"Tie...tie him up?" Hachi-chan was dumbfounded.

A few minutes later, a tall black-horned tauren approached the Grimtotem camp. He was wearing goatskin armor, with a purple-light halberd hanging around his waist, and carrying prey on his shoulders.

"Stop!" The two sentries at the entrance of the camp raised their weapons from a long distance away.

"Mother Earth is fooling you," the tauren roared angrily: "I am Tege from the Stone Horn Clan. I was slightly injured when I chased a centaur just now. I want to go in and get something to eat."

"Tege? Are you underage?" The sentry was of course also a tauren. He looked up and down at this uninvited guest with his round eyes.

"There are still three months to go. In three months, I will be Tege Shijiao, and I will become as powerful a warrior as Wage Shijiao," the black-horned tauren puffed up his chest, showing an extremely high sense of pride. .

Varg Stonehorn is the most powerful warrior in the history of the tauren. It is said that he has eighty-seven long and thick braids.

This heroic figure existed thousands of years ago, and his clan has gradually sunk into the long river of time. Except for the tauren, and they must be the kind with some knowledge, I am afraid no one knows about it.

Tauren regard 15 years of age as adulthood, and their life span is roughly the same as that of humans. They will have many names in their lives - a nickname from childhood, a very rustic one, similar to the human Goudan Erhei. They can have a formal name when they are young, but they cannot have a surname because they will use it during a duel. To shame the ancestors, you can only add your surname to the back when you are an adult. At this time, you have to fight for your clan.

The two sentries looked at each other, and the suspicion in their eyes gradually faded away. It was just an underage calf.

"If you are injured, I can take you to see the shaman," Sentinel A turned around and walked deeper into the camp, signaling Lu Li to follow him.

"Wait a minute, why does the prey on your shoulder look so much like an elf and is a druid?" When the tauren outsider who called himself Tege turned around, the prey on his shoulder was facing Sentinel B.

The sentry is also well-informed, and he can actually tell the race of the leopard after its transformation.

Well, this is actually Lu Li. He turned into a tauren, carrying the packed Xiaobajiang, as if he was returning from a hunt.

"Hmph, forget it, I almost killed that centaur today," Lu Li, who transformed into Tege, said angrily, "It's all my fault that this Druid actually stopped me..."

"You'd better kill her," Sentinel B immediately agreed with the enemy, and there was a strong tendency that if you don't do it, I will take the knife for you.

Lu Li's heart tightened. He was not afraid that the tauren would kill Xiao Bajiang. Anyway, he would lose 10% of his experience. The key was that the dragon detector would no longer be usable.

"Okay, Ka Xiu, we have no right to decide the fate of other people's prey. Just dying like this is really an advantage to these nosy guys. They should be tortured bitterly," Sentinel A interrupted Sentinel B.

Lu Li knew that he had made the right bet.

If we were to take the ordinary tauren clan, even though they and the night elves belong to different camps, they would not go too far. After all, tauren druids and night elf druids communicated the ways of nature in perfect harmony in Moonglade.

But the tauren clan of Grimtotem is an exception.

They firmly believe that this land is terminally ill and in urgent need of a thorough cleansing. Just like these two biscuits, not only will they not have any dissatisfaction with Lu Li for treating the night elf druids as prey, they will even have a favorable impression of Lu Li.

"You'd better be more honest when you meet the shaman later," Lu Li whispered to the little leopard who was tied up and lying on his shoulder.

"Woo... It's so scary here. Will they kill me?" Hachi-chan's claws were tied, otherwise she would have to cover her eyes.

The camp is indeed very scary. In addition to tents and simple houses, there are more erected pillars. There are many similar pillars in other Tauren camps, but those are totems. Powerful Tauren warriors may still Will pull it up and use it as a weapon.

The pillars in the Grimtotem camp are all torture racks.

There are corpses hanging on many pillars, and some corpses have even dried. Their races can still be vaguely seen, including goblins, centaurs, and orcs...

This kind of thing can be called terrifying at best, and there are several pillars that can only be described as disgusting.

They impaled the entire body of the short goblin on the pillar from the abdomen, with the internal organs flowing down the wound, and painted the pillar with a layer of dark red paint.

What's even more disgusting is a centaur that has been hung up. It can be seen from the still undulating abdomen that it is not completely dead, but half of his skin has been peeled off.

No wonder this camp will become the site of large-scale missions in the future. Players from the Horde and Alliance worked together with some night elves and Thunder Bluff tauren NPCs to not only siege the camp, but also execute all the Horror Totem tauren who did not have time to escape.

"Close your eyes, we are players," Lu Li used to comfort him privately, but now, he could only bite the bullet and steal the dragon egg.

He has cursed the game designers countless times in his mind. This place should put a sign at the door, prohibiting entry under the age of 18 and patients with heart disease.

Lu Li's calm behavior made Sentinel A have no intention of promoting him at all.

This calf head is a complete racial alien. Maybe he can be developed and let him join the camp of Horror Totem.

In a survival community consisting of small tribes, due to religious doctrines, even if there are druids in Grim Totem, they are weaklings, and those who play important roles are usually shamans.

The leader of the Grimtotem, Magatha. The Grimtotem is a powerful shaman. It is said that she can "hear the cry of Mother Earth in her dreams" and "the spirits of the ancestors tell her about the disasters caused by outsiders". So she went too far.

The shaman of Grimtotem Village is an older female tauren.

Many female tauren choose to become shamans, making it easier for them to feel connected to Mother Earth.

Lu Li dropped Xiao Bajiang at his feet and bent down to salute the elderly female tauren in front of him. No matter what position he was in, the tauren tribe's respect for the shaman would not change.

"Boy, I heard that you are a descendant of Wag, but I didn't expect that the Shijiao tribe has not been extinct yet," the shaman raised his head and asked.

She was not as ferocious and crazy as Lu Li imagined. Instead, she had a warmth that came from being close to nature. She was almost like a kind old woman, which formed a strong contrast with the blood on the torture racks outside.

Please give me monthly votes. Thanks to Ethan_Mo, Shadow Rufeng, AKng, Dahan Ranger Er★Wind, Edwards, Wuyue Lianhua, Ye Zifeng, Big Water Bottle, and Xiaotian Buxiaoyu for their monthly votes.

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