The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 474 Those old men fishing

Little squirrels are hard to come by, but fishing can be done with some effort.

The materials for the underwater fish lure were very easy to obtain. Lu Li found a nearby spawn point for humanoid monsters and spent more than ten minutes on it to get enough linen cloth. He then caught some night bugs in the forest wetland, and there were also some in his backpack. There are a few unused bronze ingots and some gunpowder powder.

He didn't even need a test stand. After tinkering with his hands for a while, he heard the system prompt that he had obtained an underwater fish attractor*6.

One underwater fish lure can be used for two hours, and six of them are enough for his own use.

When we came to the beach, there were indeed many people fishing here.

These people chose their life profession when they entered the game, and the combat system was also blocked based on the physical condition of the elderly. Monsters would not attack them, and the monsters in their eyes were not only not vicious but cute.

The arrival of this young man, Lu Li, really made the old men a little surprised.

All they saw was that the young man took out his fishing gear skillfully, tied a ring-shaped thing to the fishhook, threw it directly into his hand, and then sat cross-legged on the shore, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

An old man next to him patted Lu Li on the shoulder: "Young man, you can dig up nightworms in the woods over there, and they also sell them in the auction house. You can't catch fish without putting out bait like this."

"Hmm," Lu Li suppressed the urge to draw his sword and strike.

Uncle, do you know that something could easily happen if you slap me so suddenly?

"Children today, it's really..." The old man was very angry at Lu Li's perfunctory attitude, but he couldn't say anything else and could only complain to the fishing friends next to him.

"He will learn to behave when he hits a wall, Old Zhao. You were also disobedient when you were young," the old man next to him glanced at Lu Li's gypsum floating on the water, sighed and shook his head.

A few old men were sitting around boringly, repeating the topics they could talk about countless times.

Suddenly a young man came over, which was quite new, but it was a pity that this young man was too naive and didn't even use earthworms and night bugs like fishing.

Forget it, after he sits on the bench for a while, he will come over and ask for advice.

In the real world these days, except for those artificial ponds, there is no place to fish.

"Hey, his fishtail moved," an old man with a good eye was startled and almost threw away the fishing rod in his hand.

People say old age makes people crazy, but older people don't have so many scruples. Except for a few old men who were used to being reserved, the old men present stopped fishing. They all came to Lu Li to see how he fished with an empty hook. .

"I guess there is something wrong with the small ring he placed. It at least acted as a bait," the thoughtful old man had already guessed.

Although Lu Li didn't have much time for fishing in his previous life, he had already mastered advanced fishing over two years. I saw him neatly lifting the rod and pulling the hook, and pulled a light yellow grouper out of the water in three strokes.


"Tsk tsk, it's actually a grouper," the old man who originally said Lu Li couldn't catch any fish smacked his lips with envy on his face.

These people, whether they are brilliant or frustrated, this is how they have been in this life. Mr. Lin has no special hobbies, but he is becoming more and more particular about food.

This kind of Nanliu grouper is a specialty of the Nanliu coast. It is light yellow in color and is rare in the world after being cooked. Once you eat it once, you will never forget the taste.

Unfortunately, grouper is not easy to catch, and you may not catch one all day long.

Lu Li seemed not to notice Zhou Zhou's eager eyes as he took the grouper off the hook, squatted down and swung the second hook from the ground without checking the hook or adding any bait.

As people mature, everyone now knows that the little ring is a good thing.

"Ahem, this young man's fishing skills are pretty good, right?" I thought I was an expert, but who knew that the young man in front of me was a professional? The old man next to me coughed unnaturally and came to talk to him.

"Not high, junior..." Lu Li said.

It's not that he's pretending to be cold, but fishing requires a calm mind. It's best not to expect to fish while chatting.

"Are you just a junior? Impossible!" The old man still didn't dare to lose his temper despite his age.

Oh, by the way, it’s best not to yell when fishing. Grouper is a very cautious fish and will run away if there is any noise, and will only stop when it encounters a grouper of the opposite sex.

"Ten gold coins, quick trade, if you keep yelling I'll leave," Lu Li directly traded for an underwater fish lure.

The old man's eyes lit up, he nodded, and quickly put ten gold coins on it.

He actually added 100 points of fishing skills. No wonder this guy can mix in this water area with basic skills and increase the fishing rate of rare fish species.

This is probably the reason why the Nanliu grouper took the bait. People like them have been hanging out here recently, and there are quite a few advanced fishermen. I have never seen anyone catch such a good fish just by squatting down.

"What is it, Lao Zhao, you can't hide it," although the others dispersed, they still paid attention here, and of course they discovered the transaction between them.

"No, I was hungry and didn't bring any bread, so I bought a piece of bread from him. Hehe, this guy is nice, and the bread is fruit-flavored." Lao Zhao secretly tied the underwater fish lure to the hook and began to check it. Results.

Over there, Lu Li caught another fish on his hook. This time, although it wasn't a grouper, it was a big, plump fish.

The Nanliu coast has sunshine and breeze, and behind it is the Silver Pine Forest. The natural scenery is very beautiful, and there are Nanliu groupers that are not found in other places. The word spreads from ten to ten, and many people come here to fish.

Lu Li caught a second grouper. Even though it was just a small fish this time, it was far inferior to the one he caught the first time.

But the record of catching two groupers in thirty minutes was so impressive that it caused a bigger sensation in the fishing community than Lu Li's first kill.

"Young man, please tell me a little bit. You see, we are all so old and don't have any other hobbies," Bo said sympathetically.

Uncle, you are sixty or seventy years old, is it really appropriate to be so cute?

"We don't want what you have for nothing. You give us a price. Although we can't fight and make little money, we will never let you suffer a loss." There are also inducers.

Uncle, you are in business, how can I make a price if you say this?

"Hehe, my granddaughter is about the same age as you. I heard she is from Weiyu Pavilion. She is very pretty. I will introduce you to you later. I think you are a pretty good young man." She is actually very flirtatious. It sounds very good. Not a bad look.

But uncle, if you sell your granddaughter just for catching a fish, will you really not get your beard pulled when you go back?

Lu Li was so troubled that he had no choice but to sell the extra underwater fish lures. He had limited time and could only fish for two hours before leaving. One underwater fish lure was enough.

Thank you very much to Maomao Loves Meat^_^ for the five consecutive hits of 10,000 rewards, and became the number one reader of this book in one fell swoop. When I get better from the cold, I will definitely add more updates. Thanks to belore, JDJOY, Pulududu, ★ Monthly passes for Freedom Fighters★, Igri, Mine no Haku, and Josier丶.

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