The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 477 Shadowfang Castle

Rexigor is a ferocious-looking werewolf. Don't ask how you know he is ferocious. Werewolves all look the same anyway. You can feel the chill of death just from his unusually developed giant claws.

Also with the boss are two gray wargs and a shadowfang white-headed werewolf.

Lu Li did not raise his eyebrows. He took out the Crystal Guardian Crossbow. A crossbow arrow was nailed to the grass next to Rexigor at a strange angle. Only a gray warg was disturbed.

It lowered its head and sniffed the crossbow arrows in confusion. It seemed to be attracted by the smell of blood on the crossbow arrows, and it rushed towards Lu Li with four hooves.

When the gray warg moved, it immediately alerted the other warg lying next to it.

As long as they don't attack directly, many monsters in Dawn can be attracted in this way. Lu Li's method of attracting monsters is considered a success, at least the little boss was not alerted.

The two wargs were unable to make waves under Lu Li's hands.

Following his example, Lu Li quickly cleaned up all the mobs, and only Rehigor was left outside the prison.

Lu Li did not bother to go directly to the BOSS. There was a monster hidden under the handrail on the left side of the stairs. Most people might not be able to find it. If he accidentally attracted it, he would have to deal with an extra monster, which would increase the risk of fighting.

After all the work is done, Rexigor is not a difficult monster to kill.

Lu Li ended the battle when he still had half of his health left. After all, he was just a small BOSS with over 20,000 health, which was four levels lower than him.

In fact, it would be faster and more convenient if Lu Li had blood-sucking equipment.

It's a pity that the Supreme Ring lost its blood-sucking property during the upgrade process. I don't know if there will be a chance to get it again in the future. Otherwise, I would always be a little reluctant. If you have the chance, you can ask the jungle guardian and maybe add some special materials. Or some kind of BOSS death to stop the bleeding.

It can be heard from the words of the jungle guardian Remulos that the development direction of the ring is not static.

Malfurion embarked on the path of the Druid, and Lu Li embarked on the journey of the Shadow King.

The relationship between gain and effort is always directly proportional. Lu Li has never been a lucky person. Rexigor only broke out one piece of level 30 silver equipment and two pieces of level 25 black iron.

The attributes are all very bad, and basically no mainstream player will pay attention to it.

I got one and a half gold coins, which is a small surprise. There are many high-end hunters who will make money by clearing a copy of a BOSS with a defensive attribute. The gold coins that are directly released can make them live comfortably.

Then, Lu Li saw two cells head-on, containing an Alliance NPC and a Horde NPC respectively...

The next step is very simple, but there are also people who are more troubled. As a member of the alliance, he insists on releasing the tribal NPCs. What will greet him will be a fierce battle.

It's not like Lu Li couldn't beat that tribe NPC, it was just a unnecessary and unprofitable thing that professional players would not do.

Press the prison door switch on the wall, and the alliance NPC is released.

"I never thought I would be released one day. Thank you Elf. There are many unknown dangers ahead. Are you sure you want to continue walking?" NPC walked out of the cell, chattering as he walked.

"Of course, no matter how dangerous it is, I will go on firmly," Lu Li replied.

This is a relatively routine line. If Lu Li decides to turn around, then the dungeon will be over. As long as the general meaning of the answer is correct, the NPC will go over and help you open the door to move on.

"May the Holy Light be with you," the NPC took two steps back and disappeared in front of Lu Li.

When you open the door, you can see a very vast courtyard - this is what you saw through the fence when you first entered the dungeon, and the monsters are very dense. And there are five high-level elites patrolling around.

Lu Li did not clean up these monsters. He sneaked into the stable next to the courtyard.

There are three elite level horses here.

They are all non-active monsters, you can slowly kill them one by one.

It is said that these horses can produce mounts. This is obviously nonsense. Lu Li will never believe it. His target is the treasure box in the stable - don't underestimate any treasure box, even the lowest-end treasure box may yield good things. .

Lu Li even used magical magic skills like "Frost Nova" when he was in Novice Village.

After cleaning up any monsters he might attract, Lu Li carefully opened the treasure chest, reached in and took out two things.

Emerald spider silk...

Although it is a rare material, it is a pity that it is already on the streets.

The second piece was a level 25 black iron equipment. Lu Li hesitated and put it in his backpack. No matter how bad he was, he could still sell it to get enough money to repair the equipment. As long as there was room in his backpack, being diligent and thrifty was a must for a professional player. Quality.

After reaching this step, Lu Li can actually choose to continue walking up, or enter the kitchen on the left. If he continues to go up, he will defeat two less bosses, and vice versa if he goes to the kitchen.

Lu Li's choice was to enter the kitchen.

All the wolf human bosses in Shadowfang Castle have the possibility of producing white wolf fangs, and Lu Li cannot let go of them no matter how small the chance is.

Moreover, the "Butcher's Boning Knife" dropped by Butcher Razorclaw is a very good weapon, and many players should be willing to pay some gold coins for it.

The kitchen was a small space, with meat steaks covered with maggots hanging on the walls, and some moldy grains scattered in the corners, which mixed into a strange smell that made people want to die.

This kind of environment makes most players not like to take this path.

Lu Li lurked behind a ghost human without realizing it. He had to deal with the two ghost servants in the kitchen first. It was not easy to clear the dungeon alone. It was best to deal with the threats that could be solved first.

The ghost monster is immune to some magic attacks, which has no impact on a physical profession like Lu Li.

After killing the mobs, Lu Li made some corrections. His blood volume was no longer full, so he had to go all out when fighting the BOSS.

Razorclaw the Butcher is not difficult to fight, but he has a very disgusting skill, Eviscerate. This Eviscerate is different from the Rogue's Eviscerate. What the BOSS is good at is a bleeding skill, and the damage is not low. If you neglect it, you will be killed. It is possible that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

Lu Li took precautions and used damage reduction in time when he suffered bleeding damage. This BOSS did not cause him much trouble.

There was almost no experience value, the equipment drops were negligible, and there were no rare materials. Lu Li was not disappointed. He packed up his things and rushed to the location of the next boss.

If the drop rate of rare materials in Shadowfang Castle was high, it wouldn't be so unpopular.

There are too many bosses in Shadowfang Castle, but their strength is relatively average.

Only bosses who want to find people to level up will buy some Shadowfang Castle scrolls, and they can find a few part-time workers to brush them over and over again.

Behind the kitchen is the dining hall, the dining room in the castle.

There may be another update later. This is the first time the author has worked hard to add more updates. Please give me a monthly ticket to encourage me. Thanks to Zhang Fei, Tuxue Xunshu, and weilan83. There is a kind of beauty called mistakes, haze under tenderness, and folders. Rewards and likes from Jiadudu, UNBROKEN, weilan83, The Haze Under Tenderness, The Great Sadness Without Tears, Don’t Forget Xia Feng, Yue Xiaoduo, and Sweika. Thank you for your monthly ticket for Auntie Said There Should Be Light, Walking on the Snow and Reading, The Fleshless Man, Seven Eight Fifty-Seven, Flying Dragon God, Cold River Night, Green Lantern and Bright Moon, Lonely Snow and the Wind, and The Lazy Insect on the Tree

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