The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 476 The Book of Ur

Brushing a copy alone is an incredible thing in Dawn.

Without high-level suppression, players in the dungeon will not only be attacked by BOSSs, but also suffer from various control skills, diseases, curses and other debuffs. Some BOSSs can even kill players instantly if they become abnormal.

The main reason why Lu Li dared to come to Shadowfang Castle alone was because the dungeon scroll in his hand was only in elite difficulty.

The second is his level. At level 34, he can already suppress the level 30 BOSS in the dungeon, not to mention that he knows every detail of this dungeon.

In his previous life, he once participated in a team and led a rich boss to consume more than a dozen dungeon scrolls here, including not only a large number of elite difficulty, but even two nightmare difficulty. He knew every dungeon skill here. Participated in the strategy.

The access level of Shadowfang Castle is 25, and the dungeon monsters are 28~30. The final BOSS Arugal is level 30 in normal and elite difficulty. The difficulty dungeon is raised to level 32, and the nightmare difficulty is an astonishing level 35. There are also new skills. breakthrough.

Shadowfang Castle on Nightmare Difficulty cannot be cleared alone, even if Lu Li wears level 35 equipment.

Regarding Arugao, there is actually a mission.

Lu Li on the Alliance side couldn't trigger it, but the quest on the Horde side was easy to trigger, but it's a pity that he is not a Horde player.

Speaking of which, Shadowfang Castle is a rather strange place. According to a book, one night Arugal led his werewolf troops to attack the baron's castle, which was located on the mountain outside Burning Wood Village.

He killed the leader, Baron Valenn, and took the castle as his own, naming it Shadowfang Keep.

The originally glorious castle was shrouded in shadows and the smell of blood. Arugao hid himself on the top of the high tower in the castle and continued to expand his army, dreaming of one day becoming the master of this continent.

His pet Wogen was raised downstairs and greedily devoured the large amount of flesh and blood that Arugal had reserved for it.

What is even more tragic is the leader, Baron Valen, whose heroic spirit who died in the battle is still guarding the castle. Unfortunately, he does not know that he has become the gatekeeper of Arugal.

This means that the monster forces in this dungeon are divided into two parties, one is the ghost army headed by Baron Silvaline, and the other is the werewolf army headed by Arugal. The former became a ghost after being slaughtered by the latter, and is still unconscious. The latter was defending Shadowfang Castle, and the latter became the new master of Shadowfang Castle.

As for the production of Shadowfang Castle, apart from the two rare materials that Lu Li urgently needed, there was actually one good thing.

The Book of Ur!

During the mission in Silverpine Forest, Arugal was described as a man whose spellcasting abilities were shallower than paper, and this was confirmed by his actual prowess in the game. Such a person still "dreams of becoming the master of this continent one day" - it is really ridiculous and sad.

So how did he get the ability to summon the monster Wogan? The answer is the "Research Paper on Ur's Shadow Magic" that has been mentioned many times, which is also the legendary "Book of Ur".

Ur is a Kirin Tor mage who is skilled in summoning and shadow magic, and has devoted his life to the study of werewolves. Arugal was also a member of the Kirin Tor. After obtaining the information he left behind, he found a way to summon creatures from the world where werewolves lived.

In fact, Ur himself was completely opposed to summoning werewolves. The description of werewolves in the Book of Ur is "cruel and evil", and there is a sentence in it that says: "Some werewolves have quite mature magical attainments, and their magic contains the power of darkness and corruption."

Arugao initially began to study summoning magic with an attitude of self-sacrifice.

But when this power was revealed in front of him, he fell as Ur expected.

This "upgradeable" equipment that can summon werewolves has also become the most hidden good thing in Shadowfang Castle. Before Lu Li saw it in his previous life, he had never heard of such a thing.

Unheard of!

That time they played the elite difficulty. After Arugao fell, the group leader went to touch the body.

According to the agreement, all production other than materials belongs to the boss who paid for it. However, this time there is an exception because the Book of Ur was produced.

This special piece of equipment that does not occupy the equipment position was only of silver quality at the beginning - for a level 30 elite copy, there was no hope of producing anything above silver - but the dazzling upgradeability on the back of the equipment made the group leader crazy. .

He kicked out the money-paying boss who also had pickup rights and directly started a vendetta against him.

After the boss died, Lu Li and others who also came to work were completely stunned. They couldn't understand the leader's behavior at first. This man had always performed very well, and everyone was convinced by his command.

Until they too saw the Book of Ur.

Some people say that human nature is inherently evil. Loyalty comes from betrayal because the chips are not big enough, and decency comes from not being tempted enough. Lu Li learned a lesson about human nature that day.

The leader gave himself the Book of Ur, and the others were furious, but to no avail.

After returning to the dawn of this life, Lu Li no longer easily forms a team with others. His teammates have all been together for a long time. They are either reliable friends like Azure Sea Breeze and Piao Ling who have interacted with him in his previous life, or Canmeng Xiaobajiang. A silly little girl.

He would rather choose someone with a lower level than something he can't control.

Of course, standing in front of Shadowfang Castle again, Lu Li's purpose did not include the Book of Ur. The output of this thing was too low. The time Lu Li saw him was a year after the game was released, and he, a little butterfly, was missing as he flapped his wings. You have to be able to change something.

After tearing open the copy scroll, a deep light lit up at the originally dim entrance.

After Lu Li stepped into the Light Gate, he successfully arrived at Arugao's territory.

After entering the dungeon, you will see a fence at a glance. You can see many monsters through the fence, including werewolves and ghosts. Smarter hunters will clear out the monsters here through the fence.

But Lu Li didn't plan to do that. He had no experience with the monsters here.

After all, the thief is not a professional shooter. Killing him is a waste of time and energy. Moreover, he is a thief, so there is no need to clear out all the mobs and so on.

This is what thieves do, they run like the wind and are gone with one strike.

Go right and see a small door.

Behind the small door, there is a very narrow staircase leading up to the prison on the second floor. There will be a white-headed werewolf and a gray warg between each staircase. The air in the environment here is dirty, and there is always a rotten smell that fills the senses.

On nightmare difficulty, these werewolves also have a chance of dropping rare materials, but this is elite difficulty, so don't expect anything.

Lu Li carefully avoided these level 28 elite monsters. He walked a little further and saw a prison downstairs. Outside the prison was a small boss, Rexigor, who was responsible for guarding this simple prison.

Thanks to long☆time, Q Tomato Q, "Piaoyao Gongzi", "Game Chong", "Wuyue Lianhua", "Thousand Years of Past", and pcwayt for their monthly votes.

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