The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 483 Victory in the first battle

Several people from the Long-cherished Wish Guild were indeed willing to give up. None of them had any status gained from killing monsters. They were obviously determined to burn the boat and catch the Sword of Judgment by surprise in the surprise attack.

Even though Lu Li was well-informed, he still had to praise the Long Wish Guild at this time.

Their strength is weak. The Judgment Sword and Thieves Mu are a superstar combination that has gone through the test of the Huaying Cup. Even if the two new additions are of average strength, they are not comparable to a weak team like them.

Therefore, giving up fighting monsters and grabbing the status and making a surprise attack station became their only hope.

As long as he can kill Sanyue Yu and Lu Li in seconds.

Their main target was March Rain, followed by Lu Li.

When Lu Li attacked the Paladin first and successfully controlled him, the warlock who stunned the moonlight and the fat monkey also raised his hand and cast a corrosion spell and a painful curse on Lu Li.

In addition to the powerful control power of Warlocks, Dot (Damage-over-time, continuously causing damage to the target within a period of time) skills are also the most powerful among all professions, especially against physical professions that are relatively weak in magic resistance. It literally kills people in minutes.

Lu Li activated his cloak when the skill landed on him.

The two consecutive skills did not cause much damage, and the second Curse of Pain was even directly immune.

Lu Li was still burying his head in attacking the Paladin, and everyone was wondering, why are you, a thief, holding down the plate armor class and playing so vigorously? Do you think you don't need your own healer?

In a double battle with a healer, no matter how awesome you are, you still have to kneel down.

When the treatment fails, you guys will be at the mercy of others.

No one would think that the output of two warriors is inferior to that of a thief, and the target of the output is a cloth-armored priest and the other a plate-armored knight.

At this time, something subversive happened to everyone.

Fat Monkey and Yueguang suddenly came out of their fearful state. Yueguang threw support at Sanyue Yu and began to bear the damage for her, while Fat Monkey's skills were directly aimed at the Paladin who was being pinned to the ground by Lu Li.

I don't know since when, Lu Li and others started to have a bloodthirsty state.

Luo Ying's memories of the shaman profession have never been idle.

The paladin fell first. He withstood the violent output of Lu Li, Fat Monkey, and Luo Yinghui. His health was so low that even the healers had no time to react.

Moonlight blocked the front of March Rain, and in order to bear the damage, she also started to fight back.

One-on-two, the fight was still in order.

It was such a drama of counter-attack and counter-attack that many spectators in the stands stood up.

Only then did they let out the breath they were holding.

The people who supported the Long Wish Guild were very reluctant, but there was nothing they could do about it. The people in this guild were of good quality, and they couldn't do such a thing as yelling.

The focus of attention is on the moonlight and the fat monkey.

Why after being controlled, they were able to immediately break away from the controlled state. This is the key to reversal. Otherwise, several people in the Long Wish Guild would not have fallen into passivity instantly.

At this time, the Long Wish Guild lost a paladin, but they still did not give up, and the target of their attack was still March Rain.

This was their last hope. If it hadn't been for March Rain, they wouldn't have been able to make a comeback even if they killed anyone else. They themselves were at a disadvantage, not to mention the loss of another Paladin.

After Lu Li killed the Paladin, he targeted the Warlock.

This profession is really disgusting. Dot threw it at him desperately, and the damage was extremely high. After his shadow cloak ended, a large amount of health was immediately knocked out by the warlock. If it hadn't been for the March Rain to increase health, Lu Li might have died. He was killed immediately.

Masters are not immortal, and thieves will suffer greatly if they do not take the upper hand in front of warlocks.

When the warlock saw Lu Li rushing towards him, he seemed to have expected it and did not panic. He just hit him with fear.

Lu Li was hit by fear and subconsciously ran around. March Rain's magic dispelling effect had already been applied to him, so he turned sharply and rushed in front of the warlock with a single step, slashing!

The stunned warlock then directed the kid to come to the rescue.

Unfortunately, since he was controlled by Lu Li, a stormy baptism must be waiting for him. Moreover, Lu Li's stun was like a signal, and other output professions immediately pounced on him.

To put it bluntly, Sword of Judgment plays like a mad dog or a pack of wolves.

Whichever target the alpha wolf pounces on, the others will quickly switch to that target and finish it off with maximum attack.

This method has no technical content and is simple and crude, but it is very simple and effective against targets that are not as powerful as them. Sanyueyu's damage reduction group control has been retained until now, and it can completely protect itself.

The warlock fell.

The Magic Cup is a 5+1 event, with five main players plus one substitute. There are two situations where a substitute can come on the field. One is when one of the main players dies, and the other is when someone takes the initiative to leave the field and give way.

Substitute players enter the match map where their team originally appeared.

The Long Wish Guild's substitute had already come on stage when the Knight died, but unfortunately he couldn't wait for him to come over in this battle.

The Sword of Judgment triumphed in the first game and successfully accumulated one point. The next game will not continue until tomorrow.

Although they only defeated a relatively low-ranked guild, Sword of Judgment's performance was still impressive. Winning so cleanly at least showed that the championship team was not just a flash in the pan as some people said.

After the game, Lu Li and others also wanted to discuss the gains and losses of the game.

Especially since this game was the first game of the new lineup, Fat Monkey was criticized, and the same was true for Luo Ying's memories.

The former was too radical and out of touch with the team. When he was sneak attacked by the warlock, he stood too close to the warrior. A long-range professional and a melee professional were controlled at the same time. It was a low-end mistake.

"Reflect on it carefully. If we had encountered Wushuang City instead of Long-cherished Wish, we would probably have lost." Lu Li didn't say too harsh words.

We are all adults and understand everything, and he is not a tyrant.

Lu Li still had things to do. He was now going to help Xiaobajiang with her mission of raising the baby elf dragon.

This little girl recently visited many maps of Azeroth, and was almost captured by an ogre to cook roasted quail. Finally, she found some clues for the mission, but now she lacks a powerful thug.

After the game, Lu Li happened to be free today, so he went to the agreed place.

"Why are you here now? I've been waiting for you for a long time," Hachi-chan has recently been focusing on the quail form, a chubby little figure squatting on the roadside, with a 100% chance of turning heads.

"For the sake of an elf dragon, you didn't even care about the guild competition, right?" Lu Li knocked on her forehead.

"You win anyway, it doesn't matter whether you watch it or not." Maybe it's because she is really not interested in PK. Both she and Can Meng can fall asleep watching the game, so they would rather go shopping outside than stay in the auditorium. superior.

Thank you for the little pig that eats grass, the boring assassin, the helpless soul, the brand, the scar, the prairie fire road, 12365496, Nanying jade, Mc ghost, ★freedom fighter★, the wind is also misty, Ye Shuo, Guan Haotian, probably, book Monthly tickets from friends 110307135053825, 3754, and Qing Deng Mingyue.

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