The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 682 Strange Brothers

"Well..." The waitress hesitated, as if she had contacted someone through some means. After a while, she said, "I asked the gentleman for permission, and he agreed to your request."

"Thank you," Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Remulos knew about it, there would be no problem in this matter. Ravenholdt Manor was famous for its mystery, but the Cenarion Council was the strongest in the continent. Almost all druids in the entire continent were believers in this sect.

If he accidentally cheated Remulos's brother, Lu Li couldn't imagine the consequences.

"But Lu Li..." the waitress hesitated and said, "You must clarify your position. If you question the content of the mission again next time, it is likely to leave a bad impression on some important people. This sentence is My own advice, for the sake of your daily ale."

"Of course, thank you for your advice," Lu Li thanked him solemnly.

The water elf didn't say much from beginning to end, just watching Lu Li communicating with the waitress. No, she should be looking at Lu Li's fingers. Lu Li even saw signs of swallowing on her thin white neck.

For good equipment, rich women have a kind of greed from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's bound and cannot be traded," but Lu Li didn't give her a chance to speak, and crushed her greed with malice.

"You are cruel," the water elf said bitterly.

The waitress left after posting the mission. If she stayed here for too long, it would arouse the curiosity of the players, and it would be inconvenient for Lu Li to come over to take over the mission in the future.

"Should you call someone or should I call someone? If the copy can only have five people, calling three more seems to be enough," the water elf asked.

"Don't you have a Xiong T named Cang Shui Changge in your guild? Call him over, and I'll call a healer and a thief," Lu Li said confidently.

"Thieves? You still want to call them thieves? We already have two thieves," the water elf was surprised.

"Three thieves, two druids, this is how Marathon is fought," Lu Li explained calmly. He never thought of using a regular lineup to defeat Marathon from the beginning.

If it were a regular lineup, it would take at least one day to finish a Marathon.

This does not include the possibility of being wiped out by the group in the middle. The BOSS in Marathon is either very strong or there are a lot of them, but the mobs are very powerful. Some people have counted that the average player will be wiped out in Marathon. If it happens ten times, at least seven times it will be destroyed by the mobs. .

"Have you been to Marathon before?" the water elf asked curiously.

So far, I haven't heard of anyone getting the first kill of Marathon, which means that no one has cleared the private dungeon of Marathon. If Lu Li has downloaded this dungeon, doesn't it mean that he has also failed.

"It's not a mistake," Lu Li responded vaguely and started calling people.

For treatment, it was obviously Xiaobajiang, and the thieves had no second choice. Lu Li called Cain's left hand. This guy recently got a good piece of equipment, which can add some security to this operation.

Cang Shui Changge is considered a relatively high-end male player in Weiyu Pavilion. He is not a competitive player and only plays PVE, so he gets along well with these girls.

If Azure Sea Breeze is the number one MT in Dawn, then Cang Shui Changge can at least be called the number one Bear MT even if it is not as good as Azure Sea Breeze. He is famous for his super high HP among defense professions, and his reduction There are also many damage skills, and occasionally you can add blood to yourself...

Lu Li asked the water elf to buy supplies, and it teleported to Moonlight Grove.

Outside the temple in Moonlight Grove, Lu Li saw Remulos who never seemed to get enough sleep.

Before Lu Li arrived, a lot of druids had gathered here, most of them players. Since this place was opened to players, there are always players of various races trying to get opportunities here.

Since there are various races, naturally there will no longer be any alliance tribes.

At least in Moonlight Grove, there is no distinction between alliance tribes. Although players can attack each other, once they take action, they must be prepared to withstand the wrath of Druid NPCs. These level 60 NPCs can kill players with almost a single blow.

These players quietly waited for Remulos to wake up.

Cheng Menlixue's allusion affected too many people, especially when there was a huge disparity in strength, and few people dared to rashly wake up the jungle guardian.

Perhaps because he had been in contact with him several times before, Remulos opened his eyes the moment Lu Li arrived.

"Your Excellency, I have brought news about Maraudon," Lu Li saluted the powerful jungle guardian. His calm attitude was in sharp contrast to the frightened players around him.

"Maraudon..." Remulos thought about it for a moment, shook his head and sighed: "My poor brother."

"I received a commission. The person wanted to know something about ancient times, so he asked me to bring out the soul of Lord Zarta." Lu Li said after careful consideration, "I have received a guarantee from my employer that I will not do anything to him." Your Excellency Zarta is in trouble, do you have anything to entrust?"

"It seems that there is nothing I can entrust you to do." Remulos looked a little weird and waved his branch-like arms and said, "If you can, please use up my brother's soul and then send it back." ”

"Pfft," Lu Li was lucky that he didn't drink water, otherwise he would have sprayed it out.

what is this!

Why was it so different from what he expected? He originally thought that even if Remulos didn't care about his brother that much, he would still help Zalta for the sake of blood. He didn't expect that Remulos would ask for Zalta's death. Send it back.

"Yes," Remulos said firmly, "Do you think I haven't been to Marathon?"

"Then, you failed to defeat Princess Theradras?" Lu Li was very curious. He was full of gossipy curiosity about these so-called immortal beings.

"How is it possible?" Remulos shook his head: "How could those ignorant and humble existences block my steps? However, I did not bring back my brother's soul because it did not want to leave."

Yes, the son of Cenarius, a great being second only to demigods, how could Remulos sit back and watch others torture his brother.

There must be something hidden in it that Lu Li didn't know about.

"In that case, I will act according to your wishes," Lu Li said with a little regret that he had not received the mission, and planned to say goodbye and leave.

"My brother should be awake. You can ask him if there is anything he needs you to do. If there is anything, you do it for him, and then I will pay you," Remulos added.

"Thank you for your generosity, I will do my best," Lu Li saluted before teleporting away from Moonlight Grove.

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