The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 484 Horrible Totem

"Are you sure you teleported here?" Lu Li's face didn't look good.

"Scary Totem Camp, that's right," Xiaobajiang nodded seriously, not even noticing Lu Li's voice that was out of tune due to anger.

"Then are you sure you are looking for me to be a thug, not cannon fodder?" Lu Li wanted to turn around and leave.

Xiaobajiang's mind suddenly brightened up at this moment, and she immediately sensed Lu Li's intention to retreat, and stopped him in front of Lu Li with both hands and feet: "You can't leave, what will happen to my baby dragon if you leave?"

"This is the territory of Horrible Totem. The two of us are just delivering food," Lu Li was speechless.

Grimtotem is mainly active in Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles, Feralas and other places, and its members are mostly tauren warriors, shamans and druids. Their goal is to destroy all of the Tauren's enemies.

But if according to their standards, basically the whole world falls into this category, and they have simply declared war on the whole world.

Lu Li studied the origin of this race for a mission in his previous life.

He had come into contact with the tauren NPC from Thunder Bluff, and originally thought that in the eyes of the tauren, the Grimtotem was just an overly fanatical clan, but still acceptable to their kind. But what he didn't expect was that all he heard was some evil deeds of indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

The fellow tauren druid told him that although the name Grimtotem has a long history, its history as an organization is actually not very long.

Magatha Grimtotem and her followers believe that Cairne Bloodhoof's friendship with the orcs was a huge mistake. In their minds, Kalimdor is the territory of the tauren, and no other race has the right to interfere.

According to the historical progress of Dawn, the Grim Totem at this time should be attacking the settlements of goblins, centaurs and orcs, and even killing tauren living in the settlements of other races as traitors.

The entry level of these radicals is 35, and the average level is as high as 50. Don’t be too surprised if you see super bosses above level 60 in their large settlements.

As for the elf dragon that Bacchan is looking for, it is not difficult to understand that it will fall into the hands of the organization Horrible Totem.

It is said that Magatha's father was an old soul walker who spent many years listening to the cries of his ancestors and finally fell into madness.

According to speculation, my father believed that too many tribesmen had died at the hands of foreigners, and decided to make the invaders pay with their blood. He passed on his madness and enthusiasm to his daughter, who used him as a role model.

Magatha's father stubbornly believed that a real tauren warrior should ride a dragon and swoop down on the earth...

The leader of the Grimtotem - the Elder Crone Magatha. The Grimtotem is located in the Elder Highlands in Thunder Bluff. In fact, the tauren chief Cairn Bloodhoof has already had doubts about her activities.

She didn't dare to take any big action for the time being, but she ordered the church members outside to capture any kind of giant dragon, including the elf dragon.

"I'm sure my dragon egg is in this camp. Brother Lu Li, please help me get it back." Before she could get it, the little girl had already regarded the elf dragon as her own private property.

Her anger was so real that Lu Li couldn't help but shed a tear of sympathy for the tauren who were horror totems.

For her baby dragon, brother Lu Li, who had disappeared long ago, called out.

What does it mean to have breasts and be a mother? That’s all.

"I have to think of a way," Lu Li comforted himself. This was just Grimtotem Village, not Thunder Bluff.

Although they are not strong enough to rush into the camp to rescue the elf dragon, it seems that it is not difficult to sneak in if they think of a way.

"How about we bring the people from the guild over and level this camp," the dwarf, who claimed to be only a little over 1.4 meters tall despite claiming to be 1.5 meters tall, waved his hand very domineeringly.


Lu Li slapped her fat and fluffy quail head unceremoniously: "Don't cause trouble!"

The reason why Magatha Horrible Totem can't leave Thunder Bluff is because she has no excuse. If you attack their tribe, wouldn't it be an excuse to come to your doorstep? Even if Magatha doesn't take action, she will send hundreds of level 50 or 60 horrors. If the totem NPC comes over, even if the entire Sword of Judgment is placed here, it is probably no match.

"If I can't get my baby dragon, I won't leave," Hachi-chan's chubby body fell to the ground, holding her head and grunting.

He's just a high school student, and he's so sensible on weekdays, so even if he's cheating, it doesn't seem to make people disgusted.

Lu Li knew how deeply Xiao Bajiang was obsessed with the baby elf dragon, because he also had the obsession with the Supreme Ring, so he could understand this feeling.

He sighed in his heart, but also began to really think of a solution.

It's useless to break in forcefully. They don't know where the baby elf dragon is hiding, so they can't escape with one strike. If they scare the snake, it will be a dream if they try to break in next time.

If you are smart...

It would be easier to say that Lu Li or Xiao Bajiang were tauren. No matter how bad the reputation of the Grim Totem was and no longer being treated by the tribe, they were still tauren after all, right?


Lu Li's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of this?

Orb of Deception, this good thing that Lu Li always kept in his backpack was really useful.

He has only used this orb to transform into undead, but it does not mean that he can only become undead. The attribute description clearly states that the caster becomes a member of the hostile camp, which lasts for 1 hour and has a cooling time of 4 hours.

Because of the friendship between Kane and Thrall, the tauren sided with the tribe, so they were naturally a hostile camp.

"Stay here, don't run around," Lu Li gently kicked the little girl who was lying on the ground and said angrily, "I'll go in and help you find the dragon eggs."

"You are such a good person, Lu Li." As soon as Gulu got up, Hachijiang handed Lu Li a good person card.

"Humph, I just called Lu Li brother, but I changed my name before I got the benefits," Lu Li sneered and shook his head. There was really nothing he could do about such a weird little girl.

"Hehe, there was a slip of the tongue. It's okay to call him brother, not brother." Xiao Bajiang pulled Lu Li's arm in an awkward manner: "I want to go too."

Lu Li shook her off and shook his head seriously: "Don't make trouble. If you want a baby dragon, just be obedient."

"I'm not kidding. Without the dragon detector in my hand, you can't detect the position of the baby dragon at all. If they give you an egg, wouldn't I hatch a baby chicken," Hachi-chan Very persistent.

"What kind of detector? Bring it to me," Lu Li stretched out his hand.

The system prompts that the mission item cannot be traded.

He is really a dragon detector. He is worthy of being a mission master and is quite well prepared.

"Okay, I can take you in, but I have to tie you up," Lu Li thought for a moment and thought he had a strategy he could try.

Please give me a monthly vote, please give me some motivation to update, procrastination is so serious, thank you weilan83, book friend 121115230804790, deaR contract,, I am Zhang Fei, ★Freedom Fighter★, don’t forget Xia Feng, the inhumane Dong, Jiajia Dudu’s rewards and likes, thanks to Shishisuoyin and dfs950831 for their monthly votes.

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