The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 683 Five people kill the BOSS

Teleported to the Desolate Land, Lu Li and the people called by the water elves were already waiting there.

Three thieves and two druids are all professions that can sneak. One druid is responsible for healing, the other is responsible for resisting monsters, and the remaining three thieves are responsible for output.

Druid is so awesome, and the Tiger Balm profession is no joke.

"Hello, Master Lu Li, if you have any Druid defense equipment in the future, you must consider me," Cang Shui Changge paused and said, "We, Sister Shui, are rich now..."

So shameless.

"If you say another word, get back immediately." The water elf glanced at him and immediately silenced him.

A wealthy woman speaks out in her guild, which is quite authoritative.

After getting to know each other, Lu Li said: "Before you go to the dungeon, why don't you help me fight a wild BOSS. It shouldn't be difficult. Five people will be enough."

He also came up with the idea temporarily when he arrived at the Desolate Land, and remembered that there was a very special BOSS here.

As for why he didn't use people from his own guild to secretly kill the BOSS another day, the reason is not complicated. After all, he and the water elf are allies, and sharing her share of the pie is nothing. If Lu Li doesn't kill today, he will kill the first one tomorrow. The local tyrants might think of the connection between them, and a rift arises out of a good alliance just because of a BOSS.

In addition, the things this BOSS exploded were really ordinary and not worthy of Lu Li's attention at all.

Well, in fact, the second reason was why Lu Li didn't want to go to all this trouble. He had defeated this BOSS several times in his previous life. If the Grand Guild hadn't been too lazy to ask, how would it have been for individual people like them to get their turn.

"What kind of BOSS can five people defeat?" Others didn't quite believe it.

Desolation is a level 40 map, filled with centaurs, vultures, kodos, lizards, air elements, hyenas, and thunder lizards. There are even many demons and demon followers of the Burning Blade clan, and these monsters are distributed everywhere. Extremely dense.

Currently, apart from the needs of minerals and other resources, few players will level up here.

Because leveling here is inefficient, the monsters are not easy to kill, the experience points are not rich enough, and the items dropped are lackluster.

"Sending is rather strange. I only developed it recently. We need everyone to try it. If we fail, we may lose some experience," Lu Li said half-seriously.

"What are you afraid of? If you can really kill the BOSS, it doesn't matter if you lose some experience," Cang Shui Changge said excitedly.

He acted like most players. He was excited when he heard that he could kill BOSS, because everyone knew that BOSS meant top-quality materials, equipment, experience and skill books, and even precious special props.

Lu Li did not say that the BOSS was shabby, and led everyone out of the Niel Outpost in the Desolate Land.

This land was originally part of Feralas and was once rich and green. After the invasion of the Burning Legion, the creatures on the ground were killed in droves, and the land became barren.

After the Burning Legion was defeated at Mount Hyjal, a large number of surviving demons retreated here, and the warlocks of the Burning Blade clan also followed.

Coupled with the presence of centaurs, it also made restoring the natural resources of this area a challenge. A group of adventurers built a camp at Niel Outpost, which they used as a base to fight against the Malodi tribe.

The outpost is full of mercenaries. They gain wealth by fighting. However, these mercenaries are not trustworthy. Some of them even do business with centaurs.

After leaving the outpost, all five of them sneaked away, and Lu Li specifically checked to see if there were any followers.

He actually detected two scouts, both level 45 NPCs. If he took action, they would transform into monsters, similar to robbers and bandits. After killing players, they could plunder the wealth dropped by players.

Their stealth level was good, but it was almost impossible to track them stealthily, especially in the wild with dense monsters, so they turned around and went back in frustration after following them for a while.

In line with the principle that doing more is worse than doing less, Lu Li did not take action against them.

The water elf was eager to give it a try and wanted to show off some of the following NPCs, but in the end Lu Li tried to dissuade him because he had no luck.

Following the Thunder Ax Fortress and passing by Cormic's Hut, the group spent a lot of time before gradually arriving at the destination Lu Li mentioned - Mannoroth Assembly Hall.

These remaining demonic buildings were obtained from the Abyss Lord Mannoroth. They should have been established by the Shadow Council to summon the minions of the Burning Legion. The Burning Blade Clan reopened these portals with the hand of Erussus, so the darkness from time to time Green fireballs fall from the sky and hit the ground, often forming secondary fire elements.

These monsters from another world are not very powerful, at least they cannot satisfy the Burning Blade Clan.

"The system prompts that this is the Mannoroth Assembly Hall. Are there many abyss lords here?" Cang Shui Changge turned pale.

This actually made Lu Li look at him with admiration. At least this guy knew about the Abyss Lord Mannoroth and was not an ignorant and cute druid like Hachi-chan.

"Don't worry, there aren't any abyss lords here," Lu Li comforted.

According to records in some books, the race of Abyss Lords "has the outstanding power to destroy all life." These huge guys with dragon-like bodies and a pair of abominable wings come from the underworld at the farthest edge of the universe.

The underworld is a world connected to the magic of chaos, the lair of evil creatures bent on consuming the world.

That kind of place is full of battles. The fighting skills developed by the abyss lords in this environment make them terrifying monsters. These huge guys are keen on killing, and a stable life cannot satisfy their desire to fight.

So when Archimonde the Defiler persuaded them to accept conscription into Sargeras's army, the pit lords gladly obeyed.

Mannoroth was the most prominent among them, and was appointed as the vanguard general of the time.

Mannoroth is a violent demon full of destructive desires. He has a strong interest in hatred and killing. As the head of the three lords of the abyss demons and one of the senior leaders of the Burning Legion, he tried to seduce Mannoroth in Kil'jaeden. Mannoroth played an important role when the orcs invaded Azeroth.

At that time, the second invasion of the Burning Legion had begun. At the suggestion of the vampire demon lord Tichondrius, Maronos dropped his blood into a spring and lured the orcs to discover the spring. As expected, Hellscream couldn't resist the temptation and took the lead in drinking the spring water with the blood of Mannoroth. This greatly increased the strength of the Warsong clan, destroying the night elves' protection in one fell swoop and successfully killed Cenarius.

Of course, the immortal jungle demigod was later resurrected from the void, even more powerful.

With the guidance of Medivh and the help of human leader Jaina Proudmoore, Thrall managed to regain Grom Hellscream's consciousness through a ritual, and realized that he had almost led the orcs into Hellscream and Hellscream's irreversible fate again. Thrall went together to try to defeat Malonoth.

But Maronoth was so powerful that he easily defeated Thrall.

At the critical moment, Hellscream sacrificed his life with a single blow, relying on the power obtained from the demon's blood and pouring all his strength into it, killing Maronos, but he also died in Maronos' final counterattack.

With the death of Mannoroth, the boiling demon blood in the orcs also calmed down, and they were finally freed from the demon's curse forever.

This is what is recorded in most game books, but some books scorn it. They believe that the powerful Abyss Lord will never really die. He gathers strength in the abyss and will return with the power of summons.

Mannoroth's Gathering Hall is one such place.

What Lu Li wanted to kill was the BOSS responsible for presiding over the summoning ceremony here—Zugka, the high priest of the Burning Blade Clan, a level 45 high-level warlock, and the most powerful being on this map.

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