The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 479 White Wolf Fang

Going through the monsters was undoubtedly a risky act, but Lu Li didn't want to waste too much time here. Even if he was hit by monsters, with his various escape skills, he would not die at the hands of these monsters. .

After figuring out the mob's movement pattern, Lu Li took a step forward.

He is currently level 34, and he has many items on his body that increase the hiding effect. As long as he does not bump into him, there is almost no possibility for these monsters to detect him.

Some places were so narrow that Lu Li had to turn sideways to avoid contact with monsters.

In the future, there will be a mission that all thieves in the camp can participate in, which will test the thieves' stealth ability. If they successfully pass the mission, there will be a reward that increases their stealth level by one.

Some people specialize in training this ability, especially treasure chest hunters who appear in high-level maps.

It took more than ten seconds for Lu Li to pass through the monster group. There was a BOSS named Commander Prinval in the room on the left.

He recalled some details about Prinval, and finally gave up the plan to kill this BOSS. Prinval had relatively powerful attack power and better defense capabilities. More importantly, he was an undead paladin. , will use the invincible shield to protect himself, even if he turns on the invincibility, he will also increase the blood, and the blood increase is barely tolerable. The most annoying thing is that he shamelessly calls him "little brother".

Lu Li is a thief with a natural professional weakness. Even if his output is good, he does not have the strength to fight for a long time.

Give up when it's time to give up. This is the quality of a professional player.

After leaving the church, bypassing the BOSS's room, there is a door to go out. Outside is a section of the city wall in the open air. The depressing feeling of being alone in the secret room just now dissipates a lot.

But now is not a time to relax, there are a lot of mobs on the city wall.

When many people arrived here, they immediately went to kill the mobs. The result was of course quite miserable. If the team was not strong enough, it would not be impossible for the team to be wiped out.

Of course, a reborn person like Lu Li would not rush forward rashly. He stood in the distance and took out his crossbow arrows and started to attract the monsters, attracting the monsters one by one to kill them. From the beginning to the end, he never came close to the petrified bat squatting on the city wall.

These petrified bats look more like sculptures.

Who would have thought that they would still have tenacious lives despite being exposed to wind and rain for countless days and nights.

Once they get close to these bats, they will immediately wake up from their petrification. Even if Lu Li sneaks, it will be useless. Bat-type monsters are unique in counter-reconnaissance. After all, they are not animals that see with their eyes.

If Lu Li didn't clean up the mobs and attracted bats, he would be in a tough battle.

The hatred of the eight bats on the wall is interconnected. As long as one of them is touched, they will pounce immediately. The mobs along the way will also be attracted. There are more than thirty mobs in total. No matter how awesome Lu Li is, he can only turn around and run away. .

The next step was to deal with eight bats at once. Lu Li sat down and ate bread honestly.

After the war started, eight petrified bats emerged from the petrified state, which was very visually shocking. Leng Buding would probably be shocked when he saw it.

Lu Li's dagger pierced the bat's little head hard, causing a burst of red damage. The blood volume was directly reduced by a small amount. The effect of level suppression is very good, and it can maximize the critical hit attribute.

He tried his best to prevent too many monsters from attacking him.

The blood-sucking attribute of bats is too disgusting. As long as the attack is successful, there is a certain probability of blood-sucking.

The blood-sucking state simulated by the virtual game is also uncomfortable, like a cold wind blowing through the spine.

After killing the bats, Lu Li entered another building from the city wall. This was the storage room of Shadowfang Castle. There were three bosses inside.

Yes, there are indeed three BOSSs.

The big BOSS Blind Guard Audu, the small BOSS Evil Bat and the Blood Seeker. These two small BOSSs have relatively low health and low attack power, but it is quite disgusting to mess around with the big BOSS.

Although the three BOSS are in different positions in the room, no matter how you attack the monsters, the three BOSS will wake up at the same time.

A normal team would first deal with these two mini-bosses, and then have a showdown with the blind guard Odu.

Lu Li couldn't do this if he just cleared the dungeon. Before he could kill the small boss, he would probably be killed by the big boss. After all, it was the boss who was fighting three against one.

In fact, there is no need to fight these three bosses. As long as he stays far away from the evil bats so as not to be noticed, he can pass through them.

But Lu Li couldn't bear to part with Aldu. Not to mention how excellent Aldu's staff was. When he was brushing Shadowfang Castle in his previous life, this monster had a total of two White Wolf Fangs before and after it, and the drop rate was higher than Fenrus the Devourer.

If there were no bugs, Lu Li would definitely not want to clear the dungeon alone.

He first cleaned up the mobs here, then shot an arrow at the evil bat, and then took the three bosses for a walk in the empty room.

None of the three bosses moved as fast as Lu Li, but there was still a gap between them. Lu Li quickly adjusted the positions of the three bosses so that the evil bats were in front, the blood seekers were behind, and the blind guard Odu was behind. At the very back.

Pulling them carefully, Lu Li had to endure several attacks in order to adjust to the best position.

It took him three or four minutes to adjust the three monsters to the appropriate position. The evil bats and blood seekers firmly blocked the door, while the blind guard Odu was behind and could not get in.

Both the evil bat and the bloodseeker are semi-flying monsters, and the position where they are stuck in the door is more than a foot above the ground.

This height was not high enough for the blind guard Odu to get out, but it allowed Lu Li to bend down and attack.

This is the bug of Shadowfang Castle, which is almost a swan song in the virtual game. The two bats can just block the door, and because of their body structure, the more entangled they are, the more they will be blocked.

Blind Guard Odu was unable to attack Lu Li, at least not continuously, while Lu Li continued to cause damage to the blind BOSS.

The blood volume continued to decrease, and Blind Guard Odu finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to release Howling Fury. This is a skill that adds status to itself, which can increase the physical damage it causes by 10% for 20 seconds. Can be stacked 5 times.

Unfortunately, it can't attack Lu Li, and even if the physical damage is increased by 50%, it won't help.

The only thing that can cause trouble to Lu Li is Blind Shadow. This skill directly reduces damage. It can take away about five to six hundred of Lu Li's health at a time. If his level were not high enough, he would probably lose half of his health.

It can be seen from this that Blind Guard Odu is not an easy BOSS to deal with.

Lu Li calmly raised his head and drank a bottle of high-level healing potion. His blood volume slowly recovered. Due to his positioning, his skill completion was terrible, which inadvertently prolonged the fighting time.

It took him more than half an hour to kill the big boss. As for the two small bosses, they were just puppets who could only take beatings but not fight back.

After the battle, it was time to touch the corpse. Compared to the previous bosses who touched the corpse casually, Lu Li felt a lot more anxious this time. After all, the only boss that had a reasonable chance of dropping the White Wolf Fang was the blind guard Odu. and Fenrus the Devourer.

Asking for monthly votes, rolling asking for monthly votes, thanks to Troublemaker, §Black☆Temptation§, Telling Soldiers, mengshali, Jiweika, Piggy eating grass, Spring Breeze Disturbing My Heart, Fat Monkey, sstar_xh, Can you still ride on me, ND151643, Cats love to eat meat ^_^, Leisurely, lookmoon, Feng Shao La, Ye Zi Feng, Bian Huang Drunk, Book Friends 130712154528303, Xuanyuan dragon, Hypocrisy xw Reality, Shadow Fangs, Windy Clouds and Waves, Floating Sword, Mr. Xiao Songsong’s monthly ticket.

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