The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 480 Gluttonous Shackles

The Supreme Ring requires two white wolf fangs. No matter how difficult it is, he is bound to get it.

With anticipation for the legendary equipment, Lu Li bent down and reached out to the BOSS. After confirming that he had picked it up, the first thing he picked up was a stick - the Odu Staff.

A very good staff. Unless it is made of gold, it is difficult to find anything better than this in level 30 silver.

But that was not what Lu Li wanted. He held his breath unconsciously and wanted to find a white wolf tooth. The white wolf tooth at this time was so important to him that it was worth a thousand dollars.

There are some things that you may not be able to buy even if you have money.

It didn't feel like White Wolf Fang. Lu Li's heart sank, and he started laughing at himself. He was really greedy.

It's just an elite difficulty dungeon. Do you want to get the White Wolf Fang for the first time?

Gluttony Shackles!

After the attributes of things appeared before his eyes, Lu Li was stunned.

Why is it not the White Wolf Fang but the Gluttonian Shackles? The blind guard Oduya must have brought the wrong equipment when he went out.

Of course, Lu Li would not object to such an outcome.

He needs the White Wolf Fang, very much, but he also wants the Gluttonian Shackles that are necessary to upgrade the Supreme Ring.

Two white wolf fangs, two glutton shackles, and Shadowfang Castle could all explode, so he wanted the scroll of Shadowfang Castle at all costs. At the beginning, he felt that the explosion rate alone was high, and he could do it alone. Running to the dungeon, I was almost killed by Arugao's son on the way.

He had always thought that the Gluttonian Shackles were a specialty of Arugal, but he didn't expect that the Blind Guard Odu would also have a chance to appear. This BOSS was really hit right.

The bosses in this dungeon are relatively poor, and they are only in elite difficulty, so the output is generally around two or three. Except for Aldu's Staff and Gluttonous Shackles, there is nothing else that can be touched under the corpse.

A Gluttonian Shackles is actually very good. This copy is not in vain, not to mention there is a valuable good thing like the Silverlaine Family Emblem.

After leaving the storage room, there is another section of the city wall. The monsters here will ban magic, which makes the magic profession unable to release their skills, which is also quite a trap.

But Lu Li was not a mage, and there were no bats on the city wall. He skipped clearing the mobs on the road and went directly to the next BOSS's hiding place - the basement of the castle.

Along the way, he will meet Lu Li's old acquaintance, Arugao's son.

There is no need to be afraid. These sons of Arugao have similar forms. In fact, they are just mobs. They are very different from the trumpet killers wandering in the Silver Pine Forest.

After passing through the long and narrow corridor to the alchemy room, Lu Li finally saw Fenrus the Devourer.

This BOSS is relatively average in strength, but it is the monster most likely to produce the White Wolf Fang. In his previous life, Lu Li read a travel novel that introduced the White Wolf Fang, saying it was a "teeth dropped by the giant wolf devourer." .

Fenrus the Devourer is not a werewolf, he is just a huge wild wolf.

Fenrus, or Fenrir, is based on the terrifying giant wolf in Norse mythology, the son of the evil god Loki and the giantess Amberda.

The gods were afraid of the prophecy that "it will destroy the gods" and decided to tie him up, so they hired dwarf craftsmen to create "Gleipnir", which was cast from six "non-existent" materials, namely: The footsteps of a cat, the whiskers of a woman, the roots of a mountain, the eyelids of a fish, the sinews of a bear, the saliva of a bird.

After the war god Tyr sacrificed one of his hands, the gods finally tied it up.

In "Twilight of the Gods", Fenrir, who broke free from his restraints, became able to open his mouth to devour the heaven and the earth. After it devoured "Odin, the father of the gods", he was killed by the god of nature, Vidal.

Fenrir had two sons, Hattie and Skull. Hattie chased the moon, and Skull chased the sun. The two of them chased the carriages containing the sun and the moon respectively until Ragnarok finally swallowed them up.

The Devourer Fenrus here will split into two giant wolves when it reaches the second stage. If a hunter likes it, he can capture one of them without affecting the continued fight against the BOSS.

