The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 684 Hell Power Core

Zugra is not easy to kill. His level is not even fifty, but he has a huge army of demons under his command.

Although these demon soldiers are not disobedient to his orders, they are counting on him to resurrect the demon king Azresok. If there are foreign invaders attacking Zurgkar, they do not mind fighting for Zurgkar.

There were also players who came together as a team and tried to fight the BOSS to explode equipment, but they were all killed by the endless demon army.

There are many large-scale guild groups among them.

You can also search for information online in the game. The water elf quickly found the relevant information. She pulled Lu Li and said, "Are you sure you want to deal with this guy? What will you do with so many monsters?"

It's not that this BOSS cannot be killed, any guild in Weiyu Pavilion or Sword of Judgment has this strength.

As long as ten hundred-man groups are dispatched to plow up all the demons and monsters on this map, and then four or five elite groups are deployed to kill the BOSS, they will definitely be able to kill the other guilds before they can react.

After all, it is only a level 45 BOSS, and the mobs are only a little over 40.

Any monster is designed to be killed by players, and Zurgka is no exception. The reason why no major guild pays attention to fighting this BOSS is because it is not worth the effort to mobilize troops for it.

"There's no need to fight the monsters," Lu Li told her to calm down.

"If we don't fight so many monsters, why should we fight the BOSS directly?" If he didn't have good trust in Lu Li, the water elf would have kicked him out of the team long ago.

"Did you see those fire bombs?" Lu Li asked, pointing at the green sky.

This is a sky polluted by demons. On the altar on the ground, magic power is constantly flowing, and the demon summoning gate is trying to summon powerful demonic beings.

These fire bombs are the lowest life forms in other worlds. When they hit the ground, they either disintegrate or form hellfires one by one.

Hellfire is a monster made of stone. Their soul is demon fire. Just a little demon fire can support these stone monsters to become warriors who are not afraid of death.

However, due to the incompleteness of the summoning gate, these hellfires were weakened by the turbulence of space. What Lu Li and the others saw were only secondary hellfires.

"That's a secondary hellfire," Cang Shui Changge clearly knew what he was dealing with: "Level 45, super high attack, super high defense, and comes with a burning aura, so he's not afraid of group attacks..."

"Then what are its shortcomings?" Lu Li couldn't help but look at this person with admiration.

"The shortcomings are also obvious. They exist for a short time. There is only one minute and thirty seconds from birth to collapse." Cang Shui Changge added: "When they collapse, it is equivalent to self-destruction, which will cause large-scale group damage. .”

"It seems that you are very knowledgeable," Lu Li nodded: "Our goal is to deal with these hellfires before they explode."

"Although it only takes a minute and a half, it doesn't seem to be difficult," the water elf has always been very confident in himself. What's more, with Lu Li, a powerful output, how can a level 45 elite monster be their opponent.

"Be careful not to attract other monsters. Those hellfires that landed on the monster pile cannot be moved," Lu Li said.

The water elves were dumbfounded. There were very few hellfires landing in remote places. By the time everyone sneaked away from the monsters and ran there, the hellfires would have collapsed on their own.

"Hellfire has a certain trajectory when it lands. From the time you see it, it will take about twenty seconds to fall to the ground," Cang Shui Changge quickly found the answer.

Before the hellfire falls to the ground, it is actually a burning stone. If they hit the ground heavily, they will either collapse or expand into hellfire monsters.

"That's right, when we see hellfires falling, we have to figure out where they landed. If it's a remote place, then we go to the landing and wait. This can save a lot of time in looking for monsters," Lu Li began to assign tasks. : "Left hand, you and the two druids find a remote place to wait. If any monsters land next to you, kill them. The water elves and I will go find those farther away."

"No problem," Cang Shui Changge asked puzzledly, "But why do we want to kill Hellfire."

Wasn't it about fighting the BOSS? Why did it suddenly turn into fighting the Hellfire? He claimed to be a smart man, but he couldn't understand Lu Li's purpose and just felt it was baffling.

"The goal is to explode the Hell Power Core from Hellfire. At least four are needed, five is best," Lu Li said.

The five people moved in two groups. Lu Li and the water elf ran straight towards a hellfire that was about to fall to the ground. They were all thieves who followed an agile route and moved very fast while sneaking.

However, Wangshan broke his leg while running, and looking at the not-so-distant distance, it was very difficult to actually run.

The main reason was that Lu Li requested that these demons and monsters not be disturbed. When they arrived at the landing site of the Hellfire, they only saw the scene of the Hellfire disintegrating.

This happened to several monsters in a row. It wasn't until one landed not far from them that Lu Li and the water elf arrived in time and worked together to quickly kill the level 45 elite monster.

Unfortunately, this secondary hellfire didn't have what Lu Li wanted.

"The explosion rate is so low!" The water elf spent a lot of effort to kill a hellfire, but who knew that it would not explode 100%.

"We just hit the first one. It's too early to say that the explosion rate is low," Lu Li rolled his eyes and rushed to where the next Hellfire landed.

"With that hell power core, will it be easier to fight the BOSS?" The water elf was a little slower than Lu Li, and it was very difficult to follow him. She had to frequently speed up or drink some potion.

Catching up with another Hellfire, Lu Li rushed in front of the monster with a lunge and hit it with a headshot.

This time I had better luck, and a hell power core exploded. It was a piece of turquoise crystal, with a strong demonic aura exuding all over it. Holding it in your hand made people feel dizzy as if their souls had been sucked away.

"You'll know later. Why ask?" Lu Li put the Hell Power Core into his backpack and refused to explain.

Aren't you a cold goddess? Why are you not cold at all?

The only person who dared to do this to a water elf without being chopped down was probably Lu Li.

The second piece of Hell Power Core arrived belatedly. It exploded after killing seven or eight Hellfires, which made Lu Li a little upset. He originally thought that Hellfires should be easy to kill, but he ignored the ones that were suitable for killing. The fact that there are too few monsters.

It took nearly two hours in total to defeat five hell power cores.

Gathering together again, Lu Li divided the hell power cores one by one, and then led everyone deep into the Mannoroth Assembly Hall and arrived in front of the Zugka Altar.

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