.

If you stand still and let the curse continue, the players will lose a total of 6,000 health points. No player can currently withstand it.

Lu Li's original pants were also top quality, but they were far behind compared to the Raider leather pants.

After a near miss, he killed Arugao's son and gained a piece of awesome equipment. Lu Li felt much better, but once he was asked to face Arugao's son again, he would still run away immediately.

Being able to kill the son of Arugao this time, the factor of luck cannot be ignored.

After Lu Li's curse ended, he soon arrived at the Nanliu Coast, which was an extremely remote place on the other side of Burning Wood Village and not far from Shadowfang Castle.

There is nothing strange here, and there are no other specialties.

Lu Li came here to fish. He planned to catch some Nanliu grouper. If he used his cooking skills to make it, his sister would probably like the taste of this fish.

In addition, a sick little squirrel is refreshed here, which is a rare pet.

Most wild monsters cannot be tamed by players other than hunters, except for these little squirrels. They are almost dead. You only need to take them back to the veterinarian to cure them, and you can successfully tame them.

Congratulations to Mu Qiu, for becoming the first leader of the Great Thief. Thanks to weilan83, Don’t Forget Xifeng, Yue Xiaoduo, Dabei without Tears, Jiajia Dudu, Ao Shimi, Mu Qiu, and there is a kind of beauty called mistake for the rewards and Like, thank Xuanyuan drago****ayaxx, Wuyue Lianhua, VIP011111111, Chen Bo 0000, Fallen Light Sage, Wei Chen Yingyu, Knight Caesar, Haoyue Wolf, I Love the Night, Aunt Said to Have Monthly votes from Guang, yjm9999, Muxeng and fellow Sichuan fellows.

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