The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 486 Blending in

"We are sheltered under the totem pole of the Farstrider clan. The clan members are already very few," Lu Li said with a heavy expression, and his black horns won the shaman's trust.

In his previous life, he had indeed seen people from the Shijiao tribe, with black horns and countless messy braids.

The Farstriders were the most complex tauren tribe. They did not settle in Thunder Bluff, and their traces could be found in every corner of Kalimdor. This fluid tribal life made Lu Li's lies even more seamless.

Just a deceptive orb is not enough to support his lies.

His profound knowledge of Dawn's historical background, his understanding of various races, and even his knowledge of some off-beat tribes were the real reasons why he was so at home.

"You can enjoy our food," the shaman nodded and motioned to the attendant next to him to bring food to Lu Li.

Mulgore spiced bread, honey drink, wild boar ham

Fortunately, Lu Li was a player. In theory, the amount of food he ate was just data. He devoured all these extremely rough-tasting things without blinking an eye.

After eating, I actually gained a state of +10 strength attribute.

Of course it's not a permanent bonus, it's only for half an hour, otherwise Lu Li would have made a fortune.

"I want to take a rest here and repair my leather armor." Lu Li casually wiped his glossy mouth, then wiped it roughly on his mane, and said angrily: "If there is a good centaur, Leather armor, I want to buy one, the Tabu sheepskin armor is too hot."

Leather armor is made from the skin of centaurs, which is a characteristic of Grimtotem. This kind of leather is thin, cool and warm, and has high toughness.

"Please feel free to do so," the shaman said. He was very happy that Lu Li liked this kind of leather armor, which opened the door to convenience.

After Lu Li exited the shaman's tent, Sentinel A went back to stand guard at the entrance of the camp. At least he gained the trust of these horror totem tauren in the short term.

"Have you detected the dragon egg? Don't tell me it's in that tent," Lu Li sent a private message with his mind, holding Hachi-chan in one hand.

The shaman just now is definitely a real BOSS template, with a level of no less than fifty. He may be the most powerful existence in this camp. If the dragon egg is hidden in her barracks, then Hachi-chan can’t count on any dragon babies. .

"I didn't notice it," Hachi-chan said in confusion, "I haven't felt anything."

"There should be a place where they hatch these egg-like lives," compared to viviparous babies, eggs are indeed more troublesome and require more stringent conditions.

Following this line of thinking, Lu Li and the others began to look for the animal pen.

Lu Li didn't dare to leave Xiaoba Jiang casually. Firstly, he relied on the dragon sensor on her body, and secondly, he was worried that she would be picked up and eaten by the tauren, so he could only carry her around the camp.

"Is there any," Lu Li asked for the nth time.

"Are you bothering me? You've asked me seven or eight times. Let's go to the barracks." Xiao Bajiang was tossed around like an object on Lu Li's shoulders, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

"We only have one hour. If our true colors are revealed here, I guess it will be easy to peel off the skin," Lu Li threatened. He walked obediently into the fence of the Minotaur barracks. There are many young people here who have been trained by professional instructors. Minotaur.

Although it is said that the entire clan is a warrior, there are only the most true warriors here.

After Lu Li walked into the barracks, he felt really guilty.

Still, he seemed to have gained the trust of the Grimtotem, and the tauren recruits didn't pay much attention to his arrival.

"Wow, that little calf is so cute, so cute." Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, Hachi-chan became active again. She seemed to have no resistance to cute creatures.

No matter how ferocious the monster is, it still has some cuteness when it was a child. What it lacks is just the eyes to see the cuteness.

"Shut up, believe it or not, it can bite your head off in one bite," Lu Li threatened her, but his sharp eyes were secretly searching the legendary animal pen.

The animal pen is an indispensable thing for any tribal group.

Their extra prey may be kept in animal pens if they can't finish it for a while, and they also domesticate some livestock such as Tapu sheep and kodos.

If the dragon eggs have not hatched yet, the most likely place to store them is probably the animal pen. There are nutrient tanks, hatching chambers, culture fluids suitable for hatching... in short, that's it.

Finally found the target, right next to the blacksmith shop.

"Ha, boy, your halberd is pretty good," the blacksmith tauren shouted at Lu Li, holding a hammer in one hand and a big iron lump in the other.

Lu Li had to stop and talk.

"This was left to me by my father. It was forged with amethyst ore. It is the craftsmanship of the Dark Iron Dwarves."

Hachi-chan curled her lips secretly. She realized more and more that her captain was a liar, lying casually and without blushing.

It was obviously a piece of silver equipment dropped by the Scarlet Monastery. It had to be said to be an artifact with a long history.

"Bring it to me, kid," the blacksmith threw the iron lump in his hand and stretched out his hand as big as a cattail leaf fan to Lu Li.

"No, unless you defeat me, there is no coward in the Stonehorn clan who throws away his weapons, even if I am not an adult," the blacksmith was furious when he heard the little tauren's previous words, but after he said the next words, he could only Able to hold back anger forcefully.

The young minotaurs waiting to forge weapons nearby burst into laughter.

"Go home and feed yourself, damn calf," the blacksmith said. Of course, it was impossible for the blacksmith to actually duel with an underage tauren.

Lu Li grunted and rubbed for a while, even raising his hoof provocatively, and then Shiran left the blacksmith shop and entered the animal pen.

The NPC in the animal pen is an old tauren male. This is normal. Only the elderly are familiar with reproduction and can truly understand life. They often lose their fighting ability and enthusiasm, so they will not be abandoned by the tribe.

"How can I help you, young man?" the old tauren asked weakly.

"I want to know how to turn a druid into a pet. As you can see, I caught a little druid when I was hunting centaurs in the forest," Lu Li bumped Xiaobajiang with his shoulder.

This little girl's hands and feet were tied, but her teeth were free. When she heard that she was going to be turned into a pet, she left two rows of teeth marks on the rough skin of Lu Li's back.

"I thought only hunters would be keen on this research," the old tauren smiled perfunctorily: "Your Excellency, Cenarius, please let the druid go."

"But I always have to have a pet," Lu Li muttered dissatisfiedly: "Can I see the pets here?"

"Perhaps you can pick a Kodo for yourself, and when it is raised, you can ride it to fight with the clan leader." The old tauren saw that Lu Li was just an ignorant calf, so he lost interest.

He started napping there again.

Thanks to Jiajia Dudu, I am Zhang Fei, weilan83, Yue Aiping, Mo Wangxi Feng, Yue Xiaoduo for their rewards and likes, and thanks to Swordsman Feitian, Fallen Bright Sage, Genius Yue, Hypocrisy xw Reality, Xuanyuan Monthly passes for Dragon and Ivinster.

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