Therefore, hunters are very interested in this copy, mainly coveting the wolf babies.

Lu Li couldn't catch the baby, so he simply killed Fenrus the Devourer. The first time, his health was crippled, and he had to use Wind Step to break away from the battle. When he looked back, the boss' health was already full, so he could only continue. Start from scratch.

It was only the second time that I successfully took down this BOSS.

Fenrus the Devourer did not drop the White Wolf Fang, nor did he have any other goodies.

If he continued walking inside, he would arrive at the territory of Wolf King Nandus. It was also a giant wolf. Lu Li did not provoke it and walked around it honestly.

This BOSS can't be solved by an ordinary team, let alone a lone thief like him.

The four of them, Xiaobajiang, Piaoling, Canmeng, and sesame-filled glutinous rice balls, have already arrived. Lu Li's next dungeon scroll is no longer a single brush, which is a complete waste of time.

At the end is Arugal's lair. In the end, Arugal, the archmage BOSS, occupied Shadowfang Castle and took up residence here.

After Lu Li first took care of the three elite monsters inside, he began to prepare to deal with the final boss Arugao.

Arugal's main method is to cast Shadow Arrow, and when he feels that the damage is too much, he will immediately turn the player with the highest hatred value into a werewolf to attack other players...

Under normal circumstances, this is quite troublesome and can cause great impact or even death to other players.

But Lu Li was alone, and Arugao's unique skills were useless.

Therefore, some guides state that Arugao is a BOSS suitable for duel, as long as you can withstand his attacks.

The best combination is a healer plus a powerful DPS. The teams Lu Li encounters usually adopt a strategy of reducing their number of players to participate in the war. They would rather have fewer people on the field and avoid killing each other as much as possible.

When Alugao's health is low, he will use teleportation to run around.

There are three platforms in this basement, and he will teleport to any platform randomly.

Fortunately, this guy has been corrupted by Warcraft Wogan, and I don't know what went wrong. Apart from devouring the player's corpse, he himself will not restore any blood.

In this case, even if Arugao teleports away, Lu Li doesn't have to worry about his health recovering.

He can even sit down to speed up his blood recovery, and then stand up to continue output when Arugao teleports to him.

It took half an hour for this weak mage to end his sinful life.

Don't think Arugao is bad, this is only the elite difficulty level. If Lu Li had chosen a difficulty level dungeon now and he was alone, he would probably have died a long time ago.

I have never seen Alugao Luli in Nightmare difficulty. Specifically speaking, a team of five people at level 35 can be destroyed to the death.

The Sword of Judgment cannot receive nightmare difficulty dungeon scrolls, and the Grand Guild will not sell them even if it does.

After Lu Li killed Arugao, there was no first kill announcement in the system. This dungeon had already been cleared by someone. The private dungeon requires a scroll. Without the scroll, no matter how awesome you are, you will not be able to get the first kill. It is different from the public dungeon. Same.

Aru Gao exploded with a skill book, the mage's "Counter Spell", which was also a good skill book. Unfortunately, the rare material was not the White Wolf Fang or the Glutton's Shackles, but the blood of a demonic wolf.

Although this thing is also a rare material, a few years after the game was released, players still haven't figured out what the use of this thing is.

When his teammates came over, Lu Li could clear the dungeon by himself as cleanly as the autumn wind swept fallen leaves. After using up the three elite difficulty dungeon scrolls, in addition to the Gluttonian Shackles he had obtained earlier, thanks to the corpse-touching expert Zan In my dream, I touched another white wolf fang.

This is already very good luck. At least it is one step closer to the legendary supreme ring.

My cold is not gone, so I will update twice today. I will update more when I feel better. Thank you all for your monthly votes. Thank you to book friends 150904111257063, Yueyue丶, and Wuming? Generation ㄝ, Very Lazy Fish, Don’t Forget Hao Feng, The Haze Under Tenderness, Qinghuan 10, Niejiadudu, Forgetting each other is nothing more than this, Yue Xiaoduo’s rewards and likes. Thanks to Theory, 18933396386, Lao Tao Zeng Happy, Green Lantern and Bright Moon, and Dreamland-Wolf of the World for their monthly tickets.

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