The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 482 Surprise Attack (please vote)

Teleporting into the forest, Lu Li's lineup was the warrior thief Famosa, plus a paladin Mu Qiu as a substitute. The opponent's lineup was not very clear. Lu Li had not seen their game, but there was ready information on the professional composition.

The long-cherished wish is to double fight the riding druid, and the substitute outside should be the mage.

In the early days of this guild, it was said that it was a fan group for celebrities or star groups. Later, after entering the game, it developed for many years and gradually became a trend.

In the past ten years, due to technical reasons, the game market has exploded, and major guilds have developed one after another.

The Long Wish Guild has been in constant turmoil because of the inhumane nature of its entrustment.

In the game before Dawn, there was a mage professional racer, but now he has switched jobs. Now, except for a berserker named Ganjiang who is considered a star racer, the other players are just ordinary players with relatively good skills. .

The reason why the Long Wish Guild has reached this point is partly because of its good luck. On the other hand, it can also be seen from the downturn of the Magic Cup.

In fact, this is the case in most competitions. Only the top few can hold up the scene.

"How about I go first? I'll finish the fight early, and I still have to play the war song." Fat Monkey was holding the newly equipped level 30 golden staff in his hand, and he was really high-spirited.

In the first two weeks, he was just an ordinary player, and his equipment and level were not necessarily better than those of ordinary people.

At that time, he heard that the Sword of Judgment was recruiting people, and he, who had always been a member of the group, submitted an application for membership by mistake. No one expected that he would become a member of the Sword of Judgment so quickly.

Then he joined the elite group, and because of his outstanding performance, he commanded the elite group, and was recognized by Lu Lihui and became the main player.

Fat Monkey feels that the peak of his life is right in front of him.

"Don't be impulsive. Clean up the monsters while approaching that way. Recall that you protected Yue Yue. I will go in front and Yueguang you will stay behind," Lu Li quickly stopped him.

This is a competition, with tens of millions of profits at stake, and hundreds of thousands of spectators are watching after the song.

This is not your war song battlefield where winning or losing doesn’t really matter.

"Oh, it's so boring. You are the boss and I listen to you," Fat Monkey stopped angrily, waved his staff, and a fireball immediately rushed towards the wild boar that appeared in front of him.

At this time, he had not experienced too many blows and hardships in the dawn. Compared with the new star racing player Fat Monkey in Lu Li's memory, he was much more impetuous, but it was precisely because of this that he was full of vitality and passion.

Lu Li didn't sneak either. He had watched countless games in his previous life, and there were many maps like this.

The forest is divided into two parts, and the refresh point is actually quite far away. Players must actively approach to engage in firefights. There is really no need to be too cautious at the beginning.

He searched for a while and finally spotted a tree demon.

This monster is very likely to give players a durability halo, which not only increases movement speed, but also increases attack speed to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that the aura is a shared state. If Lu Li has an aura, his teammates can all enjoy the effect of the aura as long as they stay too far away from him.

The more troublesome thing is that the dryad is difficult to fight because its health and defense are very high.

Lu Li didn't care about this. At this time, the benefits of a group of strong teammates were revealed.

Again, Shuguang is not a one-man game. He understood this from the moment he entered the game, so he used the most sincere attitude to get along with his teammates, and even when he was in the most difficult time, he still generously distributed equipment. friends.

Now, Lu Li's attack was like a command gun.

Not counting March Rain, the attacks from the other three people also fell on the tree demon, causing a large amount of damage.

The people in the audience did not see the players PKing each other. They only saw two groups of people fighting monsters in full swing across a forest. Logically speaking, they should be very impatient.

But everyone still watched it with gusto.

There are hundreds of thousands of players here, and quite a few of them come here for the name of Sword of Judgment.

Some are players of Sword of Judgment and Longing Wish Guild itself, others are their fans, and quite a few come to watch the fun with a learning attitude.

Some people like PK, and some people just like to fight monsters.

In this way, you can watch from all directions how top professional players connect their skills, how to arrange their movements, and how to deal damage most efficiently.

For ten silver coins, you have the opportunity to learn on-site. It’s only ten yuan, and it’s definitely worth the money.

Therefore, the audience watched with great interest, and many people even took small notebooks to write down what they thought, for fear that there would be too many exciting things later and they would forget the previous ones.

The tree demon fell, and Lu Li gained a durable aura.

From now on, he will no longer kill any monsters, otherwise, the status of newly killed monsters will be offset by the durability aura.

However, this does not prevent him from killing monsters, as long as the final blow is not his own.

"This state is really awesome," Fat Monkey felt the convenience brought by the increased speed and couldn't help but stare at Lu Li for a long time.

He only knew that Lu Li was powerful, but he didn't expect that he would get such a good state by killing a tree demon at random.

"I got a state that gives me an attack +12%, so let's leave it at that," Yueguang followed closely and stopped.

We have also played many games in the Magic Cup, and many players have figured out some of the rules. Moonlight and others are not rookies, and they have also studied the suitable states for each.

"Can't find the state of +3% magic chanting speed," Fat Monkey scratched his head with a sad look on his face.

As he was talking, he glanced at Lu Li, and the master simply told him that there would be a surprise if he killed that monster.

"Be careful!" Lu Li's expression changed, he shouted, and he had already ducked behind a paladin who had just rushed over.

A premeditated sneak attack and a backhand stab not only prevented him from dealing out the March Rain, but also knocked out a large amount of his health. Lu Li now had not only gold equipment, but also several pieces of unique gold.

In the current mainstream equipment matching where gold is still the most expensive, he is undoubtedly a bug-like existence.

But he could only control one. The two warriors who rushed out with the Paladin rushed towards March Rain. The Long-cherished Wish Guild gave up the benefits of killing monsters, obviously hoping to catch them by surprise with the Sword of Judgment.

Fat Monkey and Moonlight were caught in the Warlock's group control and started running around like headless chickens.

The audience on the field could actually see the dynamics of the players on both sides. When Su Yuan and others slowly approached Lu Li and the others, countless people were sweating.

When the sneak attack was successful, some people even screamed in surprise.

Even those who had confidence in Lu Li couldn't deal with it calmly.

After all, there is a problem of taking initiative and sneak attack here. Everyone is wearing level 30 equipment, and they are all level 33 and 34. There is no problem of absolute suppression.

The warlock's fearful howl can control the field for 20 seconds, making this profession a master of field control that is not inferior to the mage, and also establishes its position in the multiplayer arena.

If Fat Monkey and Yueguang were controlled during these 20 seconds, Lu Li's side would definitely lose their numbers.

At that point, the outcome will be difficult to predict.

Thank you for the 10,000 rewards at first glance. If the monthly ticket can reach 550 votes tomorrow, I will add more. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Thanks to Ukiyo Wine, Book Friends 151113164657815, Xiao Tian Bu Xiao Yu, Book Friends 151019231443824, Book Rewards and likes from friends 150728120734294, Depression Jiezi, Don’t Forget Hao Feng, Zhang Fei, Jiajia Dudu, Yue Xiaoduo, and weilan83.

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