The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 478: Blizzard plus one (plus one for cats who love eating meat^_^)

The place in the restaurant is not too spacious, and the elite monsters are basically in teams of three or five.

Lu Li pulled it very carefully, pulling it up from the outermost edge as much as possible, and trying not to affect other monsters. Although these monsters are not high level and not strong, they will scare players.

For example, if Lu Li is here to play solo, if he is frightened, he will run around like a headless fly. If he runs into a pile of monsters...

The picture was so beautiful that I couldn’t even imagine it.

Of course, this kind of thing would not happen under normal circumstances. Lu Li not only has a shadow cloak, but also a badge that can relieve the character of any uncontrolled state, and fear is one of them.

The reason why Lu Li was so cautious was because no one could be too careful when completing a single dungeon.

Before Arugao's arrival, these ghosts were the original inhabitants of the castle.

They don't seem to know that they are dead, and they are still drinking and chatting here as usual. Players can occasionally hear their hearty laughter here, which makes it even more terrifying when combined with the gloomy environment.

When Lu Li attacks them, they will also be angry and will regard Lu Li as an external intruder.

Then, Lu Li saw the original owner of the castle, Baron Silvaline, by the spiral staircase leading upstairs from the dining hall.

A middle-aged Mediterranean man with a shiny forehead. He may have been handsome when he was young, but he is just average now.

He was originally just an inconspicuous little lord. After Arugao arrived, he began to step into the historical stage of Dawn, even though he was just a cannon fodder.

Now, this cursed spirit summons the werewolf who killed him to punish those who invade his home.

"Why can't I see evil in your eyes? Young man, why do you want to be such an abrupt guest?" After those who served him during his lifetime were eliminated one by one by Lu Li, he opened his eyes blankly. .

He said it so innocently, as if he was planning to give you a mission, but Lu Li ignored it.

While Baron Silvaline was saying these lines, the shameless Mr. Thief got around to the Baron's back and stabbed him to death.

Sometimes, clever interactions with NPCs will yield unexpected rewards, but be sure not to interact blindly. Cherish the opportunities left by the system to attack. Anyway, no matter what you say, in the end you still have to rely on your fists to solve the problem.

By the time Baron Silvaline finished speaking, Lu Li had already caused thousands of injuries.

"Despicable thief," Baron Silvaline repeated the line he had read countless times, and opened his hand to Lu Li: "Shadow Curtain!"

A cloud of black mist roared and enveloped Lu Li, causing him more than 150 points of damage and giving him a debuff that reduced his healing effect by 50%.

This state has no hindrance to Lu Li. He just clears the dungeon and has nothing to do with the healing profession.

Lu Li just kept his head down and attacked. He had to kill this guy as soon as possible, otherwise there would be a little trouble when he summoned some ancient werewolf.

After half of his health was reduced, Baron Silvaline finally began to summon the ancient werewolves. These murderers who had killed him now became his support, and he himself did not seem to think there was anything wrong with all this.

Summoning is a reading skill, but it cannot be interrupted.

Lu Li took the opportunity to drink a bottle of high-level healing potion while the boss was reading the message, and his blood volume, which had already been lost a lot, slowly increased again.

After the werewolf appeared, he immediately rushed towards Lu Li.

Solo brushing is different from team brushing. If you form a team, you can kill the monsters he summons. Anyway, there are people who resist monsters, others increase blood, and teammates help. However, if you fight alone, you must consider continuity.

BOSS damage is BOSS damage after all, and Lu Li's equipment can't withstand it for long.

As long as the BOSS doesn't die, werewolves will be summoned continuously.

But if this werewolf is not killed, new werewolves will be summoned, and there will be more and more monsters around Lu Li.

He now had a dilemma: whether to kill the werewolf first while facing the BOSS's attack, or continue to kill the BOSS despite the werewolf's attack.

Facts have proved that it is unwise to attack the werewolves alone.

Baron Silvaline was originally the best BOSS to clear in the dungeon, but once it was cleared alone, this BOSS became one of the most difficult bosses to clear in the dungeon. Fortunately, it was Lu Li who came to clear it solo today.

He didn't care about the werewolf, he just kept his head down and dealt with the BOSS.

The special effects of equipment and weapons such as energy shield, deep pollution, Arugal's gift, etc. were all turned on. At the last moment, he also used the blood-increasing skill on the necklace, which was enough to kill Baron Silvaline.

Even though it’s elite difficulty, since I’m the only one here, I’ll just get some rare materials.

Lu Li prayed silently before reaching out to the BOSS.

The emblem of the Silvaline family!

A silver ring, level 30, with relatively average attributes, but it has a special effect: Blizzard Skill +1.

Excellent, excellent...

Adding one to the blizzard skill is very important for mage leveling. If you originally added four skill points to become a level 5 blizzard, and equipped it with this thing, it becomes a level 6 blizzard. The damage will be incredible.

Lu Li once heard that someone was buying this kind of equipment at a high price.

There are vague rumors that Xiao Mo has something that increases the blizzard level, otherwise he would not be able to upgrade so quickly.

Lu Li fumbled with the ring and smacked his lips secretly. Who said Shadowfang Castle didn't have good things? The key is to look at the face. As long as luck comes, nothing can stop it.

Once you have the best ring, you won't care about the rest no matter how rubbish it is.

The method of handling this ring is also very simple. Of course, it should be placed in the guild for use by trustworthy people. It can be rented. Lu Li can set a time limit, and when the time is up, the equipment will be returned to the warehouse.

Lu Li would not give this kind of strategic equipment to anyone.

It's better to give it to Huadi Liqing than to Fat Monkey. It's easy to hurt feelings by favoring one over the other. Anyway, if you put it in the warehouse and raise the standard for using points, I guess only a few of them are qualified to use it.

The mages in the guild also ran away when they saw it.

Being able to attend the emblem of the Valen family, this copy is really worth it.

However, this once again verified Lu Li's rule of touching equipment - benefiting others at the expense of himself. It wasn't that he couldn't find the best equipment, but that the top-quality equipment he found was not suitable for his own use.

Going up the stairs, this is the tower part. There were only a few elite monsters along the way, so Lu Li sneaked and avoided them.

After a few rounds, you will reach the chapel. This place is very small, and the room is full of ghost servants and wailing guards. All the monsters here will move around in a small area, which is troublesome whether you fight or not.

Lu Li could only suppress his excitement over getting the emblem of the Silvaline family, and calm down to carefully observe the movements of these monsters.

Finally, he planned to walk through these densely packed monsters.

PS: I haven’t recovered from my cold yet, but I’ve already tried my best to code. I still ask for monthly votes. If there are more monthly votes, more will be added. By the way, happy Singles’ Day, I hope we will all be single tomorrow~

